시진핑의 '통큰 정책'...최빈국 빚 모두 탕감 At UN, Xi pledges billions to developing countries (VIDEO)

저개발국 120억 달러(14조원) 투자 

Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses the 2015 Sustainable Development Summit, Saturday, 

Sept. 26, 2015 at United Nations headquarters. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) 

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   시진핑((習近平) 중국 국가주석이 세계 최빈국의 빚을 모두 탕감하고 저개발국가를 위해 14조원을 투자하겠으며 50만명의 개발도상국 학생들을 중국으로 불러 직업훈련을 시키겠다며 통큰 정책을 제시했다.

시 주석은 26일(현지시간) 유엔 본부에서 열린 '지속가능개발정상회의' 연설에서 "유엔이 2030년까지 달성하기로 정한 '지속가능 개발목표'를 위해 중국이 20억 달러를 지원하고 2030년까지 아프리카 등 저개발국에 120억 달러(14조3280억원)를 투자하겠다"고 밝혔다.

또 " 세계 최빈국들을 위해 올해 만기가 돌아오는 부채를 전액 탕감해주겠다"고 전격발표했다.

시 주석은 탕감 액수가 총 얼마인지에 대해서는 언급하지 않았다. 

이날 시 주석은 "유엔이 2015년 이후 15년간 추진해나갈 지속가능개발목표를 현실화하기 위해 중국은 국제사회와 협력하고, 국익보다 정의를 앞세울 것"이라고 했다. 

한편 시 주석은 '남-남 협력 포럼'에서 개발도상국가 학생 27만 명에게 중국이 장학금을 지급하고 약 50만 명이 중국에서 직업훈련을 받을 수있게 지원하겠다고 약속했다. 

저개발국의 농업, 빈곤감축, 무역, 환경보호, 보건, 교육에 집중 지원하겠으며 향후 5년 동안 약 600개의 해외 지원 프로젝트를 추진하겠다고 말했다. 

세계일보 박태훈 기자 buckbak@segye.com 

At UN, Xi pledges billions to developing countries

September 26, 2015 

Chinese President Xi Jinping is pledging billions in development aid to the world’s poorest nations and says China will forgive the debts due this year of those worst-off.

Speaking at the U.N. summit on new development goals, Xi said China will commit an initial $2 billion to establish an assistance fund to meet post-2015 goals in areas such as education, health care and economic development. He said China would seek to increase the fund to $12 billion by 2030. 

Xi said China would write-off intergovernmental interest-free loans owed to China by the least-developed, small island nations and most heavily debt-burdened countries due this year. 

He said China “will continue to increase investment in the least developed countries,” and support global institutions, including the Beijing-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank that is due to launch by the end of the year. 

“The post-2015 development agenda is a high standard list of deliverables that carries with it our solemn commitment. It is often said that the worst of any plan is in its implementation. I therefore call on the international community to redouble their collective efforts for the joint implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. First, build up the development capacities. Development, in a final analysis, is the job of individual countries. We Chinese say, ‘Eat, according tot he seize of one’s stomach, and dress according to the size of one’s figure.’ It is therefore necessary for them to formulate their own development strategies that fit their endowment and their national conditions. The international community has a duty to help developing countries with capacity building and provide them with support and assistance tailored to their actual needs,” Xi said.




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