첫날 밤 다음날 아침 아내 얼굴 못 알아본 남편, 이혼 소송 Man Sues Wife For Fraud After Seeing Her Without Makeup

Man Sues Wife For Fraud After Seeing Her Without Makeup

첫날 밤 다음날 아침 아내 얼굴 못 알아본 남편, 이혼 소송

화장발에 속은 남편의 분노

무책임한 행동에 비난도

source  metro.co.uk (Picture: Getty)

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


  첫날밤 뒤 아침 아내의 얼굴을 못 알아본 남편이 거액의 위자료를 청구했다.

아프리카 알제리에서 멋진 결혼식을 올리고 신혼 첫날밤을 보낸 뒤 맞은 아침에 신부를 도둑으로 오인할 정도로 화들짝 놀란 남편이 결국 화를 참지 못하고 이혼소송을 제기하는 일이 벌어졌다고 영국 일간지 ‘메트로’가 전했다.

신원을 밝히길 꺼려한 부부는 현재 이송 소송에 들어가 있는데 그 이유가 참 황당하다.

연애시절 아내가 화장을 지운 모습을 한 번도 보지 못하고 결혼한 남편이 신혼 첫날밤 후 아침에 그 첫 면상을 접하고는 누군지 전혀 알아보지 못한 것이다.

남편의 증언에 따르면 처음에 웬 여자 도둑이 자기 옆에 누워있는 줄 알았다. 그러나 곧 그 여인이 자신의 아내인 줄 깨닫고 경악을 금치 못했다. 화장을 한 얼굴과 지운 얼굴이 너무나도 판이하게 달랐던 흔히 말하는 심한 화장발 여성이었던 게 탄로 났다.

남편은 “결혼하기 전 매우 아름답고 매력적인 여자였다”고 회상하면서도 “화장을 지운 아내의 모습을 처음 봤을 때 물건을 훔치러 온 도둑인 줄만 알았다”고 말했다.

화장발에 속았다고 생각한 남편의 분노는 쉽게 가라앉지 않았다. 그는 정신적 피해와 아내의 사기죄를 물으며 1만3000파운드(약 2400만원)에 달하는 위자료를 청구했다.

그러나 일각에서는 평생을 살 아내를 단지 얼굴 하나만 보고 택한 것이냐며 남편의 무책임한 행동에 비난을 퍼붓는 분위기도 크다.  

[이데일리 e뉴스 정재호 기자] 

An Algerian man claims he was the victim of fraud and suffered psychological trauma after seeing his new wife without makeup for the first time.

eauty is in the eye of the beholder, but can you be sued for disappointing someone’s cosmetic expectations? This Algerian groom seems to think so. The man is suing his new wife for the trauma and “psychological suffering” he endured after seeing her without makeup for the first time. No, seriously. This is not The Onion.

The couple were recently wed in Algeria and after spending their first night together, the new husband awoke beside someone he initially thought was a “thief who came to steal his apartment”. He soon realized, however, that the person lying next to him was his new wife. She had removed the makeup she used to “deceive” him, and the sight of her bare face was apparently enough to make the man feel cheated.

“He said he was deceived by her as she used to fill up her face with make up before their marriage.” A source told Emirates 247.

“He said she looked very beautiful and attractive before marriage, but when he woke up in the morning and found that she had washed the make-up off her face, he was frightened as he thought she was a thief.”

The husband is seeking $20,000 in damages, telling the judge he didn’t even recognize his wife with the makeup washed off her face.

“The groom told the judge that he could not recognize his wife after she washed the make-up off her face. He said he was deceived by her as she used to fill up her face with make up before their marriage.

“He said she looked very beautiful and attractive before marriage, but when he woke up in the morning and found that she had washed the make-up off her face, he was frightened as he thought she was a thief. The groom told court that he is demanding $20,000 damages for his psychological suffering.”

edited by kcontents 

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