말레이시아, 쿠알라룸푸르 MRT 2호선 프로젝트 승인 Malaysia approves Kuala Lumpur MRT Line 2

Malaysia approves Kuala Lumpur MRT Line 2 

쿠알라룸푸르 Sungai Buloh역~행정수도인 푸트라자야

총 연장 52.2km

설계 컨설턴트사 Arup(영국)사

2022년 최종 준공

Kuala Lumpur MRT Line 2

source reigroup.com.my

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

    말레이시아 정부는 금년 10월 쿠알라룸푸르 MRT 2호선 프로젝트를 최종 승인했다. 

이번에 추진되는 MRT 2호선은 쿠알라룸푸르 Sungai Buloh역과 행정수도인 푸트라자야를 연결하며 총 연장 52.2km로 이 중 38.7km(26개 역사)는 지상구간, 13.5km(11개 역사)는 지하구간으로 건설된다. 

개통 시기는 1단계 구간(Sungai Buloh~Kampung Butu)은 2021년 7월, 2단계 구간(Kampung Butu~Putrahaya central)은 2022년 7월을 목표로 하고 있다.

한편, 동 프로젝트의 발주처인 광역도시철도공사(MRT Corp)는 지난 7월 Arup(영국)사를 MRT 2호선 지하구간 설계 컨설턴트사로 선정했다.


source wiki

Written by  Keith Barrow 

KUALA Lumpur's Mass Rapid Transit Corporation (MRT Corp) confirmed on October 22 that the Malaysian government has given final approval for the 52.2km Klang Valley MRT Line 2 enabling construction to begin on the line from Sungai Buloh to Serdang and Putrajaya.

MRT Corp says it has received a letter from Malaysia's Land Public Transport Commission (Spad) informing the company of the final approval of the project, including the final alignment and station locations. The approval is pursuant to the Land Public Transport Act 2010 and has been signed by Malaysian's prime minister Mr Najib Razak.

The project has been given the go-ahead after a three-month public consultation, which concluded in August. According to MRT Corp, around 40,000 people visited 26 exhibition booths along the route and feedback on the proposed alignment was received from more than 10,500 respondents, 90% of whom expressed support for the project.

Following analysis of the feedback, approval has been granted without any major modifications to the alignment, although minor changes have been made at Kuchai Lama and Sungai Besi to minimise the impact of land acquisition. The government has also requested construction of an additional elevated station near Technology Park Malaysia between Sungai Besi and Serdang Raya North.

The 52.2km line will include a 13.5km underground section between Jalan Ipoh and Kuchai Lama and 38.7km of viaduct. There will be 37 stations, 25 of which will be elevated with 11 underground stations and one built into a cutting.

The initial phase of the line between Sungai Buloh and Kampung Batu is due to be operational by July 2021 and the remainder of the line from Kampung Batu to Putrahaya Sentral is scheduled to open by July 2022. MRT Corp forecasts daily ridership of more than 500,000 passengers when both phases are operational.

In July MRT appointed Arup as reference design consultant for the underground section of the line.




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