파리에서 테러 발생 150명 이상 사망...비상사태 발령 Bloodbath in Paris: 150 are killed after jihadists take hostages at rock concert and Kalashnikov-wielding terrorist opens fire in restaurant(VIDEO)

Bloodbath in Paris: 150 are killed after jihadists take hostages at rock concert and Kalashnikov-wielding terrorist opens fire in restaurant. Two suicide bombers detonate near football stadium. 1,500 troops deployed as borders shut 

파리 도심 6군데서 동시다발 무차별 총기난사 테러

공연장에서만 112명 사망

용의자 7명 추정...3명 사살

이슬람 지하디스트 또는 극단주의 소행 거의 확실 

최근 영국인IS '지하디존' 무인공격기 공격 보복 가능성 높아

프랑스 정부 국경 봉쇄

A series of coordinated terror attacks in the heart of Paris have left as many as 142 dead, including 11 at a restaurant on Rue Bichat (pictured) 

More than 150 people were killed and several wounded in a series of terror attacks in the heart of Paris last night

Up to 118 were massacred in the Bataclan concert hall where terrorists were holding hundreds of people hostage

The terrorists shouted 'Allah Akbar' and 'this is for Syria' as they burst in and opened fire, eyewitnesses have said

Police raided the theatre at around midnight, killed the three extremists inside and freed the remaining hostages

French President Francois Hollande declared a state of emergency for whole country and shut all of its borders


BREAKING! Paris Terror Attack - 150+ Dead; Martial Law In France​


프랑스 파리에서 13일 밤(이하 현지시간) 총기난사와 폭발, 콘서트홀 인질극 등 테러가 동시다발로 발생해 콘서트홀에서만 최소 118명의 인질이 사망하는 등 최소 150명이 숨졌다. 14일 새벽 1시께 인질극 등 상황이 종료된 가운데, 테러범 중 최소 5명은 경찰에 사살됐다.

파리 경찰은 이날 무장괴한들이 인질극을 벌였던 파리 시내 바타클랑 극장에서 최소 118명의 사망자가 발생했다고 전했다. 사건이 발생했을 당시 콘서트홀 내에는 100여명의 관객들이 인질로 붙잡혀 있었다. 

현지 언론들에 따르면, 테러범들은 콘서트홀에서 아랍어로 ‘알라후 악바르(알라는 위대하다)’라고 외쳤다. 한 경찰관은 AP통신과의 인터뷰에서 인질범들이 콘서트홀 안에 폭탄을 던져 건물 안에서 ‘대학살’이 벌어졌다고 전했다. 

영국 BBC 방송에 따르면, 한 목격자는 범인들이 관람객들에게 총기를 난사했다며 “사방에 유혈이 낭자했다”고 진술했다. 또 다른 목격자는 “총격범들이 관객들을 향해 반자동 무기를 마구 쐈다”며 “우리는 간신히 빠져나왔지만 사방이 피에 뒤덮여 있었다”고 증언했다. 

극장 안에 있던 또 다른 목격자는 “젊어 보이는 2~3명의 남자들이 칼라시니코프총처럼 보이는 총으로 관람객들을 향해 무차별 총격을 가했다”면서 “총격은 10~15분 정도 계속됐다. 범인들이 적어도 세번 정도 탄창을 재장전할 시간이었다”고 밝혔다.

경찰은 인질범 2명을 사살했다. 

콘서트홀 인질극을 비롯해 이날 파리 시내에서 연쇄테러가 6~7군데에서 동시다발로 발생했다고 경찰은 밝혔다. 

현지 경찰은 파리 10구에 있는 식당에서 발생한 테러로 11명이 숨지고 축구장 밖에서 발생한 연쇄 테러로 3명이 숨졌다고 전했다. 

일부 테러전문가들은 이슬람 수니파 무장단체 이슬람 국가(IS)의 소행으로 추정하고 있는 가운데, 사건 발생 후 지하디스트 활동 감시웹사이트 SITE는 “파리가 불바다가 됐다. 칼리프가 프랑스를 공격했다”는 메시지가 올라왔다고 전했다. 

프랑수아 올랑드 대통령은 이날 TV 대국민 연설에서 비상사태를 선포하고 국경을 폐쇄했다고 발표했다. 

