부자들은 아침 식사로 뭘 먹을까? What the super-rich have for breakfast: (VIDEO)

What the super-rich have for breakfast: 

부자들은 아침 식사로 뭘 먹을까?

What's for breakfast? According to the graphic, Mark Zuckerberg eats whatever takes his fancy 

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

  웹 사이트 “더 싸게” (Make It Cheaper)는 일부 상업계 “대부”들의 아침 식사 습관을 정리했다.

세상을 우습게 하는 “히피 자본가”, 버진 회사 창업자 리처드 브랜슨은 일찍 일어나 운동을 한 뒤, 비타민과 섬유질이 풍부한 아침 식사를 한다. 이를 테면 과일 샐러드와 견과 오트밀 우유인 데, 가끔 절인 생선 같은 색다른 음식도 시도한다.

트위터의 공동 창시자 잭 도시는 건강에 아주 신경을 쓴다. 그는 보통 이침 5시 30분에 기상해, 명상 후 10km 달리고 난 뒤, 삶은 계란 두개와 두유를 먹는다.

친근한 페이스북의 CEO 마크 주커버그는 그야말로 따지지 않는 성격이라고 말할 수 있다. 아침에 일어난 후, 그는 집에 있는 대로 뭐가 있으면 뭘 먹는다. 그는 매일 같은 옷을 입는 데, 그가 이렇게 하는 것도 시간을 “어리석은 결정에 낭비하지 않기 워해서이다.” (번역/신화망 한국어판)

[신화사 베이징 11월 1일] 

Richard Branson has muesli, Jack Dorsey dines on eggs and soy sauce and Mark Zuckerberg eats whatever he likes Infographic by Make It Cheaper details morning habits of industry leaders

Foods consumed include eggs, kale smoothies, fruit and oatmeal

Also reveals the fitness regimes of successful business women and men  

By Anucyia Victor for Mail online 

While the rest of us might settle for a quick bowl of porridge for breakfast, some of the world’s greatest business minds start their days with far more unusual offerings.

An infographic by Make It Cheaper reveals the morning habits of high-powered leaders such as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Virgin’s Richard Branson and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey.

The graphic also details each leader’s early morning habits including activities such as yoga, meditation and six-mile runs.

Scroll down for video 

Richard Branson
Mark Zuckerberg

The morning habits of Richard Branson (left) and Mark Zuckerberg (right) are revealed in the graphic 

Here FEMAIL reveals the eating plans which help fuel the smarts of these powerful women and men

Richard Branson - Virgin Group founder

Branson tends to opt for a high-vitamin high-fibre breakfast although he may go for something a little different at times to reflect his maverick nature.

Eats: Fruit salad and muesli. Occasionally has kippers.

Habits: Leaves his curtain open for an early morning rise and exercises.

Cheryl Bachelder - Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen CEO

Matching her precise business acumen, Bachelder has a different pick depending whether she’s at home or on the go.

Eats: Steel-cut oatmeal when at home, scrambled eggs, crisp bacon and rye toast when travelling.

Habits: Starts each morning with an inspirational music playlist.

Square CEO and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has eggs with soy sauce for his morning repast 

Square CEO and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has eggs with soy sauce for his morning repast 

Eggs are a high-protein food and can set you up for a productive day 

Eggs are a high-protein food and can set you up for a productive day 

Jack Dorsey - Square CEO and Twitter co-founder

Straightforward and simple, with a splash of that little something unexpected that has taken Dorsey to where he is today.

Eats: Two hard-boiled eggs with soy sauce.

Habits: Wakes up at 5.30am, meditates and goes for a six-mile jog.

Brad Lande - Birchbox, Head of Birchbox Man

Just as he works, Lande thinks ahead by starting his day off with a health kick, keeping him fit.

Drinks: Hot lemon water followed by a banana, blueberry, kale, bee pollen, almond butter and coconut water smoothie.

Habits: 20 minutes of meditation.

Richard Branson often breakfasts on muesli and fruit salad, the graphic reveals 

Richard Branson often breakfasts on muesli and fruit salad, the graphic reveals 

Payal Kadakia - ClassPass founder and CEO

You don’t get to the top by stopping to smell the roses, it seems. Kadakia’s busy schedule and productive nature means that she gets her breakfast to go.

Eats: Grabs fruits and vitamins on the way out, picks up a Starbucks venti citrus green tea while heading to work.

Habits: Check emails and answers any urgent messages.

Katherine Power - Clique Media co-founder and CEO

True to her name, Power kicks off the day with a high-energy breakfast to keep her energy levels up throughout the morning.

Eats: One egg on toast with avocado.

Habits: Heads straight to the gym for a workout.

Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook CEO

In true, laidback Zuckerberg fashion, not a worry or moement is wasted on deciding what’s for breakfast - it’s about whatever gets the job done so he can focus on what matters.

Eats: Doesn’t waste time on ‘silly decisions’ - eats whatever takes him in the moment.

Habits: Puts on identical outfits each day to avoid wasting time. 





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