북한, 북핵 시설 파괴 특수부대 편성 계획 맹비난 South Korea assembling special forces to destroy North Korea's military targets
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북한의 전략적 시설 파괴를 위한 특수부대 편성을 추진 중이라는 국감 계획에 대해 «한반도의 평화 통일을 거스르는 군사 도발»이라고 조국평화통일위원회(조평통)이 목요일 밝혔다. 조평통은 "이런 행동은 일촉 즉발의 위기를 모면한 상황을 역행하며 특별부대 편성은 북남 관계를 또다시 파국으로 몰아가는 군사적 도발"이라고 주장했다. "남한이 정말로 북한과의 관계 개선을 원한다면 위험천만한 전쟁 흉계를 내려놓아야 한다고 조평통의 보고서는 지적하고 있다. 북한의 핵잠재력은 나라와 민족의 평화와 안정을 수호하기 위한 억제력이라는 사실이 입증되고 있다". sputniknews.com |
South Korea assembling special forces to destroy North Korea's military targets
South Korean troops conducting artillery drills. A South Korean lawmaker said Wednesday front-line military troops captured North Korean movements ahead of provocative shelling in August. File Photo by Yonhap
The troops would conduct independent missions to target key military areas in North Korea.
By Elizabeth Shim
SEOUL, Sept. 23 (UPI) -- South Korea's military confirmed it is organizing a special-forces team that could destroy major weapons facilities in North Korea and that North Korean military movements were captured on surveillance when tensions escalated in August.
Cmdr. Jang Gyeong-seok of Seoul's Unconventional Warfare Task Force said Wednesday the military is aware of relevant regions in North Korea that could be targets, South Korean news outlet Money Today reported.
Jang said one of six special-forces troops is being assembled to conduct independent missions to target key military areas in North Korea, but in certain infiltration scenarios, Seoul would need to work jointly with U.S. troops in combat service support.
Jang said the military also is preparing special-ops aviation forces and that air force equipment including fixed-wing aircraft and rotorcraft have been procured.
Speaking during the parliamentary audit held before the National Assembly's Defense Committee, South Korean opposition party lawmaker Yoon Hu-deok said frontline military troops had confirmed it had captured North Korean movements ahead of provocative shelling in August.
On Aug. 20, as North Korean troops prepared to fire shells across the demilitarized zone at South Korean troops stationed in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi province, the South's military already had detected the movements across the border. Front-line troops went on high alert and subsequently contacted Seoul's artillery unit, which exchanged fire with the North.
Yoon said the South's military was able to keep track of the North's movements using wiretaps, and said the relevant commanders should be awarded for their bravery, South Korean news agency Yonhap reported.
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