北 노동당 창건 70주년 열병식, 역대 최대 규모 North Korea's 70th anniversary parade(VIDEO)

 10일 오후 북한 노동당 창건 70주년 기념 열병식을 앞두고 북한군 장병들이 평양 김일성광장에 도열해 

있다. /뉴시스·조선중앙TV 방송화면 캡처

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


   북한이 노동당 창건 70주년 기념 열병식을 평양 김일성광장에서 역대 최대 규모로 진행했다.

북한은 이날 평양 시각으로 오후 3시(우리 시각 오후 3시 30분) 열병식을 시작해 5시쯤까지 2시간 가량 진행했다.

이날 열병식은 당초 오전 10시쯤 시작될 예정이었으나, 기상 악화로 당초 예상보다 5시간 정도 늦게 시작됐다. 붓과 낫, 망치로 된 노동당 마크와 숫자 ‘70’을 형상화하는 에어쇼를 무사히 진행하기 위해 일정을 미룬 것으로 보인다.

열병식에는 군인 3만여명, 군중 20만명과 함께 각종 무기가 동원돼 지난 2012년 김일성 탄생 100주년 기념일 때 열린 열병식 규모를 뛰어넘었다.

김정은은 열병식을 앞두고 중국에서 온 특사 류윈산 공산당 정치국 상무위원과 함께 김일성광장 행사 연단에 입장했으며, 단상에서 류 상무위원과 나란히 서서 현장을 지켜봤다. 김정은 바로 뒷편으로는 황병서 총정치국장 등 북한 당 간부들이 배석했다. 이날 열병식에는 쿠바 대표단도 참석한 것으로 전해졌다.

김정은은 이날 열병식에서 지난 2012년 이후 다시 3년 만에 육성 연설에 나섰다.

김정은은 “이날의 성대한 열병식과 군중시위는 노동당이 장장 70년간 군대와 인민을 영도해 다져온 무지막지한 위력을 보여줄 것”이라며 “광명한 미래로 용기백배 나아가는 천만군민의 혁명적 위상을 만천하에 과시하게 될 것”이라고 주장했다. 연설은 30분간이나 이어졌다. 연설 직후 분열 행진이 시작됐다.

북한은 이날 열병식에서 300mm 신형 방사포를 처음 등장시켰다. 이 방사포는 최대 사정거리가 180~240km에 달해 충남 계룡시에 있는 3군본부는 물론 중부지방에 있는 우리 군의 주요 전투비행장도 겨냥할 수 있다. 최대 사정거리가 1만2000km에 달하는 KN-08 대륙간탄도미사일(ICBM) 개량형도 공개됐다. 그러나 이날 등장할 수도 있다고 예상됐던 잠수함발사탄도미사일(SLBM)은 공개되지 않았다. 

이번 열병식은 김정은 정권 출범 이후 다섯 번째 열병식이나, 역대 최대 규모로 진행된 것이다.

북한은 국민들이 경제난과 생활고에 직면해 있는 상황에서도 이번 행사를 위해 막대한 예산을 투입한 것으로 알려져 국제 사회로부터 시대착오적이라는 비판을 받고 있다.

조선일보 신수지 기자

North Korea at 70: Seven turbulent decades of repression, murder and nuclear brinkmanship 

As North Korea marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers' Party, here is a potted history of seven bloody decades in the world's leading pariah state 

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un waves to a crowd while inspecting a newly-built village at 

Paekhak-dong in Sonbong District of flood-hit Rason City Photo: AFP/KCNA

By Julian Ryall, Tokyo

8:00PM BST 09 Oct 2015

The Workers' Party of Korea will celebrate its anniversary with gusto on Saturday, marking 70 years since it became the ostensibly democratic face of history's only communist dynasty – and glossing over the inconvenient fact that it has done little more than rubber stamp the decisions of three generations of the Kim family, starting with Kim Il-sung, since 1945. 

In the seven decades since the creation of the party, North Korea has started a war that came to the brink of a nuclear exchange, abducted hundreds of foreign nationals, sold weapons to rogue Middle Eastern states, manufactured drugs to earn hard currency and printed counterfeit foreign banknotes. 

The regime's agents have planted bombs on civilian aircraft and attempted to murder members of the South Korean government, including a thwarted raid on the presidential Blue House in Seoul in 1968. 

Kim Jong Il takes a stroll with his father Kim Il Sung, right, in this April, 1982, photo in Pyongyang

Arms and the 1.1 million men 
North Korea has the biggest per capita standing army in the world and is believed to have extensive stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons. Pyongyang has also developed nuclear weapons and the intercontinental ballistic missiles to deliver the warheads – and insists it is ready and willing to use them. 

Military vehicles parade during a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the Korean War armistice in Pyongyang

Kim family values 
Three generations of the Kim family have also displayed callous disregard for the well-being of their own people. Famine has been a recurring theme of life in North Korea. The elite continued to live in luxury during the four-year famine from 1994, known euphemistically in the North as the Arduous March, during which as many as 3.5 million of the nation's 22 million people died of starvation. 

