우크라이나 내년 '유엔 안보리' 진출 예고 Vladimir Putin’s looming problem: Ukraine expected to win UN Security Council seat

카테고리 없음|2015. 10. 15. 21:46

러시아와 본격 마찰 예고

내년 UN 안보리 비상임이사국에 선정 가능성 높아

The United Nations Security Council ... five candidate countries are expected to win the five vacant 

seats without controversy. Picture: Reuters / Mike Segar

유엔안보리이사회, 공석이 된 5개국 안보리 비상임이사국에 반대없이 우크라이너가 포함될 것으로 예상하고 있다.

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   우크라이나의 유엔 안전보장이사회(안보리) 진출이 유력해지면서 국제무대에서 러시아와 본격

인 마찰을 예고하고 있다.

유엔은 15일(현지시간) 미국 뉴욕 유엔본부에서 총회를 열어 올해 말로 임기가 종료되는 차드, 나

이지리아, 리투아니아, 칠레, 요르단을 대신할 새 안보리 비상임이사국 5개국을 투표로 선출한다.

(서울=연합뉴스) 박영석 기자

DIPLOMATS expect no surprises in Thursday’s elections for new members of the Security Council but there will almost certainly be some fireworks when Ukraine joins the UN’s most powerful body, where arch opponent Russia has a permanent seat. 

This year’s election is uncontested — five candidates for five seats as non-permanent members.

The only requirement for the candidates — Ukraine, Egypt, Japan, Senegal and Uruguay — is that they win approval from two-thirds of the 193 UN member states. So their election is virtually assured and the five countries will join the council for two-year terms starting on January 1.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin was also in New York this week, meeting with UN ambassadors and letting the media know that relations with Russia will be anything but conciliatory following its annexation of Crimea and its military and political interference in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region.

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop with her Ukrainian counterpart, Pavlo Klimkin.Source:News Corp Australia

Russia has been quietly campaigning against Ukraine, according to diplomats who spoke on condition of anonymity because discussions have been private, but Klimkin said he was “optimistic” about the vote.

“Election to the Security Council is of special importance for us as a backdrop of the ongoing Russian aggression,” Klimkin told reporters on Tuesday.

“For the first time, we have an absolutely unique and unimaginable situation ... that a permanent member of the Security Council is an aggressor in Ukraine, waging a hybrid war against Ukraine.”




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