폭탄테러 현장 인근 축구장에서 급하게 대피했던 올랑드 대통령은 “이번 참사는 우리를 습격한 끔찍한 시련”이라며 “이번 테러를 어디서 누가 저질렀는지 알고 있다”고 말했다.

충격적인 파리 연쇄 테러에 국제 사회는 한 목소리로 비판했다.

버락 오바마 미국 대통령은 “무고한 시민을 위협하는 무도한 시도로서 반드시 심판할 것”이라고 강력히 비난했다.  

앙겔라 메르켈 독일 총리도 파리 연쇄 테러에 “심대한 충격을 받았다. 이번 공격으로 희생된 이들과 마음을 함께하고 그 유족과 모든 파리인들과 함께한다”고 했다.

데이비드 캐머런 영국 총리는 트위터 계정을 통해 “파리에서 일어난 사건들에 충격을 받았다”면서 영국이 도울 수 있는 모든 일을 하겠다고 밝혔다.

반기문 유엔 사무총장도 “극악무도한 테러 공격”이라고 목소리를 높이며 희생자 가족들에게 조의를 표하고 부상자들에게는 조속한 쾌유를 기원했다. 

유엔 안전보장이사회(안보리)도 “야만적이고 비열한 테러 공격”이라며 “테러범들을 법정에 세울 것을 다짐한다”고 말했다. 

장-클로드 융커 유럽연합(EU) 집행위원장은 트위터 메시지를 통해 “큰 충격을 받았다”면서 “우리는 프랑스 국민과 굳게 연대할 것”이라고 강조했다.(출처 동아일보)

[Full Contents and VIDEOS]



A series of coordinated terror attacks in the heart of Paris have killed more than 150 and paralysed the French capital with fear.

As many as 118 people were massacred at a concert in the Bataclan concert hall following a hostage situation. Another 11 were shot down at a Cambodian restaurant.

The three terrorists inside detonated their suicide vests as police raided the building to rescue the remaining hostages, a police spokesman said. Four policeman were killed in the operation.

Just five miles away, two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside the Stade de France sports stadium where the French football team was playing Germany. 

French police arrested one suspected attacker who claimed to have been recruited by ISIS alongside three other extremists, it has been reported. Five terrorists have been killed in the night of chaos in Paris.

French President Francois Hollande declared a national state of emergency following what he called 'unprecedented terror attacks', shut its borders and deployed 1,500 extra troops to the capital. 

Scroll down for videos 

Bodies litter the streets of a Paris alley after a string of terror attacks in the French capital which led President Francois Hollande to declare a national state of emergency

Bodies litter the streets of a Paris alley after a string of terror attacks in the French capital which led President Francois Hollande to declare a national state of emergency

French fire brigade members aid an injured individual near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings in Paris

French fire brigade members aid an injured individual near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings in Paris

A soldier stands by victims in the 10th district of Paris where an AK47 wielding fanatic gunned down 11 people at a Cambodian restaurant

A soldier stands by victims in the 10th district of Paris where an AK47 wielding fanatic gunned down 11 people at a Cambodian restaurant

Two police officials said at least 11 people were killed in the restaurant shootout in Paris tonight

Two police officials said at least 11 people were killed in the restaurant shootout in Paris tonight

Terrorists launched a total of six coordinated attacks at high profile sites across Paris: 

  • Two suicide bomb attacks at a bar near the Stade de France led to President Hollande being evacuated from the stadium. He has since declared a national state of emergency.
  • Two terrorists with AK47s burst into the Bataclan concert hall, where rock band Eagles of Death Metal were performing. They sprayed bullets and threw grenades into thousands of people before they started slaughtering people one by one.
  • A terrorist armed with an AK47 killed at least 11 people at Cambodian restaurant Le Petit Cambodge in the Bastille area on Rue Bichat at around 9pm.
  • Gunfire and bomb blasts have also been reported at the Louvre art gallery, the Pompidou Centre and Les Halles shopping centre.

Witnesses have been telling of the horror which unfolded inside the Bataclan theatre, where more than 1,000 people were watching rock band Eagles of Death Metal perform.

