오만 철도 프로젝트 1단계, 3개 컨소시엄 참여 Oman Rail shortlists 3 JVs for Segment One of network

한국 대우건설 참여

오만 철도프로젝트 단계별 계획(SEG1~SEG9)


오만 철도 프로젝트 건설 1단계 노선도(1A, 1B and 1C)

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

  지난 7월 7일 오만 철도 프로젝트 건설 1단계에 3개의 컨소시엄이 참여한 것으로 밝혀졌다.

오만 철도 프로젝트 1단계 사업은 150억 불 규모로 '소하르~부라미' 총연장 207km구간으로

10월에서 12월사이에 최종 낙찰자를 결정하며 올해 내에 착수 계획이다.

지난번 PQ 통과된 5개 컨소시엄 중 3개 컨소시엄은 오만정부에 입찰보증기간 연장을 요청한 바 있다.

3개 컨소시엄 구성은 다음과 같다.

Germany's Porr Bau +uksel Insaat (Turkey)+Sarooj Construction Company 

Daewoo E&C (Korea)+Saipem JV, Rizzani De Eccher+Dogus Insaat

Salini Impregilo

1단계 구간은 Sector 1A, 1B and 1C로 구성되며 최종 공사비는 아직 미확정 상태다.

Sector 1A, 127 km 

Sector 1B, 34km 

Sector 1C, 38km 

본 프로젝트의 PMC는 최저가를 제시한 도화엔지니어링컨소시엄이 스페인측 공세에 

밀려 수주 실패한 바 있다.



Oman Rail shortlists 3 JVs for Segment One of network

by ASC Staff on Jul 7, 2015

Three consortiums have been shortlisted by Oman Rail for the multibillion-dollar Segment One of the national rail network, the 207-km stretch from Sohar Port to Buraimi. 

According to the Oman Observer, a contract is likely to be awarded in the fourth quarter of this year, with construction work expected to begin by year-end. 

Three of the five consortiums on Oman Rail’s shortlist for the design-and-build contract have been asked to extend the validity of their bid bonds to October this year, the Oman newspaper reports, suggesting they will remain in contention for the keenly contested contract. 

These three consortiums, all joint ventures, are Germany's Porr Bau with partners Yuksel Insaat (Turkey), Sarooj Construction Company (Oman) and Daewoo E&C (Korea); Saipem JV comprising Rizzani De Eccher and Dogus Insaat and a joint venture led by Salini Impregilo. 

The design-and-build contract for Segment One covers the design, supply, installation, construction and completion of works over three distinct sections - Sector 1A, 1B and 1C. The contract’s exact value has not been disclosed, but is expected to be worth several billion dollars. 

Sector 1A covers a distance of 127 km connecting the station at Sohar to the Oman-UAE border at Al Buraimi and Khatmat Milahah, while Sector 1B is a 34-km spur line that departs from Sector 1A and ends at Buraimi station. Sector 1C is 38-km spur line connecting the Port of Sohar to Sector 1A. 

Oman Rail is also planning to develop a number of railway facilities including stations, freight yards, wayside maintenance bases, and maintenance depots. A further 8-km of track will be constructed to connect junctions at Sector 1A to 1B and 1C, reports Oman Observer. 

Andre Toet, the CEO of Sohar Port & Freezone says that the development of the Oman railway will have a major impact on the growth of Sohar Port. 

“The GCC rail network will be a real game changer in logistics, where Oman could benefit greatly and we’re very happy that we’ll be in the first stretch from Sohar to Al Ain and then from Al Ain to Abu Dhabi,” he told Maritime & Ports Middle East. 

“That really could boost the growth of the port by pushing cargo upwards. The rail link will have the greatest impact on container traffic, the ro-ro business and dry bulk – metals like iron ore pellets,” he added.




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