세계 최초의 지하 공원 뉴욕의 로우라인 (lowline) NYC’s Lowline to Turn Forgotten Trolley Tunnel into World’s First Underground Park(VIDEO)

성장하는 복잡한 도심 지하에 어떡게 하면 친환경 공간을 조성할 수 있을까?

아마도 모든 나라의 숙제일 것이다.

뉴욕시가 여기에 대한 해결책을 제시했다.

로우라인(Lowline)이라는 지하공원을 세계 최초로 조성하기로 한 것이다.

태양광 에너지원을 사용해 1949년 이후 사용이 중지된 트롤로 터미널을 지하공원화 하는 것이다.

살아 있는 식물과 나무들을 심어 아름다운 대중공원으로 거듭나려 한다.

이 아이디어는 기존의 인기가 많은 지상 위의 하이라인(High Line) 파크와 유사한 개념이다. 

철도 궤도 등을 다른 목적에 맞게 활용하는 방식이 그것이다.

Newyork Highline Park 뉴욕하이라인파크 허드슨강이 보인다.
출처 친환경 소비연구소 블로그

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Sara Barnes


How do we add green space to our ever-growing cities? That’s one of the questions that the New York City Lowline is trying to answer, as the world's first underground park. Using solar technology, they want to transform a historic trolley terminal - untouched since 1948 - into a beautiful public gathering area that's complete with live plants and trees. It’s conceptually similar to the city’s popular High Line, which also repurposed railroad tracks and turned them into a park. As the name might suggest, the High Line is elevated.

To illuminate the underground space, Lowline plans to collect sunlight on the surrounding rooftops and use efficient mirrors to reflect the light down to street-level. The collection will then be directed underground via a series of tubes. Lowline anticipates a lot of sunlight accumulation, so there’ll be many different types of plant species living underground in the middle of a crowded Manhattan.

Since we first wrote about the Lowline in 2011, they’ve taken strides towards making the project a reality. There was a 2012 Imagining the Lowline exhibit, which installed a solar collection system in a warehouse and gave people an idea of how the space would look and feel. Additionally, the Lowline team conducted more technology research, set up as a non-profit organization, and started the Young Designers Program to get local kids excited about science and technology.

Now, the organization is making another push for more funding using Kickstarter. Their next endeavor is the construction of a Lowline Lab. It’s a long-term solar device laboratory and public exhibition that'll test and display their technology and vision. In it, they hope to create a dynamic prototype for the future Lowline.

At the time of writing, the crowdfunding campaign has six days to go and not yet met its goal. There’s still time to donate and score Lowline-themed rewards, including adopting a plant at their Lab.

Imagining the Lowline Exhibition in 2012

Imagining the Lowline Exhibition in 2012

Imagining the Lowline Exhibition in 2012

Imagining the Lowline Exhibition in 2012

Rendering of the Lowline Lab

Rendering of the Lowline Lab

Abandoned Terminal in 2013

Lowline: Website | Kickstarter

edited by kcontents 

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