The told of how AK47 wielding terrorists shouted 'Allah Akbar' as they 'blindly' opened fire into a crowd of people.

'It looked like a battlefield, there was blood everywhere, there were bodies everywhere,' Marc Coupris, 57, told the Guardian.

He added: 'I was at the far side of the hall when shooting began. There seemed to be at least two gunmen. They shot from the balcony.' 

They shot at 'very young' people in the violent attack which lasted around 15 minutes, said Julien Pearce, a journalist at Europe 1. The gunmen, who witnesses have described as young men in theirs 20s, reloaded three or four times as they gunned down innocent people at random. 


French riot police appear to hold a man down on the streets of Paris, following a series of deadly attacks in the French capital

French riot police appear to hold a man down on the streets of Paris, following a series of deadly attacks in the French capital

A man lies on the ground as French police check his identity near the Bataclan concert hall following a series of terror attacks in Paris

A man lies on the ground as French police check his identity near the Bataclan concert hall following a series of terror attacks in Paris

French special forces evacuate people, including an injured man holding his head, as people gather near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings

French special forces evacuate people, including an injured man holding his head, as people gather near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings

French fire brigade members help an injured individual near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings in Paris, France

French fire brigade members help an injured individual near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings in Paris, France

There was a shootout at a restaurant on the Rue Bichat, two explosions near the Stade de France sports stadium and another shooting at the Paris Bataclan concert hall tonight

People run after hearing what is believed to be explosions or gun shots near Place de la Republique square in Paris

People run after hearing what is believed to be explosions or gun shots near Place de la Republique square in Paris

At least 11 people were killed in the restaurant, close to where the Charlie Hebdo shootings occurred in January, and another 15 killed in the theatre

At least 11 people were killed in the restaurant, close to where the Charlie Hebdo shootings occurred in January, and another 15 killed in the theatre

'Three men with Kalashnikovs and wearing flak jackets burst in in the middle of the concert,' another man, a man named Hervé, told the Telegraph after escaping through an emergency exit. 

He said the men were not wearing masks, adding: 'They just started spraying bullets. I saw a girl hit right in front of me. There must have been quite a few dead.'

Another man said: 'The men came in and started shooting. Everyone fell to the ground. It was hell. I took my mum, and we hid. Someone near us said they have gone, so we ran out.'

And Gilles Avel said: 'We are all terrified, and have been told to get away as soon as possible.'

A witness who was near the front of the concert when he saw a man wearing a cap firing into the crowd. He told the Liberation newspaper: 'He shot in my direction. People started falling and throwing themselves towards the ground.


8.30pm (GMT): Two explosions - which turned out to be suicide bomb attacks - were heard outside the Stade de France where Hollande  was watching France play Germany.

9.30pm: Reports of a shooting at the Petit Cambodge restaurant five miles away.

10pm: French police confirmed at least 18 people had been killed in terror attacks. There were reports of a shooting at Bataclan concert hall.

10.10pm: Death toll rose to 26 people, 15 of whom were killed at the Bataclan where a hostage crisis was developing. Between 60 and 100 people were being held hostage.

11pm: Hollande declares national state of emergency and shuts the country's borders after death toll rose to 42.

11.20pmGunshots and explosions heard at the Bataclan.

Midnight: Police storm the building, kill three terrorists and rescue hostages. It emerged that more than 100 people were killed inside the theatre.

1am: Paris city hall spokesman said the latest death toll was at least 140 people, and confirmed that shots were fired in at least two restaurants. A witness of the attack at the theatre described a scene which 'looked like a battlefield'.

'I think the guy next to me was dead. I went out of the emergency exit at the opposite end of the road. It was only once in the road that I started to see people covered in blood. 

A statement on Eagles Of Death Metal's Facebook page said: 'We are still currently trying to determine the safety and whereabouts of all our band and crew. Our thoughts are with all of the people involved in this tragic situation.' 


The two explosions in a bar near the Stade de France stadium were detonated by suicide bombers, it has been confirmed. 

A witness said the explosions were loud enough to be heard over the sound of cheering fans. Sirens were heard immediately and a helicopter was seen circling overhead. 

