전체가 한폭의 그림인 멕시코 팔미타스 마을 209 Hillside Homes Painted in Swirling Colors Makes a Positive Impact in Mexico

209 Hillside Homes Painted in Swirling Colors Makes a Positive Impact in Mexico

멕시코 파추카의 팔미타스 지역은 최근 Germen Crew라는 청년회에 의해 생기 넘치는 벽화로 

가득찬 마을로 변모했다.

이 사업은 멕시코 정부의 지원 아래 2만m2에 달하는 면적의 209가구의 집들에 도색작업을 했는데 

밝은 색들을 사용해 집들을 캔버스 삼아 마을 전체를 마치 한폭의 그림처럼 작업을 했다.

작업 순서는 일단 마을 전체를 흰색으로 바탕화한 후 그 위에 색을 입혔다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Sara Barnes 

The Palmitas district in Pachuca, Mexico was recently beautified with a vibrant mural by a youth organization known as Germen Crew. Joining forces with the Mexican government, the massive project encompassed 20 thousand square meters and painted the surfaces of over 209 houses. The ambitious street art utilizes bright, marbled colors to visually connect all of the buildings as they lead up a hillside — it’s instantly eye-catching.

In addition to making the neighborhood a more dazzling place, the project was also a tool for social transformation. Jobs were created in order to complete the creative endeavor, and 452 families benefited from the exterior painting. And perhaps best of all, the community was directly involved in making the fantastic mural happen. Germen Crew got to know the residents, planned workshops, and talked with them about the colors they’d like on their house. The result is a powerful work of art that the citizens can take ownership in, creating a positive energy around Palmitas.

Germen Crew: Instagram | Facebook | Planisferio
via [Street Art News]

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