짐바브웨 스타 사자 ‘세실’의 비극 Isn't it nice to put four arrows into an animal charging like that?': Shocking footage shows how Cecil the lion would have been killed by the bow hunting dentist (VIDEO)

Isn't it nice to put four arrows into an animal charging like that?': Shocking footage shows how Cecil the lion would have been killed by the bow hunting dentist 

American dentist Walter Palmer shot Zimbabwe's favourite lion with bow and arrow

He ran, bleeding from his hunters for 40 hours until, tired he was cornered and shot dead  

Bowhunters like Dr Palmer like to pose for ghoulish photos of themselves with their 'trophies' and post footage of the hunts online  

A shocking video shows an American hunter, armed with high-tech bow and arrow, kill lioness

They stalk the frightened animal before hunter shoots her with four arrows 


미끼로 국립공원 밖으로 유인

미국 치과의사가 잔인하게 살해

짐바브웨, 밀렵 혐의 고소 추진

당당한 모습의 우두머리로 인기 

아프리카 짐바브웨의 명물 수사자인 ‘세실’이 미국인 치과의사 등에 살해되면서 잔인한 밀렵에 대한 논란이 커지고 있다. 

미국 미네소타주에 사는 치과의사 워터 제임스 파머는 28일 성명을 발표해 “짐바브웨에서 매우 유명한 사자를 사냥했고, 이를 후회하고 있지만 그 사냥에 위법은 없었다“고 주장했다고 <시엔엔>(CNN) 방송 등 외신들이 전했다. 이에 대해 짐바브웨 동물보호태스크포스는 파머가 세실을 죽인 사냥꾼이라며 그를 밀렵 혐의로 고소할 것이라고 밝혔다.

13살 된 수사자 세실은 짐바브웨 황게국립공원에서 인기 높은 스타였다. 그는 무심한 눈빛에 당당하고 권위가 넘치는 우두머리 사자였다. 영국 옥스퍼드대학 연구진은 세실에게 위치추적기를 부착해 그와 무리를 연구하고 있었다. 세실은 지난 1일 피살된 것으로 추정되지만, 사체는 며칠 지나 발견됐다.

태스크포스는 파머와 사냥꾼들이 야간사냥을 하면서 발견한 세실을 국립공원 밖으로 유인하기 위해 차에 죽은 동물을 매달아 미끼로 사용했다고 밝혔다. 국립공원 밖 500m 지점에서 파머는 세실에 석궁을 쏴 맞혔지만 바로 죽이지는 못했다. 석궁을 맞은 채 고통 속에 배회하던 세실은 40여시간 만에 사냥꾼들의 총을 맞고 숨졌다. 파머 일행은 세실의 머리를 자르고 껍질까지 벗겼다. 밀렵꾼들은 잡은 사냥감의 머리를 잘라 박제로 만드는데, 세실의 머리는 아직 발견되지 않았다.

미국으로 간 파머는 “합법적 사냥을 위해 적절한 허가증을 취득했으며 전문가이드에 의존했고, 사냥이 끝난 뒤에야 이 사자가 유명한 사자임을 알게 됐다”고 주장하고 있다. 그는 이 사냥에 5만달러를 지불한 것으로 알려졌다. 그는 2008년 위스콘신주에서 흑곰을 밀렵하다가 적발된 적도 있다. 분노한 누리꾼들이 파머의 페이스북에 항의글을 남기자 그는 페이스북을 폐쇄했다.

한 세기 전만 해도 아프리카에는 약 20만마리의 사자가 살고 있었지만 밀렵 등의 표적이 되면서 현재는 3만마리도 남지 않았다. 세실의 새끼 사자 6마리도 위태롭다. 무리의 새로운 우두머리가 될 수사자가 물어죽일 가능성이 높기 때문이다. 

한겨레 박영률 기자 ylpak@hani.co.kr 


Cecil the lion suffered a slow and painful death in which he was coaxed out of the safe confines of the national park with a piece of meat.

He was then shot in the dark with a bow and arrow almost certainly fired by Minnesota dentist Dr Walter Palmer. 

Bleeding and injured, he outran his hunters for 40 hours before, fatigued, hungry and cornered he was shot dead by a professional hunter before he was skinned and had his head cut off.  

Shocking videos show how bow hunters stalk their prey with the help of armed guides and shoot them with an arrow - in a 'full metal jacket - and share the sickening footage online.

One such video - filmed over the shoulder of an American hunter - shows him creeping to within a few metres of an African lioness before raising a hightech bow to his chin, drawing the bow and firing a razor-sharp arrow into her neck.

The hunter, known only as Matt, peers down the length of the arrow at the beast staring back at him, someone whispers: 'If you get the shot, shoot it.'

It emerged as Dr Palmer became the most hated man on the internet and people staged protests outside his dentist surgery in Minnesota.

