파리 테러 생존자 10명의 끔찍한 증언들 Horrifying Eyewitness Accounts From Paris Attack Survivors(VIDEO)
Horrifying Eyewitness Accounts From Paris Attack Survivors
14일 11시 현재 프랑스정부 공식 사상자 발표
128명 사망 98명 중태
이슬람 ISIS 소행 단정
테러리스트 8명 전원 사망
2명 신원 밝혀져...1명 프랑스인 다른 1명 시리아인
source dailymail
A woman is being evacuated from the Bataclan theater after a shooting in Paris, Friday Nov. 13, 2015. French President Francois Hollande declared a state of emergency and announced that he was closing the country's borders. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus) | ASSOCIATED PRESS
The Huffington Post | Alexandra Ma
파리 곳곳에서 동시 다발적으로 일어난 테러로 현재까지 150여 명이 사망했다.
테러 현장에서 무사히 빠져나온 목격자들의 증언을 모았다.
테러 현장인 바타클란에 있었던 기자, 줄리앙 피어스는 CNN에 말했다. "AK-47와 칼리니시코프를 들고 있던 두 명의 남자가 콘서트 현장으로 들어와 군중을 향해 아무렇게나 총을 쏘기 시작했다. 사람들은 비명을 지르며 바닥에 누웠다. 총격은 10분 동안 계속됐다. 우리는 계속 총격을 들었는데 테러리스트들은 매우 차분했고, 단호했다. 그들은 총을 서너번 새로 장전했고, 아무것도 외치지 않았다. 아무것도 말하지 않았다. 그들은 마스크도 쓰지 않았고, 검은 옷을 입은 채 바닥에 누운 사람들을 쐈다. 처형했다."
57세 법조계 종사자인 마크 쿠프리는 브리타니에서 이번 콘서트를 보기 위해 왔다. 그는 가디언에 말했다. "전쟁터였다. 모든 곳에 피가 넘쳤다. 시체가 모든 곳에 널려 있었다."
테러가 발생한 마레지구 샤론의 한 남자는 르 피가로에 말했다. "나는 금요일 늦은 밤 심부름을 하려고 길을 나서던 길인데, 공포와 시체들을 봤다. 사람들이 시체를 덮기 위해 창문에서 이불을 던지고 있었다. 내 집 문 앞은 전쟁터였다. 다시 집으로 돌아가서 문을 꽁꽁 잠갔다."
총격이 발생한 11구 캄보디아 식당 근처에 사는 여자는 르몽드에 말했다. "스쿠터를 몰고 친구들과 집 앞에 도착했을 때 길에 쓰러진 사람들을 봤다. 처음에는 자동차가 식당 '르 쁘띠 캄보디아'로 돌진한 줄 알았다. 창문이 완전히 박살나 있었으니까. 정말 많은 사람들이 길에 누워 있었다. 정말 많은 사람들이."
바타클란 근처에 사는 26살의 판매원 프랑크 버나로는 당시 프랑스와 독일 간 축구 경기가 치러지던 '스타드 드 프랑스(Stade de France)'에 있었다. 그는 허핑턴포스트에 말했다. "갑자기 폭발음을 들었고, 즉시 경기장에서 빠져나가라는 경고를 받았다. 나는 괜찮다. 하지만 여자친구는 지금 충격에 빠져 있다. 폭발음은 경기가 시작되고 20분 뒤에 시작된 것 같다. 우리는 그게 불꽃놀이 소리라고 생각했다."
바타클란에 있었던 10대는 르 피가로에 말했다. "혼돈이었다. 콘서트홀의 오른쪽에 있었고, 공연 중이던 '이글스 오브 데스 메탈'이 막 무대를 끝내려던 참이었다. 그러다가 폭발음을 들었다. 폭죽같았다. 뒤를 돌아보자 남자가 허공에 총을 쏘아대고 있었다."
