토론토의 독서가를 위한 휴식 공간 Toronto's Giant "Story Pod" Unfolds into an Open-Air Library for Public Reading

Toronto's Giant "Story Pod" Unfolds into an Open-Air Library for Public Reading

건축디자인 스튜디오 AKB는 캐나다의 토론토에 독서가들을 위한 공간을 마련했다.

이름은 '스토리 포드 Story Pod' 

토론토 뉴마켓 도심 중심가에 위치한 이 독서공간은 

앉아서 독서를 하거나 휴식을 취할 수 있으며 사람들의 만남의 공간으로도 활용될 수 


스토리 포드는 책처럼 펼치고 접을 수 있게 되어 있다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Anna Gragert

Architecture studio AKB is bewitching Toronto's book lovers with an inviting design known as the Story Pod. As its name suggests, it's a pod for stories. Located near Main Street in the town of Newmarket, the compact construction serves its purpose as a book exchange where visitors can take a book, leave a book, or lounge on the built-in seating for a relaxing reading session. Regardless of the reasoning behind a person's visit to the pod, each person is met with an artistically designed structure with a series of vertical slats. When the slats are closer together, they look like an opaque wall, but they reveal book stacks when the openings are widened. There are also gaps backed by transparent plastic, which allows light to filter through and add to the piece's dynamic nature. 

To invite readers into the space, Story Pod's doors pivot open in the morning to mimic the covers of a book. Once nighttime falls and the doors are locked to protect the books, energy efficient LED lights (which are powered by the roof's solar panels) make the structure look like a lantern. For those who are walking around at night, the Story Poddoubles as a beacon of illumination.

AKB: Website | Instagram | Story Pod
via [archatlas]



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