2015년 세계 대학 랭킹 The 2015 World University rankings
싱가포르국립대학 26위
도쿄대학 43위(지난해 23위)
아시아 최고자리 자리 내줘
서울대 85위
1위 미국 캘리포니아 공대
하버드대 6위로 떨어져
source THE
edited by kcontents
케이콘텐츠 편집
영국 교육전문지 타임스 하이어 에듀케이션(THE)이 1일 발표한 올해의 ‘세계 대학 순위’에서, 도쿄대학은 43위(지난해 23위)를 차지해 순위가 크게 떨어져, 26위인 싱가포르국립대학(동 25위)에 아시아 최고 대학의 자리를 내줬다. 42위 베이징대학(동 48위)에도 한 계단 추월당했다. 도쿄대학이 아시아 최고 자리에서 전락한 것은 2010년 홍콩대학에 추월당한 이래. 일본은 상위 200교에 들어간 수도 지난해 5개교에서 2개교로 감소해, 동 교육지는 “이웃 국가의 라이벌에 맞서 앞지르기 위해서는 조속한 연구 투자를 늘려가지 않으면 안 된다”고 지적했다. 일본세로 도쿄대학 다음으로 이어진 것은 88위의 교토대학. 도쿄대학과 마찬가지로 지난해 59위에서 크게 순위가 내려갔다. 지난해 141~165위를 차지했던 도쿄공업대학, 오사카대학(大阪大), 도호쿠대학(東北大)은 상위 200교에서 모습을 감췄다. 중국(홍콩을 제외), 싱가포르도 상위 200교 진입은 각각 2개교. 중국의 또 하나는 칭화대학(清華大)이 47위, 싱가포르는 난양이공대학(NTU)이 55위. 한국은 4개교가 이름이 올랐지만 서울대학 85위가 최고로 나머지 3개교는 100위권 이하다. 전체 1위는 미국 캘리포니아 공과대학으로 5년 연속. 영국 옥스포드대학, 미국 스탠포드대학이 그 뒤를 이어 상위 20개교 가운데 18개교를 미•영국의 명문 대학들이 차지했다. 순위는 논문인용 빈도와 교원 스태프 1인당 학생 수, 유학생 수 등 13개 지표로 평가했다. 【런던 교도】 |
The 2015 World University rankings
Harvard University (Lisa Poole/AP)
By Valerie Strauss
September 30
The 2015 “World University” rankings were released by Times Higher Education in London on Wednesday, but don’t confuse them with the “2015 World University Rankings” issued in July by a Saudi Arabian group, or the U.S. News & World Report’s “2015 Best Global University Rankings,” or the 2015 “Academic Ranking of World Universities” put out in August by the Center for World-Class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, or … well, you get the idea. Be very, very careful with school rankings.
And to answer the question you are about to ask: No, the results aren’t identical.
Harvard is No. 1 on three of the four rankings mentioned above — all but the Times Higher Education list, which gives the top spot to the California Institute of Technology, for the fifth straight year. Harvard ranks sixth on the Times list. Caltech is seventh on the list from China as well as on the U.S. News list but 12th on the list from Saudi Arabia. The University of Oxford in England is No. 2 on the Times Higher Education list, but No. 5 on the list from Saudi Arabia as well as U.S. News, and No. 10 on the list from China.
Each list has its own methodology and its own criteria, though there is overlap. Naturally, each claim to be extra-special. For example, The Times Higher Education Web site says:
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2014-2015 list the best global universities and are the only international university performance tables to judge world class universities across all of their core missions – teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.
And the Web site of the Academic Ranking of World University says:
Starting from 2003, ARWU has been presenting the world Top 500 universities annually based on a set of objective indicators and third-party data. ARWU has been recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy league table.
Let’s look at the release of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2014-15, which offers good and bad news for the United States. The good news: 147 U.S. institutions are on the list of 800 schools. That’s far more than Britain, with 78; Japan, with 41; China, with 37; and Germany, also with 37. What’s more the California Institute of Technology is No. 1 for the fifth straight year. The bad news: The U.S. dominance may be threatened in “years to come.” (As bad news goes, that’s not so bad.)
In the release, Phil Baty, editor of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, said:
“The United States still dominates the World University Rankings, with a staggering 147 institutions featured in this prestigious list, including California Institute of Technology, which has held on to pole position for the fifth year in a row. Despite this achievement, the US will have to watch out for countries in continental Europe, such as Germany and the Netherlands, and Asia, such as China, that may threaten its status in years to come. While 47 states in the US have implemented higher education funding cuts since the recession in 2008, including California, which cut its university system’s budget by $900 million, or 27 per cent, these standout performers in Europe and Asia are continuing to invest heavily in higher education. The US will have to raise its game to ensure its dominance does not erode.”
Note: Despite his warning about California’s disinvestment in higher education, which is real and unacceptable, it turns out that the U.S. News list of world-class universities includes three public schools from California — the University of California at Berkeley at No. 3, the University of California at Los Angeles is No. 8 and the University of California at San Diego is No. 18. Meanwhile, the University of Michigan is in a tie for No. 14 with two other schools, including the University of Washington. That makes a total of five public U.S. universities on the U.S. News list — one fourth of the top 20.
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