Sports Arena Building in Japan – design by Zaha Hadid Architects
20 Aug 2015
New Tokyo Olympic Stadium Design Contest
자하 하디드의 고가의 경기장 설계로 논란이 됐던 2020년 일본 도꾜 올림픽 경기장이 설계공모를 통해 재 설계된다.
일본 정부는 정비계획의 기본적인 방침을 지침으로서 공표하고 인터넷을 통한 설문조사 형식으로 의견을 집계한다.
이 결과를 참고로 9월 상순까지 총 공사비의 상한선을 포함한 정비계획을 최종적으로 결정하는 절차를 제시한다.
새 경기장의 컨셉은 우선 공사비를 당초의 설계안보다 줄이는 것이 관건이며 당초 계획대로 8만석의 관중석을 확보해야한다.
첫 설계에 포함됐던 슬라이딩 루프과 경기장 사용 후 콘서트 나 이벤트 공연용 시설 등은 모두 제외될 예정이다.
9월에 책정할 새로운 정비계획에 기반해 디자인과 설계, 시공자를 선정하는 국제설계 공모를 실시한다.
내년 1월경 발주해 2020년 7월 24일 올림픽 개회식에 맞출 수 있도록 같은 해 봄까지 완성되는 것을 목표로 하고 있다
자하 하디드의 고가의 경기장 설계에 대한 논란은 ‘킬 아치(Keel Arch)’로 불리는 2개의 거대한 궁(弓)형의 철근구조물을 특징으로 한 디자인에 대한 비판 때문이다. 공법의 난이도가 거액의 공사비로 이어졌기 때문이다.
하디드는 이런 비판들과 예산 문제 때문에 최초 설계를 변경했다. 하디드의 설계 원안은 건축 비용이 25억달러로 일본 스포츠진흥센터가 애초 예산으로 책정한 11억달러를 갑절 이상 초과하는 안이었다. 하디드는 설계를 변경해서 건축비를 14억달러 수준으로 줄이고 건축 면적도 원안의 71% 수준으로 줄였다.
하지만 하디드의 설계변경은 최근 또 다른 일본의 비판을 불러 일으켰다. 일본 건축가인 이소자키 아라타는 하디드의 수정안이 “원안의 다이너미즘(역동성)을 잃어버렸다”며 “마치 열도가 수몰되기를 기다리는 둔중한 거북이같다”고 혹평했다
하디드의 도쿄올림픽 주경기장 설계안은 2012년 콤페(설계 공모전)에서 당선됐으며, 당시 심사위원 중에는 일본 건축가 안도 다다오도 참여했다
하디드 건축사무소는 7월 28일 성명을 통해 “공사비 증가는 디자인 때문이 아니라 도교의 건축 붐, 엔저 현상으로 인한 인건비ㆍ원자재 가격 상승 탓”이며 "애초의 우리의 경고를 무시한 결과"라고 주장했다.
또한 올림픽 주경기장의 운영주체인 일본스포츠진흥센터(JSC)에 대해서도 “제한이 많고 경쟁이 없는 입찰 방식으로 건설회사를 선정하고, 디자인 팀과 건설사가 협력하는데 제약이 많았던 점도 비용 증가의 원인”이라고 덧붙였다.
하디드 사무소는 비용을 삭감한 디자인을 JSC에 제안했으나 받아들여지지 않았다며 주경기장 건설 계획 수정안 작성에 협력하겠다는 뜻을 밝힌 서한을 아베 일본 총리에게 보냈다고 밝혔다.
기존 계획을 백지화하면 “건설 지연과 졸속 설계로 이어져 공사 비용이 더욱 늘어날 뿐 아니라 질 낮은 경기장이 나올 것”이라고 주장했다.
앞서 아베 총리는 지난 17일 도쿄올림픽 주경기장 건설 계획을 백지화해 원점에서 다시 검토하기로 했다고 밝혔다. 2년 반 전에 국제 공모를 통해 선정된 하디드의 설계에 사실상 퇴짜를 놓은 것이다.
입찰 당시 1,300억엔 규모였던 건설비가 구체 설계 과정에서 2,520억엔으로 껑충 뛴 데 대한 부정적인 여론이 확산되자, 가뜩이나 안보법제 밀어붙이기 등으로 궁지에 몰린 아베가 지지율을 의식해 판을 뒤엎었다는 분석이 일반적이다.
도쿄올림픽 주경기장 건축비용은 2004년 아테네, 2008년 베이징, 2012년 런던올림픽 주경기장 건설 비용과 비교해도 대회 당시 환율 기준으로 5~8배에 이르는 고액이다. 하디드는 DDP 공사 때도 설계를 여러 번 변경해 당초 2,274억원이던 건설 비용이 4,840억원까지 늘어나 논란이 일었다.
일본 정부의 계획 변경으로 공기가 연장될 경우, 올림픽 운영 절차를 확인하는 역할로도 위치 부여되는 2019년 럭비 월드컵 일본대회가 신국립경기장에서 개최되지 못할 가능성이 있다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
A second international architecture competition is planned for the centrepiece 2020 Olympic Games stadium.
According to the new schedule, the Olympic stadium will only be ready for the IOC three months before the opening of the Games in July 2020.
The new Olympic stadium must still be able to seat 80,000 spectators, but the decision to start a new design process also includes some very tough maximum limits for how much the new stadium can cost. Among other things, the sliding roof, which formed part of the original project and which would have made it usable for concerts and other events in the future, will be cut.
