스키타고 싶다? 이 빌딩에 사세요 These new Kazakhstan flats are getting an insane ski slope on the roof(VIDEO)

카자흐스탄 건축가들, 

“커브 스키 지붕 프로젝트” 내어놓아 

Oh yep, we’ve got a ski run on the roof (Picture: CEN) source metro.co.uk

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

    겨울철이면 적지않은 사람들이 스키를 즐긴다. 카자흐스탄 건축가들이 “커브 스키 지붕 프로젝트”를 내어놓아 대중들의 비준을 얻어낼 수 있기를 기대하고 있다.

비준만 받아낸다면 이들은 카자흐스탄 알마티시의 한 주상복합 빌딩에 스키용 커브를 구축해 옥상에서 지상까지 바로 닿을 수 있게 건설하게 된다.


이렇게 되면 빌딩에 거주하는 주민들은 스키타는 방법으로 고층에서 내려올 수 있으며 운동과 함께 재미도 얻을 수 있다. 설계에 따르면 커브 총 길이는 약 326미터, 폭은 27미터에 달한다.


알마티시의 겨울철은 아주 길며 평균 기온이 섭씨 영하 20도에 달한다. 영국 《데일리 메일》에서 알마티 시정 관원의 말을 인용해 번화한 도심에 스키 커브를 건설하는 것은 세계에서 처음이라고 밝혔다. 프로젝트 디자인에 참여한 블라디미르 쿠는 커브 스키 빌딩은 현지 스키 운동 애호가들의 사랑을 받을 것이며 사람들이 지루한 겨울동안 수시로 한차례 “모험 여행”을 즐길 수 있게 할 것이라고 밝혔다. [글/ 신화사 기자 차오잉(喬穎), 번역/ 신화망 한국어판]

[신화사 베이징 11월 21일] 

Alison Lynch for Metro.co.uk

Oh yep, we’ve got a ski run on the roof (Picture: CEN)

We’d be happy with a small garden, but maybe we should dream bigger.

Because residents of this new development will soon be able to ski off their roof, down to the street below.

Architects behind the House Slalom project in the city of Almaty, in south-eastern Kazakhstan, this week unveiled their ambitious plans for a giant ski slope on the roof of the building.

The city often experiences long winters, with temperatures averaging around minus 20 degrees Celsius and cold weather typically lasting from November through to April.

So, it seems like a wasted opportunity not to have a ski slope on your roof right?

Pic shows: The building slalom concept in Almaty. Winter sports lovers faced with having to drive hours to get to the nearest ski slope will now have one in their own backyard after plans to build a ski run on top of a new housing complex. A group of architects who have come up with the idea for the House Slalom project in the city of Almaty in south-eastern Kazakhstan which has now been presented to the public. Winter is often a tough time for people living in the capital with temperatures averaging around -20 C and cold conditions lasting from November right away through to April. One of the team that worked on the project, Vladimir Ku, said that with such a long period of winter conditions, it was a tragedy that there was not the opportunity to do winter sports with any suitable slopes in the area, which was the motivation behind the new project by architect Shohan Mataybekov. He said: "It would be an instant hit for all the ski and snowboard lovers of Alamty." The total length of the slalom would be 326 meters or 1069í5 ft, the width ñ 27 meters or 88í6 ft. The City Council officials now need to approve the project which would see the first floor devoted to shops and the upper floorsh and private housing accommodation. He added that the project was the first of its kind in the world and would be the first slalom course in a busy centre anywhere. (ends)

(Picture: CEN)

Vladimir Ku, a member of the project team, said the fact that there were no ski slopes in the area was a key motivation for the project.

‘It would be an instant hit for all the ski and snowboard lovers of Almaty,’ he said of the 1,069.5 foot long course.

While we don’t, fortunately, have the cold conditions they have in Kazakhstan, we reckon someone should definitely stick a dry ski slope on the top of a building somewhere.

In the meantime, we’ll just have to improvise*.



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