아빠의 시신을 안보이게 하려고...Cradled in his arms, the heartbreaking moment a police officer instinctively distracts little girl by singing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star'(VIDEO)

Cradled in his arms, the heartbreaking moment a police officer instinctively distracts little girl by singing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' while her family is pulled from car crash which killed her dad

Officers were called to Interstate 76 in Brighton, Colorado, on Thursday after family of six crashed

Their SUV's tire burst and car flipped before spiraling out of control - and father died at the wheel

Four children and mother went to hospital, and witness photographed police officer distracting child  

사고 현장에서 한 경찰관이 아빠의 시신을 안보이게 하려고 아이의 

시선을 돌리고 있다.'

18일 미 콜로라도 76번도로에서 처참한 교통사고가 발생했다.

가족이 탄 SUV차량이 타이어가 펑크나면서 뒤집힌 것이다.

아빠는 현장에서 죽었으며 엄마와 세아이는 병원으로 바로 후송됐다.

사진의 이 아이는 사고 가족의 막내다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


The police officer captured in an emotional picture taken at the scene of a deadly car crash in Brighton, Colorado last Thursday says he started singing a nursery song to a 2-year-old girl to distract her as her family was pulled from the wreckage of their crashed SUV.

Officer Nick Struck says he was the third officer at the scene, and was soon handed a toddler to look after as other emergency responders pulled the rest of her family from the vehicle.

Unfortunately, the girl's father did not survive the crash. Ambulances took the child and two of her three siblings to hospital. Her mother and another sibling were airlifted to the emergency room. Nobody in the car was wearing a seatbelt, police confirmed.

Scroll down for video 

Part of the job: An officer holds one of the girls who was in the crash and talks to her as his colleagues work to dismantle the car behind

Part of the job: An officer holds one of the girls who was in the crash and talks to her as his colleagues work to dismantle the car behind

Horrific: Witnesses said the car was driving down Colorado's Interstate 76 in Brighton on Thursday morning when it flipped and rolled

Horrific: Witnesses said the car was driving down Colorado's Interstate 76 in Brighton on Thursday morning when it flipped and rolled


'When you hear that there's children involved, I'll tell you what, everyone that responds to that scene, you get that pit in your stomach,' Officer Struck told 9News.

'The first thing we do when we get on scene is we just try to, if we can comfort anybody, of course we're going to go to the kids.

'So then the role we do is, to keep them safe, what would I want that dad to do if it was my daughter.'

The father of a 2-year-old daughter himself, Struck knew exactly what to do to keep the little girl calm - he started singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.

'I know for my daughter, it's just the attention that someone is there, listening. It's the same for adults, but kids, they take it on a whole other level.

'They'll gravitate to you, and I remember when I was holding her, she was grabbing the back of my arm, which is something my daughter does. Just stroking to the music, "twinkle, twinkle."'

While he was holding the little girl and keeping her away from the heartbreak of her family's crashed car, witness Jessica Matrious took a picture which has now gone viral online.

Matrious told NBC News she was driving along the Interstate 76 when she saw the SUV flip and roll into the grass.

'They took an extreme sharp right turn and just immediately started to roll,' she said.

 'I pulled over, obviously, and started running to the field to see what I could do. 

Tragic: Nobody in the car was wearing a seatbelt. The father was killed at the wheel, while the rest of those in the car are in hospital

Tragic: Nobody in the car was wearing a seatbelt. The father was killed at the wheel, while the rest of those in the car are in hospital


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