호치민시, 총 55억불 규모 5개년 인프라 사업 계획 발표 HCM City to boost investment for road traffic projects
인프라구축, '민간섹터펀드' 활용도 매우 높아
source thanhniennews.com
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케이콘텐츠 편집
베트남 호치민시 인민위원회는 총 55억불 규모의 다음 5개년 새 도로사업을 포함한 주요 인프라 사업 계획을 발표했다. 이는 2011년~2015년까지의 사업투자 규모의 3배나 되는 대규모 투자 계획이다. 시 예산 24억불 외에 인프라시설 개량사업을 위해 민간섹터 펀드 추가로 조성할 예정이다. 당국자들은 인프라 구축을 위한 총 투자 규모가 정부 예산과 거의 맞먹을 것으로 보고 있다. 민간섹터가 교통인프라 구축에 수억달러가 투자한 것은 매우 고무적인 일이다. 인민위원회 통계에 따르면 호치민시는 2011년부터 총 17억불을 투자해왔으며 수조동(Dong)의 민간사업부문을 포함한다. 새 도로사업을 포함하는 주요 인프라사업은 현재 공용 중으로 있으며 여러개의 프로젝트가 올해 착수됐다. 니우록(Nhieu Loc)~티응(Thi Nghe)에 운하 도심을 관통하는 보트관광투어도 9월 초에 시작됐다. 이는 시가 오염된 운하를 수억달러를 들여 정비한 덕택이다. 호치민시 6구와 11구를 연결하는 12km의 떤화(Tan Hoa)-로꼼(Lo Gom)하천도 정비사업으로 새로운 모습으로 변모했다. 시는 이들 사업을 위해 총 88.9백만불을 투입했다. 또한 탄손누트공항에서 국도1번을 연결하는 14km 도로사업도 착수됐으며 이 도로는 떤빈, 고밥, 빈탄, 투득 지역을 통과해 도심과 지방을 연결하는 교두보 역할을 해주게 된다. 호치민시는 매우 효율적으로 민간사업섹터에서 펀드를 조성해왔으며 많은 기업들은 PPP, BOT, BTO, BT방식으로 투자를 했다. 시는 국도와 순환도로 도심도로 등에 사업을 집중하고 있다. 이 사업은 교외지역으로의 접근을 용이하게 해주어 경제개발 효과도 아울러 있다. 호치민시는 인프라사업을 위해 민간섹터 펀드를 매우 효과적으로 활용하고 있는 셈이다. by Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper Editor Distributor 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 |
VNA Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Key infrastructure including a new road system has been in use and several projects were implemented in 2015. (Source: VNA)
According to the HCM City People's Committee, the investment budget for road traffic projects in the next five years will be 124 trillion VND (5.5 billion USD) tripling the amount in the period of 2011-2015.
Besides 55 trillion VND (2.4 billion USD) from the city's budget, HCM City would mobilise funds from the private business sector in order to improve the infrastructure system, according to the People's Committee.
Deputy Chairman of People's Committee, former Director of Transport and Telecommunication Department, Tat Thanh Cang said the government budget itself could hardly meet the huge amount of investment fund needed for infrastructure projects.
That the private sector invested hundreds of millions for traffic project was highly appreciated and should be encouraged, said Cang.
HCM City has invested a total of nearly 39 trillion VND (1.7 billion USD) since 2011 which included the private business's contribution of hundreds of billions of dong, according to the statistics from the People's Committee.
Key infrastructure including a new road system has been in use and several projects were implemented in 2015.
A boat tour of the Nhieu Loc - Thi Nghe canal in and around the downtown area was launched early this September. The city invested hundreds of millions of dollars to clean up the badly polluted canal making it a tourism destination.
The 12km path along Tan Hoa-Lo Gom, canal which was once plagued with murky water and rampant garbage, now has a new look and helps to connect Districts 6 and 11, Tan Binh and Tan Phu districts. The city invested a total of 2 trillion VND (88.9 million USD) for this project.
In addition, a 14km road which started from the Tan Son Nhat airport to the National Highway 1 and ran through Tan Binh, Go Vap, Binh Thanh and Thu Duc districts helped to connect the city centre with urban areas and neighboring provinces. The 340 million USD project also helped to reduce traffic on severely congested roads like Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Dinh Bo Linh, Bach Dang.
An Y-shaped flyover project at Go Vap crossroads which was expected to open for traffic by late 2015 would help to reduce 80 percent of traffic congestion in the area.
Total investment capital was estimated at 405.7 billion VND (18 million USD) with 247 billion VND (11 million USD) coming from the city's budget, according to the Transport and Telecommunication Department's statistics.
Besides funds in the form of BOT and BT, HCM City allowed investors to give advance capital to avoid a budget deficit, which often slowed down the progress of the project.
HCM City had effectively mobilised funds from the private business sector and many enterprises invested in the form of PPP, BOT, BTO, BT, according to the experts.
HCM City focused on investing in avenues, highways and ring roads including Vo Van Kiet-Mai Chi Tho avenue, Nguyen Van Linh avenue, and Pham Van Dong avenue which not only facilitated access to suburb areas but also boosted economic development, said architect and doctor Ngo Viet Nam Son, an expert in urban planning.
Son said the city was making the best use of private sector's fund to improve the infrastructure system.-VNA
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