Mexico investing 10 billion dollars for expanding Pipeline Network by 2019 멕시코, 100억달러 규모 천연 가스관 건설

Mexico investing 10 billion dollars for expanding Pipeline Network by 2019 멕시코, 100억달러 규모 천연 가스관 건설

5년간 총 5,160km


edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


   멕시코 정부가 100억달러 규모의 가스관 건설 계획을 발표했다.

멕시코 정부는 최근 12개의 가스관과 컴프레션 스테이션 1기 건설을 포함하는 5개년 100억달러 투자계획을 발표했다.

가스관 프로젝트 입찰은 2015년부터 2017년 사이에 시행될 계획이다. 멕시코 국가가스통제센터(Cenagas)에 따르면 이번에 건설되는 가스관의 총 길이는 5000km에 달할 것으로 예상된다.

이 프로젝트는 2016~2019년 즈음 상업운영을 시작할 예정이다. 이 가스관을 통해 발전소, 석유화학, 정유공장, 산업·주거단지에 가스가 공급된다.

페드로 호아퀸 콜드웰 멕시코 에너지부 장관은 미국에서 멕시코 베라크루즈와 타마울리파스 주까지 연결되는 800km 길이의 심해저 파이프라인 건설(31억달러 규모)의 전략적 중요성도 언급했다.

2015~2019년에 계획된 기타 대형 프로젝트로는 19억8000만달러 규모의 로스라모네스-셈포알라 프로젝트와 라 라구나-아구아스칼리엔테스 파이프라인(10억달러 규모) 건설도 포함됐다.

멕시코 정부는 5개년 계획을 통해 2018년까지 자국의 가스관 연결망을 총 2만km까지 확대하겠다고 밝힌 바 있다. 

페드로 장관은 “이외에도 멕시코가 향후 15년 동안 22개의 가스관을 건설하게 될 것”이라며 “향후 5년간 건설될 가스관은 아래 16개 주를 통과하게 된다”고 밝혔다. 

전기신문 위대용 기자

Dwight DyerEnergy and Environment editor at 


The Energy Secretariat published the Natural Gas Pipeline Construction Five Year Plan on Oct. 14, several months ahead of the original schedule. How big a deal is this? It's huge, by Mexican standards. The document (in Spanish) lays out very ambitious plans to increase the country's capacity to transport natural gas across the Mexico-U.S. border by land and sea, from north to south, east to west and into the deep south. If the twelve pipeline construction projects are built on schedule, Mexico will expand its pipeline network by 5,160 kilometers and attract investments worth close to 10 billion dollars, by 2019.

The National Gas Control Center (CENAGAS), a newly created government institution, will be the independent network operator and will guarantee open, non-discriminatory access to the network. Quite importantly, it will be taking over state oil company Pemex's existing gas pipeline network. The National Energy Commission will regulate and supervise the sector. Starting in 2016, when it is expected CENAGAS will be fully staffed, it will be in charge of calling for bids on new projects. In the meantime, Pemex and CFE have a mandate to manage bidding processes in its stead.

Construction has already begun on two projects, five more are under bid, and four more are being readied for bidding; the last one is a private project. Some of these are considered strategic projects, meaning they will expand the infrastructure backbone and provide redundancy for combined cycle power generation plants and manufacturing centers. Others are deemed commercial projects, in which both private companies and the state energy companies (Pemex and the Federal Electricity Commission, CFE) will be permitted to invest at their own risk. Finally, two others are considered "social" projects, meaning they are intended to bring the natural resource to underserved, backward areas in the hope of igniting economic development.

Risky business. The plan is based on the assumption that the United States will remain the world's largest natural gas producer for decades to come. Pemex's natural gas production has been steadily declining over the last decade and its investment budget is rapidly shrinking, making it an insufficient and unreliable source of gas. Simultaneously, CFE has been busy building new gas-powered generation facilities and converting some of its old, fuel oil and coal powered plants to gas. Thus, Mexican demand for gas will continue to increase substantially in the short to medium term. Integrating Mexico into the North American gas market will likely mitigate some of the risks related to international price volatility.



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