Our teams in Japan and the UK feel it is necessary to set the record straight on the Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) design for the new National Stadium for Japan, which has been developed to the client’s brief and budget. It is also only right that the Japanese people are fully aware of the reasons for the reported budget increase and, with exactly five years to go until the Opening Ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Games, the risks involved with delaying the design process and start of construction.
For the first time in the construction of a public building in Japan, a two-stage tender process was used, in which contractors are appointed before being invited to submit cost estimates. As ZHA has considerable experience in this process we advised the JSC that working to an immovable completion deadline, against a backdrop of rocketing annual increases in the cost of building in Tokyo, and in the absence of any international competition, the early selection of a limited number of construction contractors would not lead to a commercially competitive process.
Our warning was not heeded that selecting contractors too early in a heated construction market and without sufficient competition would lead to an overly high estimate of the cost of construction.
ZHA also proposed to the JSC that, in this uncompetitive context, reductions to the client’s brief for the stadium, architectural specification and contractor costs would achieve a lower construction price. ZHA has always been prepared to work with the JSC to produce a lower cost design at any time. The budget and design was approved by the Government on 7th July and there was no subsequent request to design a lower cost stadium.
In response to the high costs quoted by the construction contractors, ZHA and all of the design team worked hard with the JSC to ensure the developing design was delivered to the brief and budget, coming up with many cost-saving initiatives including further changes to the design. We also provided objective guidance on the standard materials and building techniques required to build the Stadium. In our experience the best way to deliver high-quality and cost-effective projects is for the selected designers to work in collaboration with the construction contractor and client as a single team with a single aim. However, we were not permitted to work with the construction contractors, again increasing the risk of unnecessarily high cost estimates and delays in completion.
On 7th July a JSC report to the Stadium advisory committee, using figures provided by the appointed construction contractors, incorrectly claimed that the design was responsible for most of the increase in budget. ZHA was not informed in advance of this announcement and we immediately contested this incorrect claim with the JSC. Commentary of the report focused on the steel arches within the design. These arches are not complex and use standard bridge building technology to support the lightweight and strong polymer membrane roof to cover all spectator seats, in addition to supporting the high-specification lighting and services that will enable the Stadium to host many international competitions and events in the future.
The arched roof structure is as efficient as many other major stadia in Japan and the arches allow the roof to be constructed in parallel with the stadium seating bowl, saving crucial construction time in comparison to a roof supported from the seating bowl, which can only be built after the bowl has been completed. The design and engineering teams in Japan confirmed the arches supporting the roof should cost 23 billion yen (less than 10% of the approved budget).
The increase in estimated budget reported by the JSC is in fact due to the inflated costs of construction in Tokyo, a restricted and an uncompetitive approach to appointing construction contractors and a restriction on collaboration between the design team and appointed construction contractors, not the design.
The current building boom in Tokyo increasing construction demand, a limited labour supply and the yen’s significant drop in value greatly increasing the price of imported raw materials have all contributed to Tokyo’s construction costs growing dramatically since 2012/2013 when the new National Stadium project was first announced and Tokyo was awarded the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Between July 2013 and July 2015, Tokyo construction costs increased by an average of 25% and are forecast to increase at a similar rate for the next four years.
Starting the design process again does not tackle any of the fundamental issues that have led to an increased estimate in budget for the National Stadium, which could in fact become even more problematic due to the significant further delay in starting building. Construction costs will continue to rise towards the immovable deadline of the Tokyo 2020 Games Opening Ceremony in exactly five years.
In addition to increasing design and construction costs, due to the rising cost of building in Tokyo, further delays and a rushed design process, led by a construction contractor, risk producing a lower standard National Stadium with limited future usage. Other examples around the world show us that a lower quality stadium could require substantial further investment to be converted for long-term use after 2020, when construction costs will be even higher.
The public, Government and design team have invested in a design that can be delivered through a more competitive procurement process and collaborative approach from construction contractors, within the budget now proposed by the Government and in time to host the Rugby 2019 World Cup.
We have always been, and still are, prepared to use the expertise and knowledge that has been developed to work with the JSC to produce a lower cost design to a change in specification.
Ten days after receiving formal approval of the design, ZHA learned through news reports of the cancellation of the commitment to deliver the approved design for the new National Stadium and commitment for the venue to be ready in time to host the Rugby World Cup 2019. Subsequently we received a brief official notification from the Japan Sport Council (JSC) of their cancellation of the contract to design the New National Stadium in Tokyo.
ZHA remain committed to a flexible and cost-effective new National Stadium that would be ready to welcome the world to Japan for the 2019 Rugby World Cup and become a new home for sport in Japan for many generations to come. The Japanese people, Government and design teams in Japan and the UK have invested a huge amount of time, effort and resources to deliver an adaptable design that can meet the brief and budget set by the Government for a new National Stadium.
To reduce the risk of further increases in costs, the venue not being ready in time for the Tokyo 2020 Games and being of lower quality, the Prime Minister’s review should build on the investment in the detailed design knowledge already established and focus on the need for construction contractors to work in partnership with this expert team.
We have written to the Prime Minister to offer our services to support his review of the project with the current design team. ZHA has also outlined how making use of the significant investment in detailed design work already carried out offers the most cost-effective solution to create the best new National Stadium for the people of Japan for the next 50-100 years.
In the coming weeks we also plan to share, in Japan and across the international design community, the many innovative solutions achieved through the years of work and investment that has gone into the design for the National Stadium.
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