A 27-year-old man, who was just 30ft from the explosion, said he felt like he was 'in a video game'. 

Speaking to the Daily Mail, he said: 'There was an explosion in front of us. It was a very loud noise. At first I thought it was a bin that had been set alight. But then I thought it wasn't a fire cracker.

'Everyone stopped. A man was on the floor screaming. I don't know what happened to the man. I just heard him scream and move around the floor. He wasn't unconscious.'


A French police officer takes cover while on the lookout for the shooters who attacked the restaurant 'Le Petit Cambodge' earlier tonight in Paris

A French police officer takes cover while on the lookout for the shooters who attacked the restaurant 'Le Petit Cambodge' earlier tonight in Paris

At least 26 people have been killed and at least seven wounded in terror attacks in central Paris tonight, it has been reported

At least 26 people have been killed and at least seven wounded in terror attacks in central Paris tonight, it has been reported


French President Francoise Hollande declared a national state of emergency following what he called 'unprecedented terror attacks'

French President Francoise Hollande declared a national state of emergency following what he called 'unprecedented terror attacks'

A police officer stands guard on a street near the scene of a shooting in Paris, Fran

A police officer stands guard on a street near the scene of a shooting in Paris, Fran

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January.

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January.

Witnesses have told of how they saw bodies littering the streets of Paris after a machine gun wielding attacker went on a rampage in central Paris 

Witnesses have told of how they saw bodies littering the streets of Paris after a machine gun wielding attacker went on a rampage in central Paris 

Machine gun fire and screams were heard from inside a restaurant close to the Rue Bichat  at around 9pm

Machine gun fire and screams were heard from inside a restaurant close to the Rue Bichat at around 9pm

There have been unconfirmed reports that the attacker near the Stade de France stadium was a suicide bomber

There have been unconfirmed reports that the attacker near the Stade de France stadium was a suicide bomber

Spectators invade the pitch of the Stade de France stadium after two explosions were heard during the international friendly soccer France against Germany

Spectators invade the pitch of the Stade de France stadium after two explosions were heard during the international friendly soccer France against Germany

Spectators wait on the pitch of the during the match between France and Germany at Stade de France after two suicide bombers detonated explosives outside

Spectators wait on the pitch of the during the match between France and Germany at Stade de France after two suicide bombers detonated explosives outside

Police officers secure the Stade de France stadium during the international friendly soccer France against Germany

Police officers secure the Stade de France stadium during the international friendly soccer France against Germany

A gunman who yelled 'Allah Akbar' is believed to have taken at least 100 people hostage at the Bataclan theatre (pictured) in Paris

A gunman who yelled 'Allah Akbar' is believed to have taken at least 100 people hostage at the Bataclan theatre (pictured) in Paris

As he approached the stadium door around three minutes later, a second bomb went off 15ft from where he was standing.

He added: 'It was a very loud noise. I've never heard anything like it. My heart jumped. There were 20 of us. We started running. The match had started 15 minutes before. 

I was at the back of the bar. I couldn't see anything. I heard gunshots. People dropped to the ground. We put a table over our heads to protect us. We were held up in the bar because there was a pile of bodies in front of us
Witness in concert hall 

'The doormen started locking the stadium doors... It was shocking to see. I thought, 'that could have been me'.'

Players briefly stopped in their tracks when they heard the twin blasts. Following news of the attack, thousands of fans - too scared to leave the stadium - poured onto the pitch. 

Earlier in the night, an AK47 wielding gunman attacked a Cambodian restaurant, Le Petit Cambodge, in the Bastille area of the city, while grenade blasts were also heard.

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January. 

Images posted online showed the cracked windows of what appeared to be the restaurant under attack. 

Dozens of people were standing outside their cars on the junction opposite and the lights of police cars could be seen above them.

Eyewitness Ben Grant, who was in a nearby bar with his wife at the time, said he saw six or seven bodies on the ground.

He told the BBC: 'I was told people in cars had opened fire on the bar. There are lots of dead people. It's pretty horrific to be honest. 

'I was at the back of the bar. I couldn't see anything. I heard gunshots. People dropped to the ground. We put a table over our heads to protect us. We were held up in the bar because there was a pile of bodies in front of us.' 

