지하의 완벽한 친환경 주택 Luxurious Eco-Friendly Mansion Exists Entirely Below Ground(VIDEO)

Luxurious Eco-Friendly Mansion Exists Entirely Below Ground 지하의 완벽한 친환경 주택

사람들이 사는데 있어서 환경은 삶의 질에 매우 중요한 영향을 미친다.

'언더그라운드 하우스'로 명명된 '페르두(Perdu)라고 하는 이 맨션은 지하에 

만들어져 있다.

환경 영향을 최소화 하기 위해서이다.

영국 맨체스터 보던에 위치하고 있으며 원형의 3개의 침실을 가지고 있으며  

영국 건축회사인 NC Homes,  Huntsmere 가 건설에 참여했다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Sara Barnes

For those wanting to lessen their negative impact on the environment, the best place to build is down. Known as “underground homes” or “low-impact houses,” these structures minimize the amount of green space used by containing entire buildings below the Earth’s surface. Two English firms—NC Homes and Huntsmere—have proposed an underground dwelling that’s as luxurious as a conventional, above-the-soil structure. Called Perdu, it’s a circular three-bedroom home located on the grounds of Bowdon in Manchester.

When building underground, there’s always the concern of having ample natural light. To mitigate this, Perdu has a dome-shaped passage in the center that allows sunlight to enter the home. Its other environmentally-friendly features include rainwater harvesting, a heat exchange system, and hot water that’s warmed with the help of solar tubes.

Aside from its unique location, Perdu is comparable to any other home. It has a full kitchen, living area, bedrooms, and workout space. There’s also a swimming pool (albeit subterranean) that's complete with a waterside. This opulent, eco-conscious space doesn’t come cheap, however: it’s priced at approximately $3.7 million to own.

NC Homes: Website
Huntsmere: Website

via [Home Crux]


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