아름다운 도로 경관 그래픽 Colorful Paintings Capture the Endless Freedom of the Open Road
Colorful Paintings Capture the Endless Freedom of the Open Road
미국 동부 햄튼의 롱아랜드 출신 아티스트 그랜트 하프너는 아름다운 도로 경관과 수계에
영감을 받아 생동감 있는 그림을 그려냈다.
나무 판넬위에 연필 마커 아크릴을 사용해 눈길을 끄는 색과 연속되는 그래픽라인으로
도로를 재구성했다.
그는 각 이미지들은 차가 없는 한적한 시골 도로를 운전하면서 그렸는데
"한적한 시골 도로를 운전할 때는 정말 사는 것 같다. 마치 속세를 벗어난 것 처럼 심신이
자유로워진다" 고 말한다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
By Jenny Zhang
East Hampton, Long Island-based artist Grant Haffner paints vivid landscapes inspired by the beautiful country roads and bodies of water of his hometown. Using acrylic, marker, and pencil on wood panel, the painter deconstructs the road scene into a striking series of graphic lines and eye-catching colors. Each image captures the exciting feeling of driving for miles down empty highways—watching power lines pass by in a blur, feeling the dips and turns of the road beneath the wheels, and enjoying the boundless expanse of sky overhead.
"When I drive I feel completely alive," Haffner says on his Saatchi Art profile. "For a small moment, in between this place and that, I am free from reality. My truck and I become a motion of blurred color, barreling through space and time. I like to keep my window open to listen to the sounds that traveling makes, to enjoy the smell of the landscape. Every trip is a new one, not one sunset is the same. On the road I am a part of the painting. I am movement, color, sound, adventure and emotions. This is my landscape."
Grant Haffner: Website | Tumblr | Facebook | Instagram
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