Emilioi Macchio from Italy was at a bar close to where the restaurant shooting took place, and said it 'sounded like fireworks'. 

Images posted online showed the cracked windows of what appeared to be the restaurant under attack

Images posted online showed the cracked windows of what appeared to be the restaurant under attack

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January 

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January 

French fire brigade members help an injured individual near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings in Paris

French fire brigade members help an injured individual near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings in Paris

Football fans Football fans leave the Stade de France stadium following the friendly football match between France and Germany

Football fans Football fans leave the Stade de France stadium following the friendly football match between France and Germany

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January


Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to be publicly named. 

President Hollande said last night: 'France needs to be strong. Terrorists want us to be scared. In the face of terror we must be united.' 

We have, on my decision, mobilised all forces possible to neutralise the terrorists and make all concerned areas safe. I have also asked for military reinforcements 
French President Francois Hollande 

'We have, on my decision, mobilised all forces possible to neutralise the terrorists and make all concerned areas safe. I have also asked for military reinforcements. They are currently in the Paris area, to ensure that no new attack can take place. I have also called a cabinet meeting that will be held in a few minutes.

'Two decisions will be taken - a state of emergency will be declared, which means that some places will be closed, traffic may be banned, and there will also be searches which may be decided throughout Ile de France [greater Paris].' 

The state of emergency ordered by Hollande tonight is an exceptional clampdown on civil liberties. It gives the authorities virtual total power over the movement of people and vehicles at all times.

Curfews, travel restrictions and house arrests are all in the power of the police. Closure of public places - as is planned tomorrow - all come under the law and all media, movie screenings and theatre performances are also within the strict remit of the government. 

Paris' deputy mayor said the attacks were a horrific reminder of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in January, adding: 'It's a heavy recollection of what happened in January (C. Hebdo). Now we are struck again. This is harder. I am shaken.'

U.S. President Barrack Obama tonight branded the carnage in Paris an 'attack on humanity' and claimed it was an 'outrageous attempt to terrorise


Emergency services strat to tend to the injured at the terroist attack at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris

Emergency services strat to tend to the injured at the terroist attack at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris

At least 35 people are thought to have been killed inside the Bataclan concert hall and several people were wounded (pictured)

At least 35 people are thought to have been killed inside the Bataclan concert hall and several people were wounded (pictured)

U.S. President Barack Obama (pictured) delivers a statement after he was briefed on attacks in Paris that killed at least 30 people

U.S. President Barack Obama (pictured) delivers a statement after he was briefed on attacks in Paris that killed at least 30 people

French President Francois Hollande (pictured) is escorted out of the Stade de France by his security team before the end of the France versus Germany football match

French President Francois Hollande (pictured) is escorted out of the Stade de France by his security team before the end of the France versus Germany football match

He said: 'This is an attack not just on Paris, not just on the people of France, it's an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share. This is a heart-breaking situation, and obviously those of us here in the United States know what it's like.'

David Cameron said that he was 'shocked by events in Paris' and pledged to do 'whatever we can to help', adding: 'Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people.' 

The restaurant targeted Friday, Le Carillon, is in the same general neighborhood as the Charlie Hebdo offices. 

France has been on edge since ISIS extremists launched a bloody attack on the satirical newspaper and a kosher grocery that left 20 people - including the three attackers - dead.

The attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo left 13 dead when two Paris born terrorists slaughtered its cartoonists and general staff members.

Four Jewish shoppers were also murdered in the same set of attacks inside a Kosher supermarket in nearby Vincennes. 

The French capital has been on a high state of alert ever since, with security services warning that another attack was always likely.

Since then there have been a number of more minor strikes or attempts. In one, three Americans and a Briton overpowered a heavily armed gunman on a train from Amsterdam to Paris. 

ISIS's online supporters have already started to celebrate the devastating attack in Paris, using the hashtag 'Paris in fire' on social media, but it has not been confirmed whether the terror group is behind the attacks.


'They are cutting us down one by one...dead bodies everywhere': 100 people killed at theatre after police storm it, shoot dead three extremists and release 125 more hostages 

An injured hostage inside a Paris theatre described how terrorists were slaughtering ‘everyone one by one’ in one of a series of attacks that are thought to have killed at least 142 people.

