예술작품 같은 나비의 접사 사진세계 Stunning Macro Photos of Delicate Butterfly Wings Look Like Shimmering Petals
Stunning Macro Photos of Delicate Butterfly Wings Look Like Shimmering Petals
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나비 세계의 디테일한 아름다움을 보여준다.
아티스트 '린덴 글레드힐'은 현미경 이나 고속 줌의 접사 사진을 활용해
작품을 만들었다.
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by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
By Anna Gragert
Butterflies are exceptionally beautiful insects with wings covered in unique patterns and brilliant colors. On their own, these delicate creatures already stand out—but what happens when you look up-close? Artist Linden Gledhill utilizes the art of macro photography to capture the petal-like structures that make up these natural beauties' wings. As a trained biochemist, he's able to use advanced microscopes and high-speed equipment to zoom in on these unseen details. What results is an image that's reminiscent of fish scales, but this particular scale-like anatomy appears much more delicate and feathery. In revealing the unexpected characteristics that complete these pollinators, Gledhill has allowed viewers to visually appreciate the abundant natural beauty that enhances our world.
Linden Gledhill: Website | Flickr | Facebook
via [thinx]
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