자전거 라이딩에 날개 달아주는 '스마트나침반' Smart Bicycle Compass Embraces the Freedom of Travel

Smart Bicycle Compass Embraces the Freedom of Travel 

런던의 디자인그룹 맵사는 자전거 여행에 유익한 나침반을 발명했다.

'비라인(BeeLine)'이라고 하는 이 나침반은 자전거에 부착해서 사용할 수 있는 

사용자의 전화와 연결되는 네이게이션 기능을 갖추고 있다.

한번에 목적지가 설정 가능하고  방향전환 정보 알려주는 '턴바이턴(Turn By Turn)' 

기능은 없지만 복잡한 기능보다도 라이더가 좀더 쉽고 정확하게 목적지룰 찾아갈 수 

있도록 단순화시켰다.

방수 방충 기능으로 날씨에 구애받지 않고 언제든지 사용할 수 있다

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Anna Gragert 

London design studio MAP invented a convenient compass that lets cyclists have fun while traveling. BeeLine is a navigation system that wirelessly connects to a user's phone from a handlebar attachment. Once a destination is selected and your phone is put away, BeeLine won't give you strict, turn-by-turn instructions. Instead, this device simply points cyclists in the right direction so they have the freedom to explore and choose exactly which roads they take. You can even use this tool at any time of day and in various weather conditions, since it's shock-proof, rain-proof, and features a backlight.

When you're not using BeeLine, its compact, lightweight design allows you to easily store it in your pocket or attach it to your bag with the included keyring. Then, you can quickly connect the gadget to the secure case that's mounted on your bike next time you want to go for a ride. Since BeeLine is produced with a low energy, e-paper display, its battery can impressively last for 1-3 months.

Currently, BeeLine is being funded on Kickstarter and the first batch of products will be shipped out during August 2016.

MAP: Website | Kickstarter
via [urdesign]



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