Minister: 'No delay to $53bn Saudi transport plan'(VIDEO) 사우디 정부, 재정난에 "교통인프라 프로젝트 지연은 없어"

Minister: 'No delay to $53bn Saudi transport plan'

사우디 정부, 재정난에 "교통인프라 프로젝트 지연은 없어" 

All rail and road projects in Saudi Arabia are progressing as planned. [Representational image]

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


  사우디의 530억불 규모의 도로 철도 등 교통인프라 프로젝트는 안팎으로 어려운 상황임에도 

불구하고 예정대로 추진될 것임을 천명했다. 

만일 공사가 지연될 경우 참여회사들은 페널티를 감수해야만 할 것이다.

한 사우디 뉴스매체에 의하면 사우디 정부는 교통체증이 점증되는 도시들에 대한 도로 철도 건설

에 53.3억불의 예산을 배정했다.그러나 이에 대한 세부적인 사항은 언급되지 않았다.

많은 프로젝트 들 중에서 올해 착수한 225억불 규모의 리야드 지하철은 예정대로 2019년에 마칠

계획으로 있다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


by Neha Bhatia

Public transport projects are proceeding as scheduled in Saudi Arabia, and companies will be penalised for any delays to the same, the Kingdom's minister of transport said. 

Abdullah al-Muqbil said there will be no sizeable cutbacks to transport projects, which the Kingdom views as being critical to economic diversification away from energy dependence, and job creation. 

According to local daily al-Jazirah, Muqbil said the government has allocated $53.3bn (SAR200bn) for public transport plans in cities with high population densities; however, no time frame has been specified for this spending. 

"Whether it is public transport projects or trains, the schedule of execution has been set by the Council of Ministers.

"Each project has a specific schedule and its execution is within an identified time frame with no delay," Muqbil said.

"Definitely, no delay is allowed on all the ministry's projects, whether roads or public transport...Violations will be spotted and penalties will be imposed on companies in charge of these projects."

Reuters reported Muqbil confirmed bids were under evaluation to procure and operate buses for a 10-year public transport project in Mecca.

Among the biggest projects is a $22.5bn plan to build a metro system in Riyadh, to be completed in 2019.

Three foreign-led consortia were awarded contracts for Riyadh metro in July 2013.

Turki al-Sudairy, project coordinator at one of the Riyadh metro contractors, told Reuters that the project has experienced no delays, and is now 21% complete, with full delivery expected as scheduled in 2019. 




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