The New York Mets are going to the World Series(VIDEO) 美 MLB 뉴욕 메츠, 15년 만에 월드시리즈 진출

The New York Mets are going to the World Series

美 MLB 뉴욕 메츠, 15년 만에 월드시리즈 진출

5번째 월드시리즈 진출


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케이콘텐츠 편집

    미국 프로야구 메이저리그 플레이오프는 21일, 리그 우승 결정 시리즈(7전 4선승제) 2경기가 개최됐다. 내셔널리그 4차전은 시카고에서 개최돼 뉴욕 메츠(동부지구)가 시카고 컵스(와일드카드)를 8-3으로 꺾고 4연승을 기록, 2000년 이래 15년 만에 5번째 월드시리즈에 진출했다.

메츠는 1회 공격에서 루카스 두다와 트래비스 다노가 연속 홈런을 터뜨리며 4점을 선취했고, 2회에도 두다의 2루타로 2점을 추가했다. 이번 시리즈 최우수선수(MVP)는 포스트시즌 최장 기록인 6경기 연속 홈런을 기록한 대니얼 머피가 선정됐다.

아메리칸리그 5차전은 토론토 블루제이스(동부지구)가 캔자스시티 로열즈(중부지구)에 7-1로 승리, 대전 성적 2승 3패를 기록했다. 블루제이스의 선발 투수 마르코 에스트라다는 8회까지 3안타 1실점으로 호투했다. [시카고 교도】

By: Ted Berg

CHICAGO — The Mets hit rock bottom in the second inning of a getaway game against the St. Louis Cardinals on Aug. 5, 2009.

That day, in the first season after the revelation that owner Fred Wilpon had put faith in a charlatan and lost a fortune in Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme, during the debut season of a new, taxpayer-aided stadium designed, seemingly, to simultaneously honor the Brooklyn Dodgers and rob Mets franchise player David Wright of extra-base hits, the team entered play six games below .500. The 2006 season had ended in crushing defeat to those same Cardinals in the NLCS. The 2007 and 2008 seasons ended in heartbreaking collapses.

Three of the Mets’ best players, Carlos Beltran, Carlos Delgado, and Jose Reyes, were out with injuries that would cost each at least half of the season. The club had traded a veritable army of useful players and prospects — and committed countless millions on top of that — to rebuild a bullpen that failed spectacularly in 2008, but the Mets’ bullpen was still terrible. Oh, and the game came on the heels of a bizarre incident in which, after news surfaced that a team VP had torn his shirt off and challenged minor leaguers to fight him in the clubhouse at Class AA Binghamton, general manager Omar Minaya lashed out at the reporter who knew more about what was going on in the Mets’ farm system than he did.

And yet despite all of the relentless, godforsaken Mets stuff that was happening and had been happening and would continue to happen, there was reason to be hopeful for the first 1 2/3 innings of that game: Rookie lefty Jon Niese, the club’s top prospect, was making his third start since joining the big-league rotation in late July. Niese, born the very same day the Mets last won the World Series — Oct. 27, 1986 — represented some tiny little glimmer of a brighter future during what had swiftly and ferociously become very dark times for the Mets.


But Niese made an awkward stretch while covering first base on an attempted double play. Team trainers came out to see how he responded to a warmup pitch, and he responded by collapsing right there on the mound with a hamstring tear, done for the season. There were grim times before that and woeful ones later, but never at any point did the whole Mets operation seem so irreparably bleak.

Six years, two months, and 16 days later, the Mets beat the Chicago Cubs, 8-3, to sweep the NLCS on Wednesday and advance to the World Series. The  New York Mets; the World Series. That just happened.

Look: By the standards set for Major League Baseball teams, the Mets actually don’t have it so bad. They’ve got two championship banners already in the rafters, which is two more than MLB’s eight title-less clubs can say. They last saw the World Series in 2000, more recently than 14 clubs. Heck, the club the Mets just eliminated from the postseason, the Chicago Cubs, have not won a World Series since 1908.

But try telling any of that to a Mets fan, one who watched his team become a punchline and a punching bag so quickly a few years ago, who sat through a long rebuilding process delayed by the massive contracts Minaya handed out when the Mets thought they were reaping impossible returns on their investments, who heard his boss and his cousin and his buddies down at the bar cheer as the Yankees managed to compete every single year while here his team could hardly even hope to crawl above .500.

Now the team and all its woebegone fans see what comes with prudence and patience, the fruits of GM Sandy Alderson’s efforts to build a ridiculous young pitching staff and a pretty good offense and enough depth to cover the inevitable injuries all teams face across the course of a season. Now the Mets are good. Now the Mets are going to the World Series.

Now Jon Niese, that guy some hoped would be part of their next World Series team back when there were few other reasons to hope, now he is part of the Mets’ next World Series team. Except the Mets’ pitching staff is so damn good that Niese is working as a bullpen lefty even though he’s a perfectly capable big-league starter.

Baseball is an extraordinary thing: With no real physical or financial investment, we watch teams play 162 games a year, every year, only to let them destroy us, every year. We latch on to the shakiest of seedlings, hoping they will bear some fruit we have never tasted but assume to be delicious, even if we know from too much experience that they almost never do. And we know — we know! — that baseball outcomes are dominated by randomness, and that championship seasons come as much from fickle fortune as they do from smart construction or clubhouse chemistry or good karma or whatever the heck else we want to credit.

But every so often — maybe once or twice in a lifetime if we’re lucky — the little sliver of light upon which we dream explodes, suddenly, into a giant glowing sun, and we see that it is spectacular, and we realize why we do this. The New York Mets are your National League champions, destined to be one of the final two teams standing after seven months of baseball, and perhaps, with more good pitching and good luck and timely hitting, the team for which their fans have waited the entirety of Jon Niese’s lifetime.



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