北, "아프리카서 동상 건립 1억 6천만달러 수주 These gargantuan North Korean statues can be found all over Africa

Botswana's Three Dikgosi Monument, built by the North Korean firm Mansudae in 2005.

(CC/US Army Africa) 2005년 북한에 의해 건립된 아프리카 보츠와나의 '세 부족장(Dikgosi)'의 동상

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케이콘텐츠 편집


  북한의 만수창작사가 최근 몇 년 동안 아프리카의 여러 나라에서 대형 동상 등 건축물을 수주해 건립하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다 

자유아시아방송에 따르면 미국의 인터넷 언론 '쿼츠'는 23일 "최근 몇 년 동안 북한의 만수대창작사는 해외사업부를 앞세워 아프리카에서 대형 건축물을 건립해오고 있다"고 보도했다.

많이 본 기사'딜리트' 키 눌러 지웠다고? 전문가들도 "황당하다"속옷 노출 영상 버젓이…'직캠' 열풍의 명과 암홍준표, 안상수 향해 "일개 창원시장이!"… 왜 또?野 "국정원, 해킹 성공한 국내 IP 3개 발견"천일염은 정말 좋은 소금일까?

이 매체는 "북한의 만수대 창작사가 아프리카의 나미비아의 의뢰를 받아 6천만 달러 규모의 동상을 제작했으며, 짐바브웨도 지난해 북한의 만수창작사와 500만달러 규모의 동상 제약 계약을 했다"고 전했다. 

이 매체는 "북한이 아프리카에 건립한 대형 동상 중 가장 유명한 것은 2010년 세네갈에 제작한 '아프리카 르네상스'라는 대형 기념동상으로 높이가 무려 49미터나 된다"고 소개했다. 

특히 "세네갈의 '아프리카 르네상스' 건축 비용은 총 2천 700만달러로 알려졌으나 세네갈은 이 비용을 다 지불하지 못해 대신 국가 소유의 땅으로 지불하기로 한 것으로 알려졌다"고 설명했다. 

북한은 이 외에도 보스와나, 앙골라, 베닌, 에티오피아 등 아프리카 국가들에서 많은 조형물과 동상을 제작해 현재까지 아프리카에 1억6천만 달러 규모의 건축물을 수주한 것으로 알려졌다. 

CBS노컷뉴스 안윤석 대기자

These gargantuan North Korean statues can be found all over Africa

North Korea, a country known for its secrecy, isn’t particularly subtle when it comes to public art.

From lavish political murals to towering Soviet-realist statues, North Korea’s government-run Mansudae Art Studio produces exuberant pro-government propaganda for show at home and abroad. While there are few countries in the world willing to host to works of art produced in the Hermit Kingdom, some Mansudae-made statues have found homes overseas. In recent years, the studio’s international division, Mansudae Overseas Projects, has created several massive works of nationalist art at the request of foreign governments—almost exclusively on the African continent. (You too can purchase your own North Korean objet d’art, price on request, from Mansudae’s website.)

Namibia’s government granted Mansudae a $60 million contract to build “Heroes’ Acre,” a roughly three-kilometer (roughly 2 mile) war memorial in the capital city of Windhoek. It features a statue of an unknown soldier, which is reportedly the spitting image of former president Sam Nujoma, and was completed in 2002.


Mansudae was also contracted to construct Namibia’s New State House, completed in 2008.

(CC/Christian Trede)

In Benin, Mansudae built a statue memorializing the eleventh king of Dahomey, Béhanzin, who led the indigenous resistance efforts against French colonization in the 1890s.

(CC/Dominik Schwarz)

In Botswana, there’s the Three Dikgosi Monument, also known as the Three Chiefs. Cast entirely in bronze, it features Khama III of Bangwato, Sebele I of Bakwena, and Bathoen I of Bangwaketse—three tribal leaders who played instrumental roles in Botswana’s independence from the British Empire. It was built in 2005.


In the West African country of Senegal, Mansudae built arguably its most famous overseas work: the African Renaissance Monument; a colossal structure of bronze standing at a height of 49 meters (about 160 feet).

It was unveiled in April 2010, in the presence of 19 African heads of state—including the presidents of Malawi, the African Union, the African Union Commission, Benin, Cape Verde, the Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, the Gambia, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, and Zimbabwe—former US congressional representative Jesse Jackson, Senegalese-American R&B artist Akon, and envoys from North Korea. The ceremony commemorated the 50th anniversary of Senegal’s independence from France.

(CC/S. Breitinger)

The statue in Dakar has proven to be somewhat problematic for locals. For one, Abdoulaye Wade, who commissioned the work during his tenure as president of Senegal, was reportedly billed $27 million. Unable to pay the DPRK in cash, he is said to have compensatedPyongyang in deeds to state-owned land.

Furthermore, once the statue was unveiled, Wade reportedly claimed that Senegal’s intellectual property laws entitled him to 35% of tourism revenue from the monument. “The statue’s depiction of a near-naked man holding a woman with an exposed breast also caused consternation among the 92% Muslim population,” Atlas Obscura reports.

Mansudae also built a statue of assassinated Congolese president Laurent-Désiré Kabila, and contributed to the construction of Angola’s Agostinho Neto Cultural Center in Luanda.

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