스타디움에서 경기를 보고 있던 저널리즘 학생 막센스 파브리온은 허핑턴포스트 프랑스에 이렇게 썼다. "갑자기 첫 폭발음을 들었고, 1분 뒤에 두 번째 폭발음을 들었다. 우리가 모여있던 방의 벽과 바닥이 떨렸다. 5~10분 뒤에 경찰차 사이렌을 들었다. 뉴스를 보려고 트위터를 켰는데 인터넷이 작동을 하지 않았다. 그러다 iTele를 통해 테러리스트 공격이 있었다는 소식을 발견했다."
바타클란의 생존자인 자스민은 BFMTV에 이렇게 말했다. "두 미친 사람이 총을 쏘는 게 보였고, 그들은 '당신들이 시리아에 저지른 일을 갚을 시간이다'라고 말했다. 수많은 사람들이 총을 맞고 넘어졌다. 나는 시체들을 향해 달려간 다음 화장실로 갔다. 화장실에서 나왔을 때, 내 주변에는 엄청나게 많은 시체들이 있었다. 한 남자는 내 발목을 총으로 쐈다. 내 인생에 그렇게 많은 시체들을 본 건 처음이었다. 정신적인 충격에서 헤어나질 못하고 있다."
TV 프레젠터 피에르 자나스작은 당시 바타클란에서 여동생, 친구들과 콘서트를 보고 있었다. 그는 AFP에 이렇게 말했다. "갑자기 아래층에서 총격이 들렸다. 쇼의 연출 중 하나라고 생각했으나 곧 그게 아니라는 걸 깨달았다. 세 명의 남자가 군중을 향해 총을 쏘고 있었다. 커다란 총으로 무장한 남자들이었는데, 아마도 칼리시니코프였을 것이다. 그들은 총격을 멈추질 않았고, 피와 시체가 어디에나 있었다."
샤론 지역에 사는 한 여자는 르 파리지엔에 이렇게 말했다. "바로 옆 건물에 있는 레스토랑 앞에서 음식을 기다리며 담배를 피고 있다가 갑자기 총격 소리를 들었다. 처음에는 불꽃놀이라고 생각했다. 그래서 불꽃놀이를 구경하러 가자고 말하고 있었다. 그런데 웨이터가 와서 그게 불꽃놀이가 아니라 테러라고 알려줬다. 우리는 사람들이 우리에게 달려오는 걸 봤고, 우리는 레스토랑 주방에 있는 냉장고에 몸을 숨겼다. 레스토랑은 우리에게 안마당으로 가라고 했고, 거기서 5분 정도를 있다가 바깥으로 나왔다. 시체가 널려 있었다. 경찰과 소방관이 나타났다. 나는 2~3구의 시체를 봤는데 나중에야 10구 정도의 시체가 있었다는 사실을 알게 됐다."
The Huffington Post | Alexandra Ma
“It looked like a battlefield, there was blood everywhere, there were bodies everywhere."
Alexandra Ma
Paris residents reacted in shock to the deadly attacks that rocked the French capital on Friday evening.
Armed terrorists attacked several sites in the city, including a restaurant and a concert venue, and took dozens of people hostage. As of late Friday night, officials said at least 149 people had been killed.
French President Francois Hollande described Friday's events as "unprecedented." “There are several dozen dead, lots more wounded, it’s horrific,” he said.
People in Paris echoed those sentiments while describing what they've seen.
Julien Pearce, Journalist
Journalist Julien Pearce, who was at the Bataclan, told CNN: "I saw two terrorists from my point of view with AK-47s, Kalashnikovs, entering the concert room and firing randomly to the crowd. People yelled, screamed, and everybody lied on the floor. It lasted for 10 minutes.
"Ten minutes ... 10 horrific minutes where everybody was on the floor covering their head. We heard so many gunshots and the terrorists were very calm, very determined. They reloaded three or four times their weapons. They didn't shout anything. They didn't say anything. They were unmasked and wearing black clothes and they were shooting at people on the floor, executing them."
