Japan’s First Female Photojournalist is Still Taking Pictures at 101 Years Old 101살에도 활동하는 일본 최초의 여성 사진작가

Japan’s First Female Photojournalist is Still Taking Pictures at 101 Years Old

사진작가 쓰네꼬 사사모토는 올해 101살로 25살 나이에 일본 최초의 여성 사진저널리스

트가 됐다.

고령에도 불구하고 아직도 현역으로 왕성한 활동을 계속하고 있으며 전후 일본 전쟁사 기록

작업을 하고 있다.

그녀의 사진들은 전체국가시대부터 경제강국이 되기까지의 일본의 드라마틱함을 묘사하는데  

방점이 찍혀있다.

97세의 나이에 하야쿠사이 노 파인더라는 사진화보집을 발간하기도 했으며 100세에는 

전시회를 열기도 했다.

작년부터 왼쪽 손과 양쪽다리를 못쓰는 중에도 하나하카리라는 화보집을 준비 중이다.

그녀의 사진에 대한 애착과 열정은 감히 상상도 할 수 없다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Sara Barnes

At 101 years old, renowned Japanese photographer Tsuneko Sasamoto continues to express her artistic voice and capture stunning images. Considered to be her country’s first photojournalist at the age of 25, Sasamoto has been documenting history for over 70 years, including pre- and post-war Japan. Her photographs highlighted the country’s dramatic shift from a totalitarian regime to an economic superpower, and the social implications that arose from it.

Sasamoto remains enthusiastic about her profession, continuing to impact her chosen field. In 2011, at the age of 97, she published a photo book called Hyakusai no Finder, or Centenarian’s Finder. When she turned 100, she opened an exhibition of selected images. Now, Sasamoto is currently working on a project called Hana Akari, orFlower Glow, an homage to her friends who have passed away. She is completing this series despite breaking her left hand and both legs last year. Determined to not let it get the best of her, she has attended physical rehabilitation three times a week to get better.

When speaking to NHK World shortly before her 100th birthday, Sasamoto offered sage advice. “You should never become lazy. It’s essential to remain positive about your life and never give up,” Sasamoto told NHK. “You need to push yourself and stay aware, so you can move forward. That’s what I want people to know.”

Tsuneko Sasamoto on the cover of her book, Hyakusai no Finder.

Photo credit: Satoko Kawasaki

Photo credit: Satoko Kawasaki

Photo credit: Satoko Kawasaki

via [PetaPixelThe Japan TimesZaikei News]

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