대우인터내셔널 사우디 국민차 프로젝트 수주 규모 "1조원대" Saudi, Korean firms to build car manufacturing plant
연 최대 10만대 이상 생산 예정
'대우차' 상표 독점권 보유한 한국GM과 분쟁 중
* 사우디 국민차' 프로젝트
포스코의 계열사인 대우인터내셔널이 사우디아라비아와 손잡고 2018년 부터
'대우' 이름이 들어간 차를 양산하는 자동차 생산 프로젝트
'사우디 국민차' 맡은 전병일 사장…'대우' 상표분쟁 해결할까?
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케이콘텐츠 편집
대우인터내셔널이 추진하는 사우디아라비아의 국민차 프로젝트의 수주 규모가 1조원이 될 것이란 전망이 나왔다. 신한금융투자는 2일 대우인터내셔널의 사우디 국민차 프로젝트는 2016년 이후 3년 동안 8500억원(부가가치세 15% 제외)의 매출과 3% 내외의 영업이익률이 발생할 것으로 예상했다. 또 대우인터의 사우디 자동차 공장의 생산능력은 초기 연간 2만대 규모로 시작해 향후에는 10만대 이상으로 확대될 것으로 내다봤다. 이 공장이 가동되면 대우인터는 지분 15%에 해당하는 지분법 이익과 CKD(반조립부품수출) 매출이 발생할 것으로 전망했다. [이투데이 최재혁 기자] |
[Related Article]
Saudi, Korean firms to build car manufacturing plant
The Saudi National Automobile Manufacturing Company (SNAM) and the Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund ( PIF ) are working closely with South Korea's Daewoo International , to establish an automobile manufacturing plant.
The plant to be located in the Kingdom is aimed to meet domestic demand and also cater for the ever increasing automobile export market in the Gulf region.
"Things are progressing well with a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed, while the agreement deal is in the final stage," Park Kyung-Ho, manager Daewoo International , Saudi Arabia, told Arab News on Thursday.
"We are close to complete the deal to build the car manufacturing plant at the Sudair Industrial City, a planned city strategically located approximately 120 km from Riyadh and 160 km from Qassim," Kyung-Ho said, adding that the plant will be capable of producing 150,000 cars a year by 2018.
Daewoo holds a 15 percent stake in the ambitious project, while SNAM has majority stake with 50 percent and PIF holds 35 percent stake, he said.
Under the deal, SNAM, PIF and Daewoo International will collectively invest approximately $1 billion to build the plant.
Earlier, Daewoo International floated a firm as the trading arm of POSCO, one of the largest steelmakers in the world that also has experience in operating auto plants abroad, which signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with PIF to help build an automobile plant in the resource-rich Kingdom.
As per the MoU, Daewoo International will oversee the entire process of assembly production beginning with the planning stage, including automobile design and parts procurement, while POSCO Engineering & Construction, the group's construction arm, will participate in the actual building of the auto plant.
Notably, for the trading company, it may also mean the potential distribution of Korean auto industry technology and parts.
Working to this end, Daewoo and SNAM co-hosted a recruiting session for Saudi students pursuing higher studies in South Korea, which was held at Daewoo's headquarters in Songdo, west of the capital city of Seoul.
A large number of students attended the event, during which they were briefed about the upcoming automotive manufacturing unit.
© Arab News 2015
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