의리의 강아지들 Loyal Dog Stood by Trapped Friend for a Whole Week Until She Was Rescued
Loyal Dog Stood by Trapped Friend for a Whole Week Until She Was Rescued 의리의 강아지들
웅덩이에 빠진 친구 기다려 주는 의리의 강아지
한주 내내 워싱턴의 강아지 두마리가 어디론가 없어졌다.
인근의 숲을 찾아헤멘 배숀 아일랜드 동물보호단체 사람들은 포기하기 일보직전이었다.
틸리가 발견됐다는 연락이 왔다.
"우리는 한 사회단체 사람이 요 며칠동안 불그스름한 색의 강아지를 봤다는 연락을 받았다."
동물보호단체의 자원봉사자들이 수색에 나서자 가슴 뭉클한 광경이 목격됐다.
포이베와 틸리는 함께 있었다.
포이베가 웅덩이에 빠진 틸리를 일주일이나 지키고 있었던 것이다.
발견 당사 극도의 영양실조에 걸린 두마리의 강아지는 정성어린 보살핌에 건강을 되찾아가고
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
By Anna Gragert
A basset hound named Phoebe and a setter named Tillie have demonstrated what an inseparable connection truly looks like. For an entire week, both Washington-based dogs went missing and all hope seemed to be lost as Vashon Island Pet Protectors' volunteers frantically searched the woods. Luckily, Tillie was spotted, several days in a row, by a nearby family. "We received a call from a community member reporting that for the past few days a 'reddish' dog had been coming up to them when they were out on their property and then promptly heading back into a ravine," VIPP writes.
When the team of volunteers went to investigate, they came upon a heartwarming scene. It turns out that Phoebe was stuck in a ravine and unable to climb out. During this time, Phoebe stuck with her and periodically went to look for help. "We made our way into the ravine and after a bit of searching, finally heard that sweet sound we have been waiting for all week. A small one-woof response when we called out 'Tillie'," the rescuers explained. "A few minutes later we found her laying beside an old cistern with her head resting on the concrete wall. Heart sinking... we knew that meant Phoebe was inside the cistern and every breath was held and every doggie prayer offered that the peek over the rim would somehow find her safe. And gratefully... this time we have a happy ending with dear Phoebe found perched on some concrete rubble that held her out of the water."
Now, both dogs are safe and back at home. Most importantly, these two are together and continue to show just how much the power of love can accomplish.
Vashon Island Pet Protectors: Website | Facebook
via [Mashable]
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