애완 송아지 이야기 Adorable Baby Cow Thinks He's a Dog Like His Great Dane Best Friend

Adorable Baby Cow Thinks He's a Dog Like His Great Dane Best Friend

골리아스는 송아지다.

골리아스는 지금 친구인 그레이트 데인견인 '레오니다스'과 함께 지낸 덕택에 

하나 둘씩 배워가고 있다.

골리아스는 태어났을 때 많이 아프고 연약했으며 잘 먹지도 못했다.

입양한 주인 쉐일리 허브스는 골리아스의 건강을 회복시키기 위해 극진하게 보살폈다.

레오니다스는 골리아스를 매우 좋아한다.

때론 핥아주기도 하고 일으켜 세우려고 살살 밀기도 한다.

그레이트 데인과 골리아스는 둘도 없는 친구 사이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Anna Gragert 

An adorable calf named Goliath seems to have learned a thing or two from his Great Dane friend Leonidas. When he was born, young Goliath was extremely sick and wasn't even strong enough to drink from a milk bottle. To give him the care he needed, Shaylee Hubbs adopted him and worked hard to nurse him back to health. The family dog Leonidas also contributed and took a liking to the cow. "He would lick the little cow on the face and try to nudge him to stand up," Hubbs told CountryLiving. "He would lay down with the sick little cow for hours just to keep him company. The Great Dane and [Goliath] became the best of friends.​"

One morning, Hubbs left the house for a few minutes so that she could feed the family's barn animals. When she returned, Goliath was nowhere to be found. "We panicked and looked all around the house and checked for any open gates," Hubbs explained. "Everything seemed in order. Then we walked into the house and look who we found lounging ever so comfortably on our couch—Goliath!!! This was triumph and victory, a nice comfortable place on the couch!​" She also mentioned that the cow loves to munch on dog food and be scratched underneath his chin.

Once they located Goliath on the couch, Hubbs snapped a photo, posted it online, and the internet instantly fell in love with the cow who has a dog-like disposition.

Shaylee Hubbs: Twitter
via [MashableCountryLiving]



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