7살 엘리자베스 여왕이 '나찌 경례? Was THAT Nazi salute filmed by the Queen's own father? Palace says future George VI 'highly likely' to have shot images as it launches probe to establish whether leak was 'criminal activity'(VIDEO)

Was THAT Nazi salute filmed by the Queen's own father? Palace says future George VI 'highly likely' to have shot images as it launches probe to establish whether leak was 'criminal activity'

Video from 1933 appears to show then-seven-year-old Queen Elizabeth giving a Nazi salute 

Source fear the 20-second video may have been copied or stolen by member of staff at Royal archive 

'Highly likely' that film was shot by Queen's father, a senior Palace source said 

The Palace is unaware of exactly where the clip came from, saying: 'Nobody is familiar with this footage'

엘리자베스 2세 영국 여왕의 7살 어린 나이에 나치식 경례 동영상이 공개돼 파문이 일고 있다.

왕실은 철모른 행동이었다고 해명했지만, 동영상에서는 경례 방법을 가르치는 모습이어서 논란이 더 커지고 있다.

동영상 속에는 

엘리자베스 여왕의 여동생인 마거릿 공주와 삼촌인 에드워드 8세가 나치 경례를 하는 모습도 함께 보여주고 있다.

에드워드 왕자는 나찌 옹호자로 알려져 구설에 오르기도 했다.

1933년, 스코틀랜드 왕실 별궁에서 촬영된 이 영상이 공개되자 영국 왕실은  당혹해 하고 있다.  

이 20초 짜리 동영상은 영국 일간지 더 선이 공개했는데  왕실은 왕실도서관 직원에 의해 복사됐거나 도난당한 것으로 추측하고 있다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


Buckingham Palace is urgently trying to establish whether 'criminal activity' was involved in the leaking of images of the Queen giving a Nazi salute as a child.

Courtiers began a huge security operation yesterday as it emerged that the man behind the camera was almost certainly the Queen's father, the future King George VI.

Sources said there were fears the 20-second cine film dating from 1933 may have been copied or stolen by a member of staff at a Royal archive then sold to a newspaper.

Palace lawyers will also try to decide whether there are separate grounds for legal action over possible breach of copyright.

'It is highly likely the film was shot by the Queen's father – therefore there is no question of where copyright lies,' a senior Palace courtier told The Mail on Sunday.


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