존 레논 기타, 27억 5천만 원에 낙찰...세계 최고가 John Lennon's guitar sold for $2.4m at auction(video)

John Lennon's guitar sold for $2.4m at auction

반세기 이상 행방불명

세계 3대 명기 '깁슨 기타'

엘비스 프레슬리 황금 피아노 60만 달러

비틀스 드럼헤드 212만 달러

John Lennon with his Gibson J-160E (right) and Paul McCartney with his Hofner violin bass

경매된 깁슨 기타를 치고 있는 존 레논, 옆에는 폴 매카트니  source ibtimes.co.uk


Reuters: John Lennon's long lost Gibson guitar up for sale

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


   미국 베벌리힐스의 경매회사 ‘줄리앙스 옥션’은 7일, 비틀스의 존 레논이 히트곡을 만들 때 사용했고 반세기 이상 행방불명됐던 기타가 241만 달러(약 27억 5천만 원)에 낙찰됐다고 발표했다. 록음악 관계 경매로는 세계최고가라고 한다.

록음악의 신으로 불린 엘비스 프레슬리가 사용한 황금 피아노와 비틀스의 드럼헤드도 7일, 경매에 부쳐져 피아노는 60만 달러, 드럼헤드는 약 212만 달러의 고가에 낙찰됐다.

레논의 기타는 1962년제 깁슨J-160E로 ‘아이 원트 투 홀드 유어 핸드(I Want to Hold Your Hand)’ ‘올 마이 러빙(All My Loving)’ 등 히트곡의 작곡에 사용. 1963년 12월 런던 콘서트 후 행방불명됐다. 낙찰액은 60만~80만 달러로 예상됐다.

로이터통신에 따르면 낙찰가의 절반은 레논의 부인 오노 요코 씨가 설립한 자선단체에 기부된다. 낙찰자는 발표하지 않았다.

피아노는 프레슬리가 어머니에게 선물로 구입해, 어머니가 사망한 후 부인 프리실라 씨가 결혼 1주년 기념으로 1968년에 금박을 입혔다. 미국 테네시주 멤피스의 저택에서 프레슬리가 연주했다.

드럼헤드는 1964년 미국 공연에서 사용한 것으로 ‘더 비틀스(THE BEATLES)’ 로고가 들어가 있다. 알파벳 T가 밑으로 늘어진 ‘드롭-T(drop-T)’라고 불리는 특징적인 디자인이다. 【로스앤젤레스 교도】


Money can’t buy me love … But a lot of it could have bought you this guitar. Photograph: HANDOUT/Reuters

낙찰된 존 레논의 깁슨 기타

The Gibson acoustic was stolen in in 1963, and used on the recordings of Love Me Do and PS I Love You

A guitar stolen from the late John Lennon in the 1960s sold for $2.41m (£1.6m) on Saturday at an auction in Beverly Hills, California, and a Beatles drum head went for $2.1m, fetching some of the highest prices ever for items of rock and roll memorabilia.

The 1962 J-160E Gibson acoustic guitar had for decades been in the possession of John McCaw, a novice musician who bought it in the late 1960s without knowing it had been stolen from the legendary Beatle several years before, said auctioneer Darren Julien.

Half of the proceeds from the sale of the guitar, which was stolen from Lennon at a December 1963 Christmas concert, will go toward the Spirit Foundation, a charitable organization that he and his widow, Yoko Ono, created, Julien said.

The instrument’s authenticity was determined by its matching serial number and wood grain, among other things, Julien said.

The buyer, who paid $2.41m at a Julien’s Auctions event, has asked to remain anonymous, Julien said.

Though only in Lennon’s possession for just over a year, the guitar had an illustrious history.

Lennon bought it at a Liverpool music shop in 1962 and used it on recordings of a number of Beatles songs, including PS I Love You and Love Me Do, according to Julien’s Auctions. He also is said to have strummed it while writing several Beatles hits with Paul McCartney, such as I Want To Hold Your Hand and All My Loving.

“It’s such an important part of Lennon’s career and Beatles history,” Julien said. “I knew it would go over $1m; I had no idea it would go over $2m.”

The price far surpasses the $965,000 paid at a 2013 Christie’s auction for the electric guitar Bob Dylan played at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival, where he shocked folk traditionalists with a set of rock songs.

According to Guinness World Records, a Fender Stratocaster guitar sold for a record $2.7m (£1.8m) at a 2005 charity event in Qatar. The instrument had been signed by the likes of Keith Richards, Eric Clapton and Paul McCartney.

On Saturday, another big seller at the Julien’s Auctions event was a Beatles drum head, which is the membrane stretched over a drum.tThe drum head, which was used by The Beatles when they made their historic appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964, sold for $2.1m (£1.4m), Julien said.





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