영국 WSP그룹, BIM호환 PMIS시스템 개발 Revealed: WSP PB's Project Management Info System

Revealed: WSP PB's Project Management Info System

A sample of what WSP PB's PMIS data looks like. (Image courtesy: www.twitter.com/wsp_pb_ME)

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


WSP PB tells Construction Week about its BIM-compatible Project Management Information 

System (PMIS), which it develops through its in-house capacities, to manage project downtime

영국의 WSP그룹은 최근 BIM호환 가능한 새로운 PMIS시스템을 개발했다고 

컨스럭션온라인지가 보도했다.

WSP그룹은 파슨스브링커호프의 대주주이며 현재 뉴욕의 '세븐 월드 트레이드 

센터공사'를 감리하고 있다.

edited by kcontents 

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