일본 전통악기로 연주하는 마이클 잭슨의 '스무스 크리미널' Traditional Japanese Instruments Used for a Mesmerizing Cover of Michael Jackson's “Smooth Criminal”(VIDEO)

Traditional Japanese Instruments Used for a Mesmerizing Cover of Michael Jackson's “Smooth Criminal”

일본 전통악기인 퉁소와 거문고로 재현한 팝송이 유튜브에서 화제다.

마이클 잭슨의 유명한 ‘스무스 크리미널(Smooth Criminal)'

‘스무스 크리미널(Smooth Criminal)은 앨범 Bad에 수록된 히트싱글로

1988년 10월 24일에 공개됐으며 전세계 차트 1위를 기록했다.

퉁소 연주자인의 쓰지모토 요시미(辻本好美)가 거문고(이토 에리나 伊藤江里菜)와 

십칠 현(와타나베 유코 渡部祐子)의 반주를 배경으로 "Smooth Crimina"를 연주했다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Sara Barnes 

As the King of Pop, Michael Jackson has a discography that many have covered and sampled over the years, but this rendition by Yoshimi Tsujimoto might be the most unique yet. The Japanese musician is a professional shakuhachi (bamboo flute) player and, with the help of her backup koto intrumentalists, she's reimagined the songSmooth Criminal using traditional Japanese instruments.

The melodic sounds start soft, but are soon recognizable as Jackson’s catchy tune. In an audiovisual recording of their performance, Tsujimoto and her band brilliantly play their instruments, their hands effortlessly floating across the strings and pipe. Check out the mesmerizing video below to see the women in action.

via [Twisted Sifter]



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