일본 컨소시엄, 9억4천6백만불 규모 태국 레드라인 철도 프로젝트 수주 Japanese consortium nabs major Thai railway deal

철도 차량 및 신호 설비 등 운영시스템

A Japanese consortium has secured an order to equip a Thai railway linking Bangkok and nearby suburbs. 

[관련기사]Related Article

Thailand approves Jica loan for SRT Red Line 


edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

 3개사로 구성된 일본 컨소시엄이 9억4천6백만불 규모의 태국의 레드라인 철도 프로젝트 차량 및신호시스템을 수주했다.

방콕에서 교외를 연결하는 아시아 최대의 철도 프로젝트는 일본의 민관 공조를 통해 결실을 맺은 일본 철도기술 수출 전략의 일환이다. 

일본 무역사무소 스미모토가 관리감독을 히타치는 130량의 철도 차량을 공급하게 되며 미쓰비시 중공업은 13개 정거장 40km 구간의 레드라인의 신호 시스템과  변전 설비를 구축할 예정이다.

레드라인은 북측 고가구간 서측 구간으로 구성되어 있으며 본공사가 끝나는 2019년 4월에 착수할 예정이다.

일본 정부는 레드라인 북측구간의 건설에 24억불의 차관을 제공하게 되며 친환경 공사로 규정하여 차관 이자도 0.4%의 저리의 예외적 적용을 할 예정이다

한편 다른 일본의 컨소시엄인 마루베니, 도시바, JR East는 2016년에 개통할 360억 원 규모의 태국 철도프로젝트의 차량과 신호시스템을 수주한 바 있다.

The construction of the Red Line is underway near Pradiphat intersection south of the 

Bang Sue station in Bangkok on Tuesday. (Photo by Wichan Charoenkiartpaku

SRT Dark Red line (Bangsue - Rangsit)  구간은 중국 건설사가 시공 중에 있다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Japanese consortium nabs major Thai railway deal 

TAMAKI KYOZUKA, Nikkei staff writer

July 3, 2015 9:55 am JST

 BANGKOK -- Three Japanese companies secured an order worth over 32 billion baht ($946 million) to equip a railway linking Bangkok with nearby suburbs, Thai Transport Minister Prajin Juntong told The Nikkei on Thursday.

The deal, among the largest Asian urban rail orders involving Japanese companies, comes as Japan works to export its know-how in railway operations through a joint effort by the government and private sector.

Japanese trading house Sumitomo will oversee the project. Hitachi will supply about 130 train cars and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will provide signal systems and transformer facilities for the Red Line spanning about 40km with 13 stations.

A section of the elevated rail line leads to the north and the other to the west of Bangkok. Construction has begun, with service expected to start in April 2019.

The State Railway of Thailand, the project organizer, will hold a board meeting Tuesday to formalize the order for the consortium. The parties will sign a contract after approval by the Thai cabinet.

The Japanese government will provide loans of over 300 billion yen ($2.4 billion) for construction of the northbound track. Japan has categorized the project as an environmental item designed to ease chronic traffic congestion and air pollution. The category allows an exceptionally low interest rate of 0.4%.

Thailand, with its fast-growing economy, now can raise funds more cheaply through sovereign bonds than via regular yen loans, and the country has been relying less on Japanese official development assistance. For this rail project, Thailand decided to accept the yen loan only after Japan applied the low interest rate.

Japan and Thailand have held talks on the project since last year. The two struck the deal ahead of Saturday's opening in Tokyo of a summit between leaders of Japan and countries along the Mekong River.

 Another Japanese consortium consisting of Marubeni, Toshiba and rail operator JR East has signed a contract thought to be worth about 40 billion yen to supply cars and signal systems to a new Thai subway expected to open as early as 2016.

Thailand has seen a series of railway construction or extension projects in recent years. In May, Japan and Thailand signed a deal to introduce a shinkansen bullet train line linking the Thai capital to the northern city of Chiang Mai.


edited by kcontents 

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