카타리나 악몽 10년, 그곳은 아직도 진행형이다 Swallowed by the sea: How ten years after Katrina, Louisiana's fishing towns are disappearing into the Gulf of Mexico(VIDEO)
Swallowed by the sea: How ten years after Katrina, Louisiana's fishing towns are disappearing into the Gulf of Mexico
Ten years after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, New Orleans has been fortified by a new $14.5-billion flood protection system
But efforts have lagged to protect small coastal towns and villages that are losing land every year to erosion
More than 1,880 square miles of Louisiana land has turned into open water in the last hundred years
An average of 17 square miles of the state are lost to the sea each year, and hurricanes speed up the disappearance
10년전에 미 걸프만을 강타해 전세계적으로 이슈가 된 허리케인 '카트리나'
이 때문에 뉴올리안즈 당국은 145억불 규모의 홍수방지프로젝트를 구축해왔다.
그러나 이런 일련의 노력은 해안의 작은 마을들을 보호하기에는 역부족이었다.
마을 사람들은 매년 해안 침식으로 인해 그들의 토지를 잃고 있다.
지난 수백년동안 루이지애나주의 약 4,800m2 이상의 땅이 물속으로 휩쓸려 없어졌다.
매년 43m2의 토지가 바다로 소실되고 있으며 허리케인으로 인해 가속화되고 있다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
뉴올리안즈 홍수방지프로젝트
edited by kcontents
케이콘텐츠 편집
Rocky Morales is watching his small Louisiana town of Delacroix slowly melt into the water. The woods where he played hide-and-seek as a boy are gone. It's all water and mud back there now. So, too, is the nearby marsh where townsfolk once trapped for muskrat, otter and mink.
Many of the fishermen who once lived here — his friends and relatives — have disappeared as well, fleeing behind the intricate levee system protecting New Orleans out of fear that one more hurricane will be all it takes to send the rest of Delacroix into the sea.
Ten years after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast - killing more than 1,830 people and causing more than $150billion in damage in the nation's costliest disaster - New Orleans has been fortified by a new $14.5-billion flood protection system.
But outside the iconic city, efforts have lagged to protect small towns and villages losing land every year to erosion. And as that land buffer disappears, New Orleans itself becomes more vulnerable.
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