Dr Palmer - who paid £35,000 to hunt Cecil - has insisted he did nothing wrong because he purchased the correct permits.

In Zimbabwe professional hunter Theo Bronkhorst and Honest Ndlovu, a farm owner appeared in court yesterday accused of not having the correct permits and face up to ten years in jail and a fine.

They are accused of coaxing Cecil out of his home in the Hwange national park and shooting him in the dark, which is illegal under the terms of the hunting permit. 

Scroll down for video 

'Shoot it': A shocking video found online shows a bowhunter stalking an African lioness before shooting her in the neck

'Shoot it': A shocking video found online shows a bowhunter stalking an African lioness before shooting her in the neck

Final blow: As the lioness lies motionless from the three razor-sharp arrows that have already been unleashed into her body, the hunter, named Matt, fires another one into her

Final blow: As the lioness lies motionless from the three razor-sharp arrows that have already been unleashed into her body, the hunter, named Matt, fires another one into her

The sickening video posted online starts with the lioness - unused to being the prey - looking intently at the hunter and lower her body as if she were about to pounce. But the man with the bow and arrow hiding in the bushes cannot get a clear shot of her.

The footage, which was uploaded in 2011, shows Matt, another man armed with a rifle and two professional guides, moving around the bush to get an unobstructed view.

His first arrow grazes the lioness, who growls angrily - mouth opened to reveal her massive white incisors.

The hunter breathes and grunts heavily before taking the second shot, which strikes her on the front of her right leg and sends her into a mad frenzy. 

'Holy s**t, shoot her,' a man calls out in an American accent as a faint outline of her camouflaged body darts through the bushes.

Once the furious lioness comes back into view, crouched into attack position, a calm South African voice instructs Matt to his next move.

He says: 'Come, come, take it again... Right her on my side, [Shoot her] right on the left side of the neck.'

The hunter takes a second shot and the heavy growling which overpowered the footage falls silent as she falls onto her side - blood oozing out of where the first arrow struck. 

Trouble: The footage of a bowhunt in progress emerges as Walter Palmer (left), the man who shot a beloved lion called Cecil in Zimbabwe (not pictured), faces prosecution back home in the United States

Trouble: The footage of a bowhunt in progress emerges as Walter Palmer (left), the man who shot a beloved lion called Cecil in Zimbabwe (not pictured), faces prosecution back home in the United States


'Good shot, good shot,' the South African says as the camera zooms out to show her relieved, sweaty killer. He is flanked by the man with the rifle who still has the gun pointed at the lioness.

Matt nervously loads another arrow into the bow and approaches the lioness who lies motionless on her side but appears to be breathing heavily.

He shoots another arrow into her stomach before he is congratulated by the rifle-wielding guide who takes Matt's bow and hands him a gun like his instead.

He is about to shoot the fallen lioness when a voice intervenes: 'Give her a minute and kill her with the bow.'

'Are you happy?' one guide asks Matt, to which he replies, 'Yeah.'

As the hunter laughs, the guide continues: 'Isn't it nice to put four arrows into an animal charging like that? That was a very exciting hunt.'

Matt cannot contain his laughing as he holds out his hand which is shaking heavily. He thanks the men right at the end of the four minute-long video. 

The comments underneath the video are mixed, with some like Alan Wilke describing it as an 'awesome hunt'.

He continues: 'If it were not for sport hunting, these animals would have all been wiped out by poachers.'

But the video made others furious. An unnamed commenter wrote: 'If i would see you I would hunt you... Damn how can you be such a p***y and shoot down a royal animal like that... F**k you.' 

Family: Heartbreaking footage showed Cecil (right) the lion happily playing with his pride before he was killed with a bow and arrow

Family: Heartbreaking footage showed Cecil (right) the lion happily playing with his pride before he was killed with a bow and arrow


Big game hunters like the one in the video tend to use expensive, specialist bows. In another video hunter Ricky Valdez is believed to use a PSE Compound bow.

PSE's most expensive bow, called Dominator Max, costs over £800 and propels an arrow at up to 323ft in a second.

PSE Archery's description of the weapon reads: 'PSE knows that tournament archers want to do more than just win... You want to dominate! 

'Designed on a shoot-through riser with X-Technology, it's got the pinpoint precision, stability and vibration control you need to be a champion.'

PSE also sells Carbon Force Black Mamba arrows, which the company claims is 'the perfect big game arrow'.

At just over £80 each, an arrow is equipped with something a QuietCoat 'which allows the arrow to slide over virtually any type of rest with very little noise. It also makes removing the arrows from the target much easier.

A different bowhunting video filmed on a mobile phone shows a man placing a heavy metal-ripped arrow known as a Full Metal Jacket in a powerful, high-tech bow before firing at a nearby lion.

Another one, compiled by investigators, shows a group of five men shooting down a male lion in a barrage of bullet fire.




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