우즈베키스탄, 7억달러 규모 태양광 발전소 구축 Uzbekistan Starts Work On 300 MW Worth Of Solar Power Projects
3개 지역에 총 300MW 규모(각 100MW)
중앙아시아에서 신재생에너지 사업 첫 시행 국가
우즈베키스탄 태양광 및 풍력발전소 전경
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케이콘텐츠 편집
우즈베키스탄이 7억달러 규모의 태양광발전소를 구축한다. 우즈벡 에너지공사는 사마르칸드, 수르한다리아, 나만간주 등 3개 지역에 총 300MW 규모(각 100MW)의 태양광발전소 건설을 위해 7억달러를 투자한다고 최근 밝혔다. 2억7000만달러를 투자하는 사마르칸드 태양광발전소에 대한 입찰은 지난해 공고됐고, 올해 중으로 시공사 선정이 마무리될 예정이다. 사마르칸드 발전소는 2017년 완공 이후 연 2억 kV/h의 전력을 생산하게 된다. 나만간주와 수르한다리아주에 구축하는 각 100MW급의 태양광발전소에도 총 4억5000만달러를 투자할 계획이다. 빠르면 2017년 착공에 들어갈 것으로 예상된다. 한편 한국 정부는 지난 5월 1일 '제3차 한·우즈벡 재무장관회의'를 열고 대규모 투자 프로젝트 협력에 나서기로 합의한 바 있다. 현재 진행 중인 우즈베키스탄 태양광 발전소 등 대규모 신규 프로젝트에 한국 기업의 참여가 확대될 것으로 기대된다. 전기신문 위대용 기자 wee@electimes.com |
Uzbekistan Starts Work On 300 MW Worth Of Solar Power Projects
August 27th, 2015 by Smiti Mittal
Uzbekistan has taken its first major steps towards setting up large-scale solar power projects.
The central Asian country has announced that work on three large-scale solar power projects has been initiated. The total installed capacity of these projects would be 300 MW, and will require an estimated investment of nearly $700 million.
According to media reports, at least one of the projects was announced through a tender in 2014, and will require an investment of $274 million to be developed in the Samarkand region. The winner of the tender has not been announced yet and will be finalised soon by Uzbekenergo Joint Stock Company.
The other two projects will be set up in the Namangan and Surkhandarya regions, with aggregate costs of about $420 million. The Asian Development Bank and the Uzbek Fund for Reconstruction and Development will finance the projects.
All three projects are expected to be operational by 2020.
Uzbekistan is rich in renewable energy resources, including wind and solar energy. Wind energy potential is estimated at around 520 GW, enough to meet a quarter of the country’s energy needs. It is imperative for Uzbekistan to increase energy production from renewable energy sources as it is almost completely dependent on oil and gas imported from Russia.
The first solar power project in the country was commissioned in December 2014. The 130 kW solar photovoltaic power project was set up in the Namangan province. The project was implemented through cooperation with South Korean companies.
Uzbekistan has set a target to generate 21% of all its energy from renewable energy sources by 2031. This includes having an installed solar power capacity of 2 GW in the near to medium-term
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