노후를 편안히 보낼 혁신적인 친환경 수직 농장주택 Revolutionary “Homefarm” Combines Retirement Homes with Eco-Friendly Vertical Farming

Revolutionary “Homefarm” Combines Retirement Homes with Eco-Friendly Vertical Farming

건축회사 '스파크'사는 최근 은퇴자들이 편하게 보낼 수 있는 친환경 농장주택 디자인을 선보였다.

테라스 등에 설치된 공간에 친환경 무기농으로 채소나 과일 등을 길러 먹을 수 있다.

생활과 농장 공간이 함께 있는 글자그대로 자연 주택인 셈이다. 

농장주택은  농장 채소 영양공급에 필요한 생선 폐기물 황박을 사용하며 빗물의 재활용과 중수도 처리시스템에 의해 친환경적으로 운영된다.

싱가포르는 2030년까지 65세 인구가 전체 인구의 20%를 차지하게 된다. 거기에다

식품도 거의 수입에 의존하고 있다. 실버대책이 필요한 시점이다.

스파크사는 2018년까지 말레이지아 쿠알라룸푸르에 첫 농장주택을 건설할 계획이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Sara Barnes

Architecture firm Spark has recently unveiled Homefarm, a health, housing and farming concept that revolutionizes urban retirement. The proposed plan would offer its residents a space for living and another for farming, allowing them to take part in the agricultural process if they wish.

Spark’s idea is an alternative to typical retirement communities and nursing homes, which can feel impersonal and sterile. Instead, they hope to make this lifestyle change an active and empowering experience. This comes at the right time, too—Singapore’s aging population, for instance, is rapidly increasing. By the year 2030, one-fifth of residents are expected to be over 65 years old. In addition, a majority of its food is imported rather than locally grown, so Homefarm will help increase production of domestic fruits and vegetables.

The curvilinear structure will wrap around a large central courtyard that’s outfitted with staggered terraces and an aquaponic vertical farming system. Having this eco-friendly arrangement will collect rainwater and treated gray water, with fish waste providing the nutrients needed to grow produce. Any agricultural waste will be fed into an onsite biomass power plant.

Homefarm will include a variety of housing styles. One-bedroom studios will be available, as well four-bedroom apartments to accommodate larger, multi-generational families. All units will have views of the courtyard and marketplace, where residents can work on a part-time basis. Here, they would sell the fruits and vegetables for additional income, which can have positive psychological benefits. “The commercial farming activity supports its residents in a socially and environmentally sustainable environment,” Spark director Stephen Pimbley explained toDezeen, “helping the older generation retain an active community involvement that mitigates against dementia and promotes self-esteem.”

The architects hope to build the first installment of Homefarm in Kuala Lumpur by 2018.

Spark Architects: Website | Facebook
via [Dezeen and Inhabitat]



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