절벽 끝 막다른 길에 생사의 귀로에 놓인 양들 Onlookers watch in horror as out-of-control dog forces a sheep over the edge of a 70ft cliff onto rocks below

Onlookers watch in horror as out-of-control dog forces a sheep over the edge of a 70ft cliff onto rocks below

Rampaging canine penned two sheep back towards the cliff at Seven Sisters Country Park in Seaford, East Sussex

Onlookers watched as one of the sheep got too close to the edge of the cliff 3pm Saturday and fell onto the rocks

The dog then went after the other trapped animal but it managed to slip past him before the dog was finally collared

강아지의 맹추격?에 절벽 끝에서 막다른 길에 생사의 귀로에 놓인 양들

구경꾼들은 양 한마리가 사라미 접근하기 어려운  높이 20m 절벽 끝에서 

떨어지는 것을 바라만 봐야 했다.

한 농장에서 나온 양 두마리를 양치기 개가 몰려 하다 그만 절벽 끝까지 

간 것이다.

잉글랜드 남동부의 이스트 서섹스  씨포드 세븐시스터즈 공원에서 벌어젼 

영화의 한장면 같은 내용이다.

양치기 개와 양 한마리는 무사 귀환했다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


This is the shocking moment an out-of-control dog forced a sheep to plummet 70 feet over a cliff edge to its death.

The rampaging canine penned two sheep back towards the cliff at Seven Sisters Country Park in Seaford, East Sussex, shortly after 3pm on Saturday.

Horrified onlookers watched in terror as one of the sheep got too close to the edge of the cliff while backing away from the dog and fell onto the rocks below and died.

Horrific: The dog forces the two sheep right up to the edge of the cliff in Seven Sisters Country Park in Seaford, East Sussex

Horrific: The dog forces the two sheep right up to the edge of the cliff in Seven Sisters Country Park in Seaford, East Sussex

The rampaging canine pinned one of the sheep right up to the edge of the cliff
The animal then lost its footing and plummeted 70ft to its death

Death fall: The rampaging canine pinned one of the sheep right up to the edge of the cliff (left), before it lost its footing and plummeted 70ft to its death (right)

Shocking: Horrified onlookers could do nothing as the out-of-control dog chased down the terrified sheep on the steep and unstable approach to the cliff edge

Shocking: Horrified onlookers could do nothing as the out-of-control dog chased down the terrified sheep on the steep and unstable approach to the cliff edge

The dog immediately turned his attention to the other trapped animal but the sheep managed to outfox him and free itself before the dog's owners managed to collar him and whisk him away.

Photographer Eddie Nolan captured the terrifying incident while out walking at the park.

Eddie said: 'I was just walking along the Seven Sisters with my camera taking a few photos when I came across the dog attacking the sheep - it had already started when I got there.

'The sheep was against the cliff face and just lost its footing on the loose ground and went over the edge.

'It was a really shocking moment when it went over and everyone there looked pretty shaken by it.

'The dog just moved on to the other sheep while its owners screamed and shouted at him.

'It was only when the sheep managed to get around the dog that they managed to get a leash on it.'

The pictures were later shared more than 6,500 times on Facebook after farmer Zoe Stanisstreet shared them and urged dog owners to tackle the issue of sheep worrying. 

Racing away: The black dog bolts down the steep slope in hot pursuit of the two sheep. Photographer Eddie Nolan captured the terrifying incident while out walking at the park in East Sussex

Racing away: The black dog bolts down the steep slope in hot pursuit of the two sheep. Photographer Eddie Nolan captured the terrifying incident while out walking at the park in East Sussex

In his sights: The two sheep had nowhere to go as the dog closed in. Once one of the sheep had fatally fallen off the cliff edge, the dog turned its attention to the other one

In his sights: The two sheep had nowhere to go as the dog closed in. Once one of the sheep had fatally fallen off the cliff edge, the dog turned its attention to the other one

Terrifying: The dog's owners 'screamed and shouted at him' to try and stop him going for the other sheep after killing the first

Terrifying: The dog's owners 'screamed and shouted at him' to try and stop him going for the other sheep after killing the first

Nightmare: The pictures were later shared more than 6,500 times on Facebook after farmer Zoe Stanisstreet shared them and urged dog owners to tackle the issue of sheep worrying

Nightmare: The pictures were later shared more than 6,500 times on Facebook after farmer 

Zoe Stanisstreet shared them and urged dog owners to tackle the issue of sheep worrying

Zoe posted: 'This dog chased two lambs resulting in one being forced off the cliff.

'Not only is this a huge loss but both these lambs would of experienced a great deal of stress and panic. Many tourists were present during this horrific ordeal.

'Sheep worrying is a growing problem for farmers not only in the south east but across the country and is a criminal offence, please help us name and shame this irresponsible dog owner by sharing this post.

'If you know this person please get in touch with us or contact the police.'

Sussex Police were informed of the incident on Sunday morning and have launched an investigation.

A spokesman for Sussex police said: 'At 9.40pm on Sunday (21 June) we received a call from a member of the public reporting that another person had told him that a dog had chased a lamb off cliffs at Seven Sisters Country Park.

'Officers will investigate to see what dog worrying offences may have been committed under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953.' 