Tens of thousands of its citizens are still held in political prison camps, with no chance of ever being released, along with three generations of their families also condemned to being worked to death because of the regime's assumption of guilt by association. 

Senior members of the regime who fall out of favour are simply executed, often in the most gruesome of ways. In April, satellites captured images of anti-aircraft guns being used to carry out an execution. 

A pariah state 
The United Nations released a report in February 2014 that condemned North Korea for multiple alleged cases of murder, torture, rape used as an instrument of torture, abduction, enslavement, starvation and other abuses against its own people. 

The North Korean regime "does not have any parallel in the contemporary world," Michael Kirby, a retired Australian judge and chair of the panel, stated in the final document, adding that many of its excesses reminded him of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime in Germany and Cambodia under Pol Pot. 

Isolated for its excesses, under international sanctions and regularly condemned by the global community, analysts have more than once predicted the regime's demise. It has indeed teetered on that brink – there are reports of attempted coups that came to nothing while international sanctions and China's restriction of aid have undoubtedly hurt the regime – yet it has always managed to limp on while keeping up the colourful rhetoric against its enemies. 

And that is testament to the three Kims that have led the country with successive iron fists since Japan's defeat in 1945 divided the Korean Peninsula into the Soviet Union-sponsored North and the South, supported by the United States and, when war broke out in 1950, the UN. 

The personality cult of Kim Il-sung 
Born in 1912 and given the name Kim Song-ju, the official version of Kim Il-sung's life claims that he and his family resisted the Japanese colonisation of the Korean Peninsula and that he joined an underground Marxist organisation, but they were forced to flee to Manchuria. 

After Japan's invasion of north-east China in 1931, Kim joined a guerrilla group under the Communist Party of China and served as a political commissar. 

He adopted the name Kim Il-sung – which translates as "Kim becomes the sun" – in 1935 and led raids against Japanese outposts, the most famous of which, the attack on the small town of Poch'onbo, has gone down in North Korean history as a feat of military genius. 

With the end of the Second World War, the Soviet Union installed Kim as its puppet and set about creating a cult of personality similar to that surrounding Stalin. 

War and the DMZ 
On June 25, 1950, North Korea launched what it called the Fatherland Liberation War, with the tacit backing of China and the Soviet Union. 

Initial successes pushed weak South Korean and US forces back to the edges of the south-east port city of Pusan before a massive UN force, led by the US but with significant British involvement, intervened. Seoul was recaptured after daring landings at Incheon but the conflict degenerated into stalemate when China intervened with millions of "volunteers" flooding over the border. 

An armistice was signed in 1953 and a Demilitarised Zone – in truth, the world's most heavily fortified border – has divided the peninsula ever since. 

The two sides have kept up the political sniping and regular military clashes ever since. 

Kim Jong-il, the Dear Leader 

Kim Il-sung – referred to as The Great Leader – died in July 1994, the nation being inherited by his son, Kim Jong-il. The North's propaganda machine had already been busy lionising the achievements of a man who was to become The Dear Leader, claiming he was born in a secret guerrilla camp on the slopes of sacred Mount Paektu. The reality is more prosaic; he was born Yuri Irsenovich Kim in a refugee camp near Khabarovsk. 

North Korea's economy was already in decline, thanks primarily to a policy of diverting the bulk of the nation's resources to the military, and chronic mismanagement, but Pyongyang became increasingly reliant on assistance from China, its sole significant ally. 

Kim Jong-il
That never stopped the North from playing up Kim's alleged achievements, which ranged from writing 1,500 books and six full operas during his three years at Kim Il-sung University, to overseeing the nation's film industry and, after first picking up a golf club at North Korea's only golf course in 1994, scoring a 38-under par round that included a remarkable 11 holes in one. 

There had long been suggestions that Kim Jong-il, who had suffered two serious strokes in 2008, was suffering from diabetes as well as heart and kidney complaints and he died suddenly aboard his personal train in December 2011. 

Kim Jong-un – more of the same ... 
After an official period of mourning, Kim Jong-un was anointed his heir and successor and swiftly dashed hopes that his upbringing and education at a private school in Switzerland might have given him a broader world view and encouraged him to seek rapprochement with the North's enemies instead of confrontation. 

If anything, Mr Kim's attitude towards the rest of the world has been more obtuse. The North launched a rocket in April 2012 in what other nations condemned as a disguised test of a ballistic missile, and carried out its third underground nuclear test in February 2013, despite international pressure not to. Mr Kim has also restarted the reactor at the Yongbyon nuclear plant. 

Mr Kim's reign has been punctuated by military clashes at sea and along the border, while he has also sought closer relations with Russia since China grew weary of the regime ignoring Beijing's advice. 

Mr Kim will use the anniversary of the founding of the party to call on his people to continue the struggle to build the nation's unique form of socialism – but with more defectors escaping North Korea's borders and more information than ever before going the other way, his citizens are no longer in the dark over the realities of his regime. 



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