영화 ‘사랑의 기적(Awakenings,1990)’ 원작자 '올리버 삭스' 별세 Oliver Sacks dies in New York aged 82(VIDEO)

82세, 암 투병

영국 신경과 의사이자 작가

의학계의 시인

[올리버 색스 Oliver Sacks, 1933~2015. 8월 31일)

올리버 삭스는 1933년 영국 런던의 의사와 과학자 집안에서 태어났다. 옥스퍼드 대학에서 의사학위를 취득했

으며 UCLA와 Mt. Zion 병원에서 인턴과 레지던트 시절을 보냈다. 1965년부터 뉴욕에서 거주하며 신경과 전

문의로서 활동했다. 2007년 7월에는 콜롬비아 의학대학의 신경&정신과 부분의 교수님으로 임명되었다. 올

리버 삭스의 ‘The Mind's Eye'에는 사람들은 어떻게 사람들이 세상을 탐험하고 타인과 의사소통을 하는지에 

대한 내용이 담겨 있다

다른 영화로 뮤직원스탑,2011이 있다.

 영화 ‘사랑의 기적(Awakenings)’ 

로버트 드 니로 (레너드 로우 역), 로빈 윌리엄스 (말콤 세이어 박사 역), 

줄리 카브너 (엘레너 코스텔로 역), 


어릴 때 뇌염을 앓은 레너드는 11살 때부터 손이 떨리는 증세가 나타나고 글도 쓰지 못하게 되자 학교를 그만

두고 병원에서 살게 된다. 정신은 잠들고 근육은 강직된 후기뇌염 기면성 환자가 된 것. 레너드가 수십년간 수

용돼 있는 배인브리지 병원에 세이어 박사가 부임해 온다...



Oliver Sacks, Neurologist and 'Awakenings' Author, Dies at 82

Awakenings - Trailer,1990

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   고 로빈 윌리엄스 등이 출연했던 영화 ‘사랑의 기적(Awakenings)’ 원작자로 알려진 영국의 신경과 의사이자 작가인 올리버 색스가 30일, 미국 뉴욕의 자택에서 82세를 일기로 별세했다. 영국 언론에 따르면 암을 앓고 있었다.

1933년 런던 태생으로 옥스퍼드대학 졸업 후 1965년부터 뉴욕에서 의료활동을 계속해 미국 콜롬비아대학 등에서 교수로 재직했다.

‘뮤지코필리아’ 등 저서 다수. 여러 가지 증상을 가지고 있는 환자의 세계를 애정을 품고 그려낸 것으로 잘 알려져 있다.【런던 교도】

Oliver Sacks dies in New York aged 82

Oliver Sacks in Oxford in 1953 (Photograph: David Drazin)

British neurologist Oliver Sacks has died at the age of 82, it has been confirmed.

The acclaimed author, whose book Awakenings inspired an Oscar nominated film of the same name, reportedly died of cancer at his home in New York.

In February he wrote about his illness - and being "face to face with dying".

His publicist Jacqui Graham paid tribute to Dr Sacks, saying he was "unlike anybody I have ever met", while JK Rowling said he was "inspirational".

Dr Sacks was best known for his writing, including his book Awakenings - his account of how he brought a group of patients "back to life" after they spent years in "frozen states" after an illness.

The film version, which starred Robert De Niro and Robin Williams, was nominated for three Academy Awards in 1991, including best picture.

Dr Sacks, who was born in London but had lived in New York since 1965, was also the author of several other books about unusual medical conditions, including The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat and The Island Of The Colorblind.

He was awarded several honorary degrees recognising his contribution to science and literature, as well as a CBE in 2008 in the Queen's Birthday Honours.


Mrs Graham told the BBC Dr Sacks was "unlike anybody else I've ever met".

She said she received an email from his long-time PA saying the neurologist had "a very good death, in the same way that he'd had a very good life".

Mrs Graham said: "He died surrounded by the things he loved and the people he loved, very peacefully, after an illness he had known about since January this year. He taught us a great deal, right up until the very end.

"He always taught us what it was to be human, and he taught us what it is to die."

'Humane, inspirational'

Paying tribute to Dr Sacks, she added: "To say he was unique is for once in the world true.

"He was completely himself - eccentric, but in a marvellous way. He was just completely full of love for life and very impish, and he was childish in the very best sense."


Other tributes to the author have been paid on Twitter, including by the author JK Rowling, who called him "great, humane and inspirational".

Biologist Richard Dawkins tweeted: "I met Oliver Sacks only twice, but greatly admired him. Sad to hear of his death."

Dr Sacks earned a medical degree at Queen's College, Oxford University, and later began working as a consulting neurologist for Beth Abraham Hospital, in the Bronx, New York, in 1966.

While there he encountered patients who had spent decades in frozen states, unable to initiate movement.

He recognised the patients as survivors of a pandemic of sleepy sickness that had swept the world from 1916 to 1927, and treated them with a then-experimental drug, L-dopa, which enabled them to regain consciousness.

They became the subjects of Awakenings and also later inspired a play by Harold Pinter - A Kind of Alaska.

In The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and An Anthropologist on Mars he described patients struggling to live with conditions ranging from Tourette's syndrome to autism, epilepsy, phantom limb syndrome, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's.

He also investigated the world of deaf people and sign language in Seeing Voices, and a rare community of colour-blind people in The Island of the Colorblind.

More recently, he served as a professor of neurology and psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Centre from 2007 to 2012.

He was also a professor of neurology at the NYU School of Medicine.




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