Benjamin Cazenoves, one of those held captive during a rock concert, wrote on social media: ‘I’m still at the Bataclan. 1st floor. Hurt Bad! There are survivors inside. They are cutting down all the world. One by one.’

He added in another Facebook post: ‘Alive. Just cuts... Carnage... Dead bodies everywhere.’

Reports said that French security forces had successfully stormed the building, freed the surviving hostages and killed three terrorists thought to be among six or seven who perpetrated attacks throughout Paris on Friday night.

Scroll down for videos 

A man inside the Bataclan theatre in Paris that was taken over by terrorists said that the assailants were slaughtering hostages 'one by one'. Above, French special forces evacuate people from the building

A man inside the Bataclan theatre in Paris that was taken over by terrorists said that the assailants were slaughtering hostages 'one by one'. Above, French special forces evacuate people from the building

A man who said he was on the first floor of the concert hall posted on Facebook about the terrifying situation

A man who said he was on the first floor of the concert hall posted on Facebook about the terrifying situation

Benjamin Cazenoves later said that he was alive and just had cuts, but that others had been killed. Sources say that at least 100 had died in the attack

Benjamin Cazenoves later said that he was alive and just had cuts, but that others had been killed. Sources say that at least 100 had died in the attack

Paris Deputy Mayor Patrick Klugman said that 118 had died in the theatre alone.

Around 125 survivors were freed when they escaped and when security forces stormed the building.

One hostage who escaped the theatre said the hostage-takers were yelling about Syria. 

The California rock band The Eagles of Death Metal had been playing Thursday night. 

A post on the band's Facebook page said that the safety of the group was still being determined.

Witnesses described unmasked men in their early 20s with Kalashnikov assault rifles bursting into the middle of the concert and begin spraying bullets at attendees as they reloaded three or four times.

The onslaught lasted for maybe ten minutes as people screamed and cowered on the floor, covering their heads in a vain bid to escape the bullets, a witness told the Daily Mail. 

''I was in the pit at the front. I heard bangs go off. I turned round and I saw a silhouette with a cap on who was heading towards the back door,' one witness told the newspaper Liberation.

'He shot in my direction. People started falling and throwing themselves towards the ground'.

Others described hiding in rooms by the stage before making a break for the emergency exit left of the stage, while others said they escaped to the roof and were helped by a man in an apartment adjacent to the theatre. 

More than 140 people have reportedly been killed in terrorist attacks around Paris on Friday night. Above, a man fleeing the concert hall holds his head

More than 140 people have reportedly been killed in terrorist attacks around Paris on Friday night. Above, a man fleeing the concert hall holds his head

French security forces stormed the theatre and killed three terrorists inside while freeing those hostages that survived

French security forces stormed the theatre and killed three terrorists inside while freeing those hostages that survived

Survivors of the attack were tended to be emergency personnel after some escaped during the shooting and others were freed by security forces

Survivors of the attack were tended to be emergency personnel after some escaped during the shooting and others were freed by security forces

Journalist Julien Pierce told CNN that the gunmen did not shout slogans as they massacred their victims.

'They didn't say anything. Not Allah akhbar or something like this. They said nothing. They just shot. They just shoot,' he said. 

The Bataclan theatre had previously supported the magazine Charlie Hebdo after the satirical publication was attacked in January this year.

A photo of the hall shows the marquee with the phrase 'Je Suis Charlie', used in support of the attack's victims.  

The theatre was only one scene of chaos on Friday night as terrorist attacks throughout city targeted a restaurant and the area outside a stadium.

French President Francois Hollande visited the scene of the massacre later in the night and said, 'To all those who have seen these awful things, I want to say we are going to lead a war which will be pitiless'.

The president declared a state of emergency and 1,500 soldiers were deployed to Paris after the string of violence.

French borders were closed to prevent suspects' escape. Five suspected terrorists had been killed as of Friday night, though the Paris prosecutor's office said more may be on the loose.

