거리에 그려진 놀라운 3D 그림 Giant 3D Paintings of Gummy Bears Cleverly Interact with People Passing By

Giant 3D Paintings of Gummy Bears Cleverly Interact with People Passing By

말타의 거리예술축제 

아티스트 '레온 키어'는 놀라운 입체 조형물을 만들었다.

그렇지만 사실은 평면 그림이다.

그냥 3D 스타일로 그린 것 뿐이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Sara Barnes 

In celebration of the recent Malta Street Art Festival, artist Leon Keer created an anamorphic painting of sweet treats. Giant gummy bears grace a boardwalk in Valletta, and they’re crafted in a 3D style that, when viewed from above, makes them appear as if they’re standing upright. To produce this illusion, Keer skewed his painting—the bears look warped when you’re standing next to them, but are in proportion once you’re more than 10 meters high. Coupled with crisp shading, the candies have a striking, realistic presence that looks almost natural among the people passing by.

Although candy is often associated with joyful emotions, the artist took a different direction with these gummy paintings. One green bear is seen lying on its side, and Kerr explains that it's supposed to be deceased. It's a poignant sight, but also a touching one, as the other bears gather to pay respect to their friend.

Leon Keer: Website | Flickr

My Modern Met granted permission to use images by Leon Keer



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