방의 공간을 활용한 자전거 거치 선반 Clever Furniture Designed to Double as Bike Rack to Save Space in Small Apartments
Clever Furniture Designed to Double as Bike Rack to Save Space in Small Apartments
라이딩 애호가들은 자전거를 몸과 같이 애지중지한다.
그러나 이 큰 장난감을 방에 둘 수는 없다.
이런 불편을 해소하기 위해 칠레 출신 산업디자이너 마뉴엘 로셀은
자전거를 거치시킬 수 있는 선반을 고안해냈다.
우선 방에 분신과도 같은 자전거를 둘 수 있으며 공간을 차지하는
불편을 줄여 주는 장점 등이 있다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
By Sara Barnes
One of the challenges of riding a bike in a city doesn’t happen on the streets, but in your home. Finding a proper place to store your bicycle is an issue for those who lack the adequate square footage. In a studio apartment that only fits a bed, desk, and bookshelf, the bike quickly becomes an obstacle. While wall mounts are a solution for some, Chilean designer Manuel Rossel has come up with another answer to this problem: furniture that doubles as a bicycle rack.
Rossel has created bookcases, sideboards, and a couch with wheels in mind. Each piece has a groove that balances the bicycle, allowing you to simultaneously display books, shoes, and other knick-knacks. Without the bike, however, the furniture still looks great—it stands on its own as sleek and modern design.
There’s another benefit to having your bike on constant display and easily accessible—you might be more likely to ride it. Rossel sees his creations as anti-sedentary furniture by encouraging folks to get out of their cars. "People who drive lose all the benefits of physical activity," he explained to Fast Company. "Biking also leads to economic savings and helps the decongestion and decontamination of cities."
As of now, Rossel’s designs are only available in Chile, but he hopes to start shipping internationally soon.
Manuel Rossel: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Design TAXI and Fast Company]
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