Marc Coupris, 57-Year-Old Legal Worker
"It was carnage," Marc Coupris, who traveled from Brittany to see the Eagles of Death Metal performance, told The Guardian. “It looked like a battlefield, there was blood everywhere, there were bodies everywhere."
Andrew Smith, University of Liverpool Professor
Rue de Charonne Resident
One young man, who exited his home next to the Rue de Charonne, told Le Figaro: “I was going out to run an errand late Friday night and then I saw the horror, bodies without life on the curb, and people who were throwing sheets down from their windows so that we could cover the bodies… It’s a war zone at my doorstep. I was able to get back inside, and I barricaded myself."
Woman Near Petit Cambodge Restaurant
"I was driving on a scooter with friends when I arrived. There were people on the floor. I first thought a car had entered the Le Petit Cambodge, because the window was shattered," a woman in her 30s, who was near the restaurant that was attacked on Friday night, told Le Monde. "I didn't understand what had happened. There were many people on the floor, so many."
Franck Benarroch, 26-Year-Old Sales Rep
Franck Benarroch, a 26-year-old sales rep who lives near the Bataclan and was at the Stade de France, told The Huffington Post Australia that he was with his girlfriend and friends when they heard the first explosion and were later told to evacuate.“I am safe now. Coralie (my girlfriend) is here but she is in shock," Benarroch said.“I think it was 20 minutes after the beginning of the match, we heard the first explosion. But we are used to hearing fireworks or loud noises in stadiums so we just assumed it was that."
Bataclan Audience Member
"It was chaos," a young member of the audience at the Bataclan told Le Figaro. "I was on the right side of the concert hall in the Bataclan, a song of the Eagles of Death Metal was about to wrap up, when I heard the sounds of explosions, like firecrackers. I saw the singer take of his guitar, I turned around and saw a man with an automatic weapon fire in the air."
Maxence Fabrion, Journalism Student
“All of a sudden, we heard a first explosion, then a second, one minute later I think,” Maxence Fabrion, wrote on HuffPost France. The journalism student was at the Stade de France on Friday night when the attacks started. “We felt the wall and the ground shake in the room we were gathered in. After about 5 to 10 minutes, we heard police sirens. I tried to get on Twitter to get news, but the internet wasn’t working. I finally was able to get some info from iTele, and that’s when I discovered that there had also been attacks in Paris. We began to realize this was really serious."
Bataclan Survivor
“I saw two madmen arrive and started firing on everyone," Jasmine told BFMTV of what she witnessed at the Bataclan concert hall. "They said ‘what you’ve done to Syrians, well now you’re paying for it.’ Lots of bodies fell. I ran into a body, and then I went to the bathroom and when I came out, there were lots of corpses around me. One guy shot me in the ankle. I’ve never seen as many dead people around me in my entire life. I’m traumatized.”
Pierre Janaszak, TV and Radio Presenter
"I was at the concert with my sister and some friends... It was maybe an hour into the Eagles of Death Metal concert, we heard shots down below, in the pit. At first we thought it was part of the show, but we quickly understood," Pierre Janaszak, a witness at the Bataclan told AFP. "There were three of them and they were shooting in the crowd. They were armed with big guns, I believe they were Kalashnikovs. It made a horrible racket. They didn't stop firing.
There was blood everywhere, bodies everywhere."
Woman on Rue de Charonne
“We were in the restaurant next door and we were smoking cigarettes waiting for our food and all of a sudden we heard shots," a woman who was at the Rue de Charonne on Friday night told Le Parisien. We thought it was fireworks, so we said to ourselves might as well go and see the fireworks and the waiters started saying those aren’t fireworks it’s an attack, gunshots, and then we saw people running to us and we all sought refuge in the restaurant’s kitchen. The restaurant made us go into a courtyard. We were in the courtyard for five minutes and then we went back outside and all of the bodies were strewn. The police and firefighters showed up and we quickly realized that it was an attack. I saw 2-3 bodies but I learned that there were about 10 because the neighbors said so and my friends saw."
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