Blocking Enzymes in Hair Follicles Promotes Hair Growth(VIDEO) 단 3주 만에 머리 나는 탈모 치료제 나온다

Blocking Enzymes in Hair Follicles Promotes Hair Growth

美 컬럼비아大, 

머리카락 성장 막는 효소 억제 성공

탈모와 대머리 치료에 새로운 전기 전망

Within 3 weeks, mice that received topical ruxolitinib or tofacitinib had regrown nearly all their hair 

(right photo; drug was applied only to the right side of the mouse). Little to no hair growth occurred 

in control mice during the same timeframe (left photo).

Image credit: From S. Harel et al.,  Sci. Adv. 1, e1500973 (2015).  Distributed under a Creative

Commons Attribution Non Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).  10.1126/sciadv.1500973

연구팀은 쥐의 피부에 관절염치료제의 주성분인 ‘토파시티닙’(가운데)과 혈액진환 치료제인 ‘록솔리티닙’(오른쪽)

을 적용하자, 약을 바르지 않은 부분과 다르게 털이 빠르고 풍성하게 자라남을 확인했다. - 사이언스 어드밴시스 제공


    단 3주 만에 머리털이 나게 하는 물질이 개발됐다. 동물실험 결과에서도 효능이 확인돼 탈모와 대머리 치료에 새로운 전기가 마련될 전망이다.


안젤라 크리스티아노 미국 컬럼비아대 교수팀은 모낭 속에 있는 ‘야노스 키나아제(JAK)’ 효소군의 활동을 억제하는 약물이 탈모에 효과가 있다는 사실을 확인하고 ‘사이언스’ 자매지인 ‘사이언스 어드밴시스(Science Advances)’ 23일 자 온라인 판에 발표했다.


이 약물은 혈액질환 치료제인 ‘록솔리티닙’과 관절염치료제의 주성분인 ‘토파시티닙’을 토대로 개발됐다. 쥐의 피부에 이 약물을 5일간 발랐더니 모발 성장이 촉진돼 불과 10일 만에 새로운 털이 자라기 시작했으며 3주 안에 대부분의 쥐에서 효과가 나타났다. 이 약물은 쥐의 몸에 주사했을 때보다 피부에 연고 형태로 발랐을 때 효과가 더 뛰어났다.


연구팀은 이 약물이 휴식기에 접어든 모낭을 각성시켜 휴식기에도 털이 자라게 한다는 사실을 밝혀냈다. 우리 몸의 모낭은 머리카락을 항상 생산하지 않고 활성기와 휴식기를 반복한다.


또 연구팀은 인간 모낭을 배양해 쥐에 이식한 뒤 약물을 발랐더니 쥐에게서 긴 머리카락이 자라는 현상도 확인했다.


크리스티아노 교수는 “자가면역이 원인이 되는 원형탈모증이나 남성형 대머리 등에 효과가 있을 것”이라며 “약물을 많이 바른다고 해서 활성이 빨라지는 것은 아니기 때문에 추가 연구를 통해 최적의 효과를 나타내는 표준 용법을 찾을 계획”이라고 말했다.

동아사이언스 권예슬 기자

Inhibiting a family of enzymes inside hair follicles that are suspended in a resting state restores hair growth, a new study from researchers at Columbia University Medical Center has found. The research was published today in the online edition of Science Advances.

In experiments with mouse and human hair follicles, Angela M. Christiano, PhD, and colleagues found that drugs that inhibit the Janus kinase (JAK) family of enzymes promote rapid and robust hair growth when applied to the skin.

The study raises the possibility that JAK inhibitors could be used to restore hair growth in forms of hair loss induced by male pattern baldness, and other types of hair loss that occur when hair follicles are trapped in a resting state.  Two JAK inhibitors have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. One is approved for treatment of blood diseases (ruxolitinib) and the other for rheumatoid arthritis (tofacitinib). Both are being tested in clinical trials for the treatment of plaque psoriasis and alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss.

“What we’ve found is promising, though we haven’t yet shown it’s a cure for pattern baldness,” said Dr. Christiano. “More work needs to be done to test if JAK inhibitors can induce hair growth in humans using formulations specially made for the scalp.”

Christiano and her colleagues serendipitously discovered the effect of JAK inhibitors have on hair follicles when they were studying alopecia areata, a form of hair loss that’s caused by an autoimmune attack on the hair follicles. Christiano and colleagues reported last year that JAK inhibitors shut off the signal that provokes the autoimmune attack, and that oral forms of the drug restore hair growth in some people with the disorder.

In the course those experiments, Dr. Christiano noticed that mice grew more hair when the drug was applied to the skin than when the drug was given systemically. This suggested JAK inhibitors might be doing something to the hair follicles in addition to stopping the immune attack.

When the researchers looked more closely at normal mouse hair follicles, they found that JAK inhibitors rapidly awakened resting follicles out of dormancy. Hair follicles do not produce hair steadily, but cycle between dormant and active phases.

JAK inhibitors trigger the follicles’ normal reawakening process, the researchers found. Mice treated for five days with one of two JAK inhibitors sprouted new hair within 10 days, greatly accelerating the onset of hair growth.  No hair grew on control mice within the same amount of time.

“There aren’t many compounds that can push hair follicles into their growth cycle so quickly,” said Dr. Christiano. “Some topical agents induce tufts of hair here and there after a few weeks, but very few compounds have this potent an effect so quickly.” The drugs also produce longer hair from human hair follicles grown in culture and on skin grafted onto mice.

It’s likely that the drugs act on the same pathways in human follicles as they do in mice, suggesting they could induce new hair growth and extend the growth of existing hairs in humans.

However, whether JAK inhibitors can reawaken hair follicles that have been frozen in a resting state because of androgenetic alopecia (which causes male and female pattern baldness) or other forms of hair loss is still unknown.  So far, all the experiments have been conducted in normal mice and human follicles. Experiments to address hair follicles affected by hair loss disorders are under way.



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