Supporters at the football match in the Stade de France evacuated the stadium and went on to the pitch after explosions were heard during the game

Supporters at the football match in the Stade de France evacuated the stadium and went on to the pitch after explosions were heard during the game

Around 40 people are thought to have been killed at sites outside the Bataclan theater. Above, supporters at the Stade de France invade the pitch as they leave the stadium

Around 40 people are thought to have been killed at sites outside the Bataclan theater. Above, supporters at the Stade de France invade the pitch as they leave the stadium

Multiple explosions occurred outside Stade de France as the French national team played Germany inside. Above, football fans talk to a policeman securing an area outside the stadium

Multiple explosions occurred outside Stade de France as the French national team played Germany inside. Above, football fans talk to a policeman securing an area outside the stadium

The New York Times reports that the French government has announced that authorities would have the power to close places of public assembly and impose house arrest on residents. 

According to a woman in the restaurant where shots first broke out near the Bataclan, a gunman shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ (God is great in Arabic) before firing. Terrified customers hid under tables.

Eyewitness Ben Grant, who was in a bar with his wife, said he counted ‘six or seven bodies’ on the floor.

He told the BBC: ‘I was told people in cars had opened fire on the bar. 

‘There are lots of dead people. It’s pretty horrific to be honest.

‘I was at the back of the bar. I couldn’t see anything.

‘I heard gunshots. People dropped to the ground. We put a table over our heads to protect us.

‘We were held up in the bar because there was a pile of bodies in front of us.’


Some at the Bataclan concert hall escaped through an emergency exit, while others left through the roof and went to an adjacent apartment. Above, a trio embrace each other after the attacks

Some at the Bataclan concert hall escaped through an emergency exit, while others left through the roof and went to an adjacent apartment. Above, a trio embrace each other after the attacks

The French government granted authorities more powers in dealing with potential threats. Above, a man lies on the ground as French police check his identity near the Bataclan concert hall on Thursday night

The French government granted authorities more powers in dealing with potential threats. Above, a man lies on the ground as French police check his identity near the Bataclan concert hall on Thursday night

A 27-year-old man last night told of how he was 30ft from the explosion minutes later at a bar near Stade de France and heard the bomb go off before being shrouded in a cloud of dust.

The French eyewitness, who works in finance, said: ‘I felt like I as in a video game.’

Speaking to the Daily Mail, he told how he was 15 minutes late for the match and waiting to be let into the stadium when he heard a loud bang.

He said: ‘There was an explosion in front of us. It was a very loud noise. At first I thought it was a bin that had been set alight. But then I thought it wasn’t a fire cracker.

‘Everyone stopped. A man was on the floor screaming. I don’t know what happened to the man. I just heard him scream and move around the floor. He wasn’t unconscious.’

Around three minutes later, as the witness approached the stadium door, a second bomb went off 15ft from where he was standing.

He said: ‘It was a very loud noise. I’ve never heard anything like it.

‘My heart jumped. There were 20 of us. We started running. The match had started 15 minutes before.

World Trade Center One, rebuilt on the site of the September 11 terrorist attacks, changed its spire to the French national colors in solidarity with the country and its victims

World Trade Center One, rebuilt on the site of the September 11 terrorist attacks, changed its spire to the French national colors in solidarity with the country and its victims

The American rock band Eagles of Death Metal had been playing when men armed with Kalashnikovs are said to have stormed into the hall and began firing

The American rock band Eagles of Death Metal had been playing when men armed with Kalashnikovs are said to have stormed into the hall and began firing

Above, a photo of the band during their show at the Bataclan before the terrorist attack thought to have killed at least 100

Above, a photo of the band during their show at the Bataclan before the terrorist attack thought to have killed at least 100

‘Everyone was screaming and a plain clothes policeman said ‘leave!’

‘The doormen started locking the stadium doors.’

He added: ‘It was shocking to see. I thought “that could have been me”.’

Islamic State supporters celebrated the attacks using the Twitter hashtag Paris in Flames or Paris on Fire.

One militant, Abu Asad, tweeted: ‘Allahu Akbar.’ Another said: ‘There is no God but Allah, praise be to Allah.’

Others posted pictures of emergency services attending blast scenes and thousand being evacuated from the Stade de France, where the French football team had been playing Germany in a friendly.

One of the explosions was so loud it could be heard during the game. 




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