아티스트 'Gretchen Röehrs'의 과일 패션그림 Fashion Illustrations Utilize Colorful Food Items for a Finishing Touch

아티스트 'Gretchen Röehrs'는 다양한 색의 음식재료로 

장난스러운 그림 패션그림을 만든다.

밑그림에 바나나나 딸기를 그저 올려 놓은 것이다.

Posted by Anna Gragert

Artist Gretchen Röehrs completes her playful fashion illustrations by utilizing colorful food items, as a finishing touch. From a rustic slice of bread to leafy greens, Röehrs has the ability to transform these edibles into pieces that are reminiscent of structured, flowing, and shapely articles of clothing.

In each illustration, the foods are manipulated so that they mirror the human body's many curves and angles. The twisted banana, deep red cherries, layered artichoke, and other provisions add a naturalistic texture to the sketches. This allows them to come to life, especially when Röehrs's characters appear to be out and about in a chic metropolis. The creative drawings give a whole new perspective of food that is all at once playful and artistic.

Gretchen Röehrs: Instagram 
via [Design Taxi]

edited by kcontents 

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