일본 인간형 로봇, 판매 1분 만에 매진 Pepper first emotional humanoid robot to be sold in Japan for $1,600(VIDEO)

손정의 소프트뱅크 회장이 18일 일본 도쿄에서 열린 인간형 로봇 '페퍼(Pepper)' 발표회에서 로봇 

페퍼를 소개하고 있다. (사진=AP, 뉴시스)

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케이콘텐츠 편집

  조인트 벤처인 일본 소프트뱅크, 중국 알리바바와 폭스콘테크놀러지는 인간에 가까운 감성 로봇인 '페퍼'를 전세계에 출시했다.

페퍼는 글을 읽고 감정을 표현할 줄 아는데 상업용으로 제작된 세계 최초의 인간형 로봇이다.

가슴에 테블릿PC 모양의  디스플레이가 달려 있는데 이를 통해 스스로 느낀 감정을 표현한다. 
스마트폰처럼 200개 정도의 어플을 다운받아 다양하게 사용할 수 있다.

우선 사전 예약분 천대를 출시했는데 180만원 정도하는 이 인간형 로봇은 1분만에 그만 동이 

이 로봇 제작에 폭스콘과 알리바바가 각각 20%씩 총 2억3천6백만불을 투자하고 나머지는 는 
소프트뱅크가 60%를 투자해 각종 로봇사업을 펼칠 계획이다.

페퍼는 이번 주에 일본에서 본격적으로 판매될 예정으로 로봇 가격만 19만 8천엔이며 인터넷 
통신비와 보관료로 매월 1만8천원을 추가로 지불해야 한다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Pepper first emotional humanoid robot to be sold in Japan 

for $1,600

SoftBank's human-like robot named 'pepper' (Reuters / Yuya Shino)

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joint venture between Japan’s SoftBank, China’s Alibaba and Foxconn Technology is bringing the emotional human-like robot Pepper to the global market. It’s the first step to make robots available to general consumers for home and work.

Foxconn and Alibaba are each investing $118 million (¥14.5 billion) for a stake of about 20 percent each in the company, with SoftBank holding the remaining 60 percent. 

Pepper is the world's first personal robot and will go on sale in Japan this weekend, with monthly production of about 1,000 units, according to SoftBank. Sales outside Japan will not begin earlier than next year. The 1.2-meter tall robot will sell for $1,600, but there will be additional monthly fees of about $200 to use it, including an insurance package. 

“Robots are going to be as popular as cars,” Alibaba’s founder Jack Ma said in Tokyo on Thursday during his appearance with SoftBank’s CEO Masayoshi Son. “They will be everywhere and I think we all have to get ready for that.” 

Pepper will be the first robot to react to human emotions and even have emotions of its own. He moves on wheels and looks like is wearing an iPad as a pendant. He takes information from his cameras and touch sensors, and his behavior changes based on how this makes him feel. The humanoid robot will be provided with some 200 apps, such as voice recognition though he won’t be able to do dishes or laundry. SoftBank hopes that robot will grow emotionally with its owners and become a family member so they won’t become bored with it. 

“Robots have already surpassed human beings in calculation and memory, but I have no doubt that the time will come when they will surpass in wisdom as well,” Softbank’s head, Japanese billionaire Masayoshi Son said. While Jack Ma added, that the only key challenge was adding “the heart,” which now sets humans apart from machines. 

During the demonstration on Thursday, Pepper who was introduced to the world last year, danced, took photos and seemed to demonstrate different emotions. 

SoftBank also plans to launch several models for enterprises, 'Pepper for Biz,' this autumn. The company wants its robots to serve as baby-sitters, medical workers or even party companions in the future. Robots are already being used at stores including SoftBank's own mobile phone shops. 

Softbank, Alibaba and Foxconn are striving to spread and develop the robotics industry on a worldwide scale as they want to become key players in the sector. 


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