'더스틴 옐린'의 유리에 둘러싸인 환상적인 3D 휴먼 콜라주 작품 Three-Dimensional Human Collages Encased in Layers of Glass(VIDEO)
Three-Dimensional Human Collages Encased in Layers of Glass
미 뉴욕 브루클린 출신의 현대미술가 '더스틴 옐린'은 유리안에 대형 콜라주기법을 이용한 조각형태의 작품으로 세계적
호응을 얻었다.
상상력과 낯선 즐거움의 세계 'Psychogeographies 사이코지오그래피'
최근 뉴욕발레단으로부터 요청받은 전시회에서는 실물크기의 휴머노이드 형태의 콜렉션을 선보였다.
이 조각품 같은 작품은 수천개의 그림, 잡지나 백과사진 등의 조각이 있는 여러겹의 유리판을 합체해 입체적으로 공들여
만든 것들이다
현재 그의 작품은 워싱턴의 공연예술 행사 때문에 케네디센터에 영구 전시되어 있다.
* 콜라주
색종이나 사진 등의 조각들을 붙여 그림을 만드는 미술 기법
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Scroll Down for VIDEO
Brooklyn-based contemporary artist Dustin Yellin has received worldwide recognition for his technique to creating large-scale, fantastical collages encased within layers of glass. Psychogeographies, his newest exhibition commissioned by the New York City Ballet for the annual Art series, is a collection of life-size humanoid figures. These sculptural paintings are painstakingly pieced together using thousands of individual drawings, paintings and magazine or encyclopedia clippings that are then stacked between vertical planes of glass to render three dimensional forms.
Though reminiscent of taxonomic art that gained popularity in the 19th century, Yellin’s work often focuses on otherworldly mutations of living things. Like specimens trapped under a microscope, his sculptures are recognizable yet alien at the same time, drawing shape from the natural world but with an additional element of fantasy. The process to create these works is intensely laborious; the current series of 12 figurines took 6 years to complete.
Psychogeographies allows for an interesting study of the human form, from a decidedly abstract perspective. It is now on permanent display at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC.
Dustin Yellin: Website | Instagram | Facebook
via: [Hi-Fructose]
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