M15, 영국인 IS '지하디 존' 사망 관련 보복 여부 촉각 Jihadi John 'dead': MI5 on alert amid fears of Isil revenge attack - as it happened

Jihadi John 'dead': MI5 on alert amid fears of Isil revenge attack - as it happened

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미국 주도 시리아 IS 대상 공습 동참 보복

M15, 영국인 IS '지하디 존' 사망 관련 

보복 여부 감시 중

미국 정부, 드론공격 '지하디존' 아직 사망 확인 못해

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   프랑스 파리의 공연장과 축구경기장 등 6곳에서 13일(현지시간) 밤부터 14일 새벽까지 총기 난사와 자살폭탄공격 등 최악의 동시다발 테러가 발생해 최소 129명이 사망했다. 

IS는 "프랑스는 무슬림을 공습하고 예언자 모하마드를 모욕하는 데 앞장섰다"며 이번 테러가 프랑스가 지난 9월부터 시리아에서 미국이 주도하는 IS 대상 공습에 동참한 데 대한 보복과 경고의 의미임을 분명히 밝혔다.


American officials say we may never know whether the drone strike did indeed kill Jihadi John

By Harriet Alexander, Leon Watson, Barney Henderson and David Millward



Summary: what we know so far

MI5 is on high alert amid fears that Isil fanatics are already plotting revenge attacks for the reported killing of Jihadi John in a drone strike in Raqqa, Syria.

The communications of known sympathisers are being monitored closely as surveillance is stepped up to prevent a terrorist outrage in revenge for the operation which is now widely acknowledged to have resulted in the death of Mohammed Emwazi– who as Jihadi John – earned global notoriety.

In a separate development the Telegraph has also disclosed that Jihadi John has fathered a son who is entitled to British citizenship and could be brought to live in the UK..

The identity and nationality of the boy’s mother is not known, but as a British citizen, Emwazi will pass his citizenship onto his child.

Although one or two officials in Washington are counselling caution, there is now an overwhelming consensus that Jihadi John was killed in the drone strike along with a sympathiser – possibly his driver – as their car hurtled through the Syrian town of Raqqa.

Gradually details of how the British Jihadist was tracked down and then attacked by drone has started to emerge.

A British drone, operating from Lincolnshire, helped track Emwazi, although what are believed to have been the fatal shots were fired by the Americans. According to one report he was tracked for six weeks before the decisive strike was made.

Jihadi John is almost certainly dead. But was the manner of his killing a morally correct one?

At various times reports have said that Jihadi John was “evaporated” or “incinerated” and “eviscerated” during the strike.

In a separate development, there were reports that the Turkish authorities had captured his closest associate, Aine Lesley Davis, who is also a Briton.

Reaction to the death of Emwazi has varied. Col. Steve Warren, the Pentagon spokesman, was jubilant.

“He was a primary recruitment tool for that organization. We’re all familiar with the ghastly videos- the absolute barbarism that he displayed against American citizens. I mean this guy was a human animal, and killing him is probably making the world a better place.”

But the families of his victims were rather less triumphant. Dragana Prodanovic Haines, the Croatian wife of David Haines, a British aid worker, said the Jihadist’s death would mean one monster less, but she still wished he had been captured alive.

“"I have heard the news but it doesn't bring me any comfort because nothing will bring back my husband.”

Diane Foley, the mother of murdered American journalist James Foley, found no solace in Jihadi John’s death..

“It saddens me that here in America we are celebrating the killing of a deranged, pathetic young man,” she told ABC News.




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