중국 광조우 박물관 Guangzhou Museum in China

Guangzhou Museum in China

중국 광조우 박물관

Location: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Design: gmp

Competition Win, Project Commissioned

Guangzhou Museum, Guangzhou Art Museum and Guangzhou Science Museum - Christian Kerez

source http://uk.phaidon.com/agenda/art/articles/2014/october/31/three-new-museums-for-major-south-china-city/

The architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) were awarded 1st prize for their competition entry for the new construction of the Guangzhou City Museum. At the same time, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos (Madrid/Berlin) won the competition for the adjacent Science Museum which, together with the city’s new Art Museum (commissioned a year ago and being designed by Thomas Herzog Architects), will form the central cultural precinct of this third-largest Chinese city. These cultural buildings surround a large parkland area with squares, which lies to the south of the Canton Tower at the Pearl River.

건축가 아르민 게르칸과 지엠피 아키텍첸은 광조우 시립박물관 설계경기에서 1위를 했다.

이와 동시에 스페인 니에토 소베자오 아르퀴텍토스는 인접한 과학박물관 설계경기에서 당선됐다.

넓은 광장과 함께 공원으로 둘러쌓인 이 건축물들은 중국에서 세번째로 큰 도시인 광저우의 주장강 

광저우타워 남쪽의 문화공간으로 자리 잡을 것이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Guangzhou Museum

The design for the Guangzhou Museum includes a reference to the historic Chigang Pagoda, which lies to the north of the building towards the Pearl River. The height of the northern end of the museum will be limited to 18 m, thus respecting the importance of the historic tower building, gradually rising towards the south to a total height of 40 m. This creates a roof terrace facing the Pagoda, which is accessible to the public via external staircases/ramps and, in addition to serving the museum, provides a view to the impressive skyline of the city to the north of the Pearl River.

The increasing height of the building volume can also be perceived inside the museum, which features a central hall with a range of terraced levels. The building, the shape of which has been developed within the urban design context, is characterized by the interaction between linear glazed openings for the entrance area, various commercial functions and restaurants/cafeterias, and opaque parts of the building for the exhibition areas. The calm, horizontal building volume defines the south-western boundary of Lingnan Square, which has been designed as a stage for public life in the city.

Guangzhou Museum – Building Information

Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Stephan Rewolle
Project management – competition Tobias Keyl
Team members – competition Li Zheng, Jing Chen, Yang Li, Dimitri Philippe, Sebastian Linnack, Jing Zhao, Mulyanto, Tianshuo Zhang, Dinah Borjans
Client Administration of Culture, Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Guangzhou Municipalities
GFA above ground 49,727 sqm
GFA below ground 32,080 sqm
Total GFA 81,807 sqm

Guangzhou Museum

The following practices took part in the competitions:

Guangzhou Museum
– Beijing Institute of Architectural Design with Bjarke Ingels Group
– Bernard Tschumi Architects
– Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp)
– Guangzhou Hanhua Architects + Engineers
– Lacaton & Vassal Architects
– Miralles Tagliabue EMBT with CITIC arch Design
– TFP Farrells
– Wilcoter (shanghai) Architecture and Planning Design

Guangzhou Science Museum
– Atelier FCJZ with Shenzhen A+E Design
– Architecture Design and Research Institute of South China University of Technology – MAD Architects
– MLA + B.V. with NorthernLight
– Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos
– Henn GmbH with Guangzhou Design Institute
– Steven Holl Architects
– China Architecture Design & Research Group + Nicolas Grimshaw and Buro Happold

Guangzhou Museum in China images / information from gmp

edited by kcontents

"from past to future"

데일리건설뉴스 construction news

콘페이퍼 conpaper


