[사우디의 연이은 악재] 이슬람 하지 행사 압사사고로 수백명 사망 More than 310 dead in crush near Mecca during hajj pilgrimage(VIDEO)

More than 310 dead in crush near Mecca during hajj pilgrimage

Hundreds more injured in crush in Mina, outside holy city in Saudi Arabia

310명 사망 수백명 부상...사망자 늘어날 듯

A photo released by Saudi authorities showing the aftermath of Thursday’s stampede near Mecca. 
Photograph: Saudi Civil Defence


   사우디아라비아 성지 메카 외곽의 미나에서 24일 열린 이슬람 성지 순례(하지) 행사에서 대형 사고가 발생해 최소 310명이 압사하고, 450명이 부상했다고 세계 언론들이 


사고는 메카에서 약 5km 떨어진 미나 계곡에서 발생했는데 미나에는 순례기간동안 

잠을 자기 위한 16만개의 순례자들의 천막들이 설치되어 있었으며 미나에서 자마라크까지의 캠프의 2개의 주통로 중 하나인 204거리에서 발생했다.

3개의 마귀 돌기둥에 돌을 던지는 의식 중 수많은 사람들이 몰리는 바람에 이에 깔려 사망자와 부상자가 발생했으며 사망자가 계속 늘어날 전망이다.

지난 화요일 시작한 하지 성지순례에는 약 2백만명의 순례자들이 참석했다.

사우디는 이달 12일 그랜드 모스크 건설현장에서 크레인 전도사고로 354명의 사상자를 낸 바 있다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Staff and agencies
At least 310 people have been killed and hundreds more injured in a crush outside the holy city of Mecca during the annual hajj pilgrimage, according to authorities in Saudi Arabia.

The crush happened in Mina, a large valley about three miles from Mecca. Mina houses more than 160,000 tents where worshippers spend the night during the pilgrimage.

Saudi authorities said at least 450 other pilgrims were injured during the stampede. 

Photos released by the civil defence directorate on its official Twitter account showed rescue workers in orange and yellow vests helping the wounded on to stretchers and into ambulances near some of the tents.

The directorate said more than 220 ambulances and 4,000 rescue workers had been sent to the scene to help the wounded. Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya television channel showed a convoy of ambulances driving through the Mina camp. 

“Work is under way to separate large groups of people and direct pilgrims to alternative routes,” it added. 

The crush happened on Street 204, one of the two main arteries leading through the camp at Mina to Jamarat, where pilgrims ritually stone the devil by hurling pebbles at three large pillars.

About 2 million people are taking part in this year’s hajj, which began on Tuesday. 

Thursday is also the first day of the Eid al-Adha festival, when Muslims slaughter a sheep. It has traditionally been the most dangerous day of hajj because vast numbers of pilgrims attempt to perform rituals at the same time in a single location.

The stampede was the deadliest disaster at the hajj since 2006, when more than 360 pilgrims were killed in a stampede in the same area. In 1990, more than 1,400 died in a stampede inside a tunnel.

It is a religious duty for able-bodied Muslims to complete the hajj – one of the five pillars of Islam – at least once. The rituals involved in the pilgrimage are intended to cleanse the soul and promote the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood within Islam.

Pilgrims this year have been undeterred by the collapse of a construction crane in Mecca earlier this month, which killed more than 100 people and injured at least 200. An investigation has been launched into the cause of the collapse amid claims the proper safeguards are ignored in the race to complete developments surrounding the Grand Mosque. Among the projects under construction is a 10,000-bed hotel.

Last week, more than 1,000 pilgrims were evacuated from a hotel in Mecca in the early hours of the morning